神奇的力量,說好話,覺培法師開示,如何改變命運?比秘密法則更厲害的,是什麼法則?說好話,一句「我可以」,開啟人生無限的可能!金光明寺,人間佛教,住持 覺培法師開示 影片/佛光青年 依汎 淯聖

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Understanding the practice of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva Observe causes and conditions, knowing the suffering of sentient beings Rescue and aid in times of distress Being capable of taking on responsibilities and burdens From everyone Anything that happens Is not relying on appearances but understands the law of causes and conditions Knowing why people suffer And face calamities Hear the cries and relieve suffering of people Constantly bearing the burden for sentient beings Come to the temple on weekends Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva would not say that I am sorry today is weekend I'm resting. Please don't disturb me Take on the responsibilities for sentient beings Read a book about how positive language Brings us strength Speaking positively creates your life Talk to yourself and say I can A lot of challenges can be overcome effortlessly I can Tell to yourself when anything happens I cannot Never done before it is impossible Always deny yourself This book discusses numerous experiments Four groups of people the first two groups Use positive language like bright, hope and young To create words and make sentences The next two groups use negative language like depressed Old etc, using these words to make sentences After leaving The first two groups walk briskly The other two groups walk slowly It is discovered that language Gives instructions to the brain Reading this book reminds me of the master When taking refuge in the Triple Gem encourages everyone to say that I am a Buddha But many people lack of courage Said that Venerable, how is it possible? Start to say that I cannot and list out all the reasons Such as bad temper Numerous bad habits A lot of afflictions It is impossible for me to be a Buddha? When you read this book, you realize that Saying I am a Buddha Give instructions to the brain Telling yourself you can Like the compassion appearance of the Buddha When the brain receives instructions I said I am a Buddha yesterday Can I scold someone today After saying I am a Buddha Can you criticize others? It doesn't seem like Buddha, does it? Please promise yourself To be compassionate like Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Can you still glare at others? with the kind eyes look upon all sentient beings Cannot look down at people You should tell yourself And promise to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva I want to be like you Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva rescues people's suffering upon hearing their cries A volunteer cannot come It is okay, do not worry about it I will cover your shift Who got scolded today? Because not doing well and scolded by someone Blamed by family, feeling depressed We should learn from Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Start to use the law of cause and condition You are great in my eyes You learn quickly Using positive language to tell them They will be encouraged and this book stated that The subconsciousness has no subject When you say you are great The subconsciousness does no receive you The word great will go into you mind Telling your brain great And your mood becomes good I think you can do it Every time when see you doing things You learn fast and do it well I have noticed your voice Sounds especially nice See you in the kitchen Must be a gourmet feast Eat happily Offer to the public and believe the Buddha's land Must be the Buddha Land of Fragrance Accumulation Getting enlightenment upon smelling the fragrance in the world of the Fragrant Buddha Land When you speak to him, in his mind Fills with hope Language is so important Language is more powerful than thoughts Having a good thought without saying Saying good words is more important than just having a good thought For an example Thinking and speaking out Thinking about I want coffee in my mind But speak out from my mouth is give me a cup of tea instead It is definitely served by tea The spoken language Generates power of actions Saying I want a cup of tea While your brain is thinking a cup of coffee Even mind is thinking But it will not have greater effect than language One word can be blessing or Bad words curse oneself Do not give yourself pressure Pressure still exists Need to say relax instead And your mind will begin to relax The brain receives the instruction of relaxing Reading book is interesting It tells us The power of speaking kind words Not only bless others And also give instructions to the brain Those people around you Say a few good words Dharma Sister, happy to see you It makes her wanting to go to the Jin Guang Ming Temple People are happy when they see me I want to go again tomorrow Being blessed Can gain the great strength With classmates that day After reading this book It tells us Need to practice Tell yourself I can One of the girls Feels a bit shy Dose not dare to say I can Tell yourself I can Life has limitless possibilities Life is infinitely wide and bright Open your eyes widely Now say that I can Ten people say I can The others will also say I can Their expressions do not seem quite right Tell yourself again Say loudly I can Can I be a Buddha? Is that possible? The voice is too soft, say it loudly Give instructions to the brain I can Can change my shortcomings Tame the habit of scolding others I can Seize the time and deeply enter the Sutra treasury Understand the Buddha's teachings Be wise like the Buddha Learn compassion from Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva See the needs of others Be willing to help them I can give them comfort When others are suffering I can give them kind words, encouragement and support Be willing to become Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Willing to be a benefactor in others' hearts And on the path of their life I can Promise myself I can do Believe in all of you as you go out today suddenly realize a new beginning From human nature that filled with greed, anger, and ignorance in the past Transform to awakened consciousness Slowly become self-awareness Awaken others and complete in awareness Committed to each other being Dharma Friends Fellow practitioners Dharma companions and being classmates Life is a blessing for yourself Give instructions to the brain Write predictions for life The author tells himself He is Japanese A corporate trainer His life has changed The secret law is when intention is not enough Write it down a book of predictions When he graduated and went to work Found that the company had few employees Ready to close down and could not pay the salary Wrote about many clients in the company wrote about product launching A lot of people come Wrote down the words and read it loudly Two years later the company Fulfilled his predictions and found that He could promise himself A classmate shared that Her former boss told her that Your job Could be done by anyone Undermine her confidence, making her think that She has no use Say again I can When she said that I can do it Take off her mask Tell herself I can Try taking off the mask Say I can Saw her eyes and smiling expression Suddenly light up Deeply feel that speaking kind words Speaking kind words is so important The Ten Great Vows of Samantabhadra First, pay homage to all Buddhas Second, praise the Tathagatas It is not saying that the Buddha is great Everyone is future Buddha Think that everyone is future Buddha How can you not learn to praise others? The one next door became a Buddha first Remember to give me a hand Sitting together must be a fate Realize that praising the Tathagatas Is a great practice Because praising others Able to see their good point Know to appreciate the good in others World begins to change Go back and look at the child again Feel wonderful and heartwarming Remember me to eat Perhaps children would not ask you to eat Thinking how good the child is Often do spontaneously and make people feel at ease The child may seem lazy Do not say to them you are lazy Tell the child you still have Room for improvement Filled with infinite hope Has infinite possibilities Take a train and read a book When getting off from the train will see Dad is riding a motorcycle Angry with his son Say that what you talk is rubbish Language given to the child Is strong and forceful negativity The child looks depressed The child thinks that Whatever I say is rubbish. Do not underestimate language The harm that gives to the child Do you know how significant it is? It is hard to erase things happened in the past Using improper language With child or family Say negative words Start thinking about all the positive aspects My daughter needs surgery The child will take seriously When dealing with health More dedicated in reciting the Buddha's name Children, grandchildren and the whole family start To unite and always seek To pave the way For a beautiful and happy life I hope everyone learns and practices In getting rid of our greed, anger and delusion Language and action When you say I am a Buddha You will become more like a Buddha It is impossible to do it all at once But that is okay to take it slowly Always walk on the path of progress Self-aware and awaken others on the path Advancing toward the path of Buddhahood Blessings to all of you Amitabha Buddha
Channel: 金光明寺
Views: 145,438
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Id: IjtrVaFqXlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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