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Part of the tiles on our floor here has puffed up like this. Have they all become hollow? Hello friends, some of the tiles on our floor have puffed up like this. Have you seen any ? The glue has become hollow. If there is a hollow piece here, it will be fine. So it is probably the middle piece, the top, and the bottom pieces are floating. For small projects like this, usually the masters are too lazy to come. So the way we deal with it first is not Use a very formal way of handling it, because the formal way is to dismantle it, knock off a layer, then lay the grout , lay the tiles again, and then fill the joints. Today, I might just use the materials I have on hand to solve it simply by myself. First of all, although it floats, there is still white cement in the seam next to it. We have to remove this sticky place first. Generally, we can use a chisel like this. I have used steel nails before. Knock it off slowly , or you can also use a portable grinder with a tile blade to cut tiles. You can also cut cement like this. Let's try this grinder today and pair it with this blade. It can also cut tiles and cement. The safety is relatively high. Let's try it by the way . We can use a hammer to hammer it a little first. If it is relatively thin, maybe only a little bit on the top will fall off if you tap it lightly . Except for the ones that are knocked like this. You can also use a cutting machine. Let me give it a try. Of course, the efficiency is worse than that of a portable grinder. When operating, you still have to be very careful. If there are spare tiles inside, like this one, they have already cracked, so they are already cracked. After the demolition, he was completely free to share with you friends the method of demolishing tiles. Suppose you want to demolish these 9 tiles. 123 Then 123, suppose you want to demolish these 9 tiles. If they are already very fluffy , and it will appear every time. A tile is completely floating and is not stuck to the ground. In fact, you only need to remove one edge or a line of caulking . Sometimes it will loosen because there are many caulking in the middle and they are not very tight. Solid means filling the surface just a little bit, not filling it very thickly. We don't need to make the tic-tac-toe in the middle. We only need to make the edge of the box around the box, knock it off and let it have room to move. Where are these tiles? It can also spread out. What if half of your tiles are still stuck and the other half floats ? If this happens, you can use a blowtorch to heat the tiles you want to remove with a hot air gun. Okay, maybe the efficiency of the blowtorch will be faster. This is the way to dismantle it. You can see that after I cut it, it will separate and loosen. You can see that the cement is still stuck to it. I used this. The grinding and cutting machine , the Capricorn machine , is the brushless DTM52 that was introduced out of the box before. This grinding and cutting machine vibrates like this, that is, there is a swing amplitude of 3 degrees toward the front. Or 5 degrees. If your blade is straight and 90 degrees forward, the efficiency is the best. If it is tilted like this, I recommend that it be greater than 45 degrees and within 45 degrees. The efficiency is not good for you. Try to go up to 45 degrees , for example, 45 degrees, 50 degrees or almost 60 degrees, the efficiency will be obviously better than this. 45 degrees will be much better after dismantling it , because this surface may still be uneven in some places. It was the same before. There was a place where there were several tiles , and I asked the master. The master told me, just use silicone to glue them. I also used silicone to glue the bottom surface , and I also used silicone gray to fill the gaps in the middle. The silicone filler may be closer to the color of the original cement filler. It has been around for more than 10 years, and nothing has happened. Anyway, I happened to have the opened one on hand this time. If the nail glue is not used up, use nail-free glue to stick it on like this. If you don't want to knock it off, you can level it a little and grind it a little . Don't say that there is a bulge in a certain place. The tiles are uneven when laying like this. In fact, sticky tiles are also sold. The glue is nail-free glue or silicone glue or the kind of glue that sticks to ceramic tiles. It is relatively easy to use and has less thickness. Like this mud mortar, it is thicker. If you don't remove it, you can just lay another layer. This way the paving will be higher than the one next to it. The thing I use is a grinding disc. This is a grinding disc specially used for grinding stone and cement . Because it is really hard and will fall off when grinding the convex places. In addition, it is like The removed tiles will have some cement mud mortar stuck on them. You can use this thing to rub them and rub them off. If they can't be rubbed off, you can tap them lightly with a nail and a hammer . It will fall off and when you put it back, you may not be in the original position, and it may have a corner that is warped like this. You can't see it straight. There is still some caulking cement stuck to the edge of the removed tile. Generally, you can break it off with your hands. You need to clean it up . Then we will glue it on after a while. Except for the bottom side, we have to flatten it slightly. All the edges should be flat and there should be no protrusions. If you are using a cutter, If you do, there will be less of that kind of problem. If your tiles are to be used again after they are removed, I suggest you mark them before removing them . After removing them, put them back in the original position. It is easier to put them back as they were. There will be warping problems like this. We found that the floor here has a very sharp bulge in the middle. I used a ruler to measure the height in the middle and the lower sides . If I glue the tiles back directly, it should be like this in the middle. One piece will be more convex. You can see that this place is quite convex. So we are going to tidy this up a little bit. We plan to use ground stone tiles to match this dust cover. This dust cover can be used for 4 inches and 5 inches. Cover , because when grinding the cement, there will be dust everywhere. I have unboxed this dust cover before. I can stop by and try it today to see how it works. I also connected the dust collector and I think the effect is pretty good . I think the effect is pretty good , at least it won't be dusty everywhere. If someone like me is not a professional and is afraid of the spacing, you can try arranging the tiles first and put the nail in the gap. Inside , I inserted two sticks in one place , then pushed them both up, pushed them up, and then pushed them down here. Oops. It's not much, so you just pick this size , and when we stick it, we hold this nail so that the spacing will be more accurate. I won't say, some are wider, some are narrow , or sorry, etc. Well, let's give this now. Glue the tiles. The one we used today is nail-free glue. I think the glue should be a little thick. If your floor is not very flat, if it is thick, you can squeeze it down. If it is too thin, the tiles will If it is dented, you still have to pick it up and make the glue thicker. Because this is the ground , we should fill it in the middle a little more densely . After that, we can just put it here and prepare two. Then hold an iron nail against it and align the lower edge with the upper edge. It should not run away. If the iron nail falls over, you can hammer it a little and stand it on the ground. This way, the spacing will be better. Check the neatly connected place to see if it is uneven. Or we can take a straight wooden stick and cross it from the left to the right to try it a little to see if the tiles are flat . The tiles here seem to be more convex . So let's use a little force here. It presses it to flatten the glue a little. We have glued it here now , and it will be almost dry after about a day. Now we are going to prepare to fill this gap. Today I am going to use gray neutral silicone. Because the gap of this seam is relatively small, we can flatten the mouth of the glue and try to stuff it into the seam . Now we have filled all the seams. Basically, it is completed like this. Let me share with you how to glue the bottom of the tile. At that time, I used nail-free glue and Silicone nail -free glue. Its fluidity is relatively poor and it dries faster. Silicone's fluidity is better and it dries a little slower. So again, I am not in this field. My specialty is to look around and find the most suitable way for me to handle today's magnetic repair. I will share it here with all my friends. If you like my videos, remember to give me a like and share my videos.
Channel: ACL 阿寶頻道- 居家水電修繕及工具 Abao Channel
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Keywords: ACL, abao Channel, 阿寶頻道, 阿寶, 阿寶無私分享, 居家水電修繕, 電動工具, 磁磚, 瓷磚, 磁磚修補, 瓷磚修補, 地面磁磚, 地面瓷磚, 地面隆起, 地面起翹, 瓷磚隆起, 瓷磚起翹, 磁磚隆起, 磁磚起翹, 磁磚施工, 地磚降起, 地磚, 填縫, 磁磚填縫, 瓷磚填縫, 阿宝频道, 阿宝, 阿宝无私分享, 居家水电修缮, 电动工具, 磁砖, 瓷砖, 磁砖修补, 瓷砖修补, 地面磁砖, 地面瓷砖, 地面起翘, 瓷砖隆起, 瓷砖起翘, 磁砖隆起, 磁砖起翘, 磁砖施工, 地砖降起, 地砖, 填缝, 磁砖填缝, 瓷砖填缝
Id: onEdDW-SaZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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