[班長] 更新!! X3D 安裝、韌體更新重點 系統用誰好? Win 10 及 11 實測比較 | AMD Ryzen™ 9 7950X3D | Intel-13900KS | Win10 Win11
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Channel: 班長
Views: 10,685
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Keywords: 班長, 台灣, Taiwan, 電腦, 硬體, 組裝, 超頻, 藍屏, 原價屋, Pchome, 華碩, ROG, 微星, MSI, 技嘉, GIGABYTE, 酷碼, 全漢, 芝奇, G.SKILL, EXPO, XMP, AMD, 銳龍, 超微, Ryzen, Intel, 英特爾, 酷睿, 13900k, 13900KS, 7950X, 7950X3D, 7900X3D, 7800X3D, Z790, X670E, B760, B650, Extreme, APEX, CPU, R9, i9, DDR5, 記憶體, 硬碟, Gen4, Gen5, M.2, SSD, 電源供應器, ATX 3.0, 顯示卡, GTX, RTX, 4090Ti, 4090, 4080, 4070, 4060, 1300W, 1600W, 當機, Win11, Adobe, GPU, ASUS, NVIDIA, CoolerMaster, ARC, ATX, 3090, Ti, 7900XTX, LGA, 1700, 1718, AM4, AM5, 實測, 測試, hydro, 13th, 7000, 水冷, 溫度, i5, i7, 效能, 顯卡, OC, 24G, ATX3.0, PCIE 5.0, 4070Ti, 4050, 7900XT, Win12, 14900K, 卡, 頂規, 機殼
Id: LYUHt6y71gA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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