獅子、老虎也會呼嚕叫嗎?獸醫回答野生動物問題 Wildlife Vet Answers Wild Animal Questions|名人專業問答|GQ Taiwan
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Channel: GQ Taiwan
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Keywords: animal facts, animal questions, animals tech support, cne-us, elephant facts, elephant memory, giraffe head, gq, gq 動物, gq 獸醫, gq 野生動物, gqtaiwan, tech support, tech support vet, tech support 中文, vet answers questions, wild animals, wildlife, wildlife vet, wildlife veterinarian, will a hippo eat a human, will lion eat cat, will tiger eat cat, wired, wired 中文, 公蛇 母蛇, 動物, 動物冷知識, 名人專業問答, 大型貓科動物, 大象, 大象記憶, 大象鼻子, 河馬吃什麼, 河馬會吃人嗎, 獅子會吃貓嗎, 獵豹叫聲, 獸醫, 獸醫 貓, 獸醫師, 老虎會吃貓嗎, 蛇 公母, 野生動物, 野生動物獸醫, 長頸鹿打架
Id: CjaUtvg0Ht8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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