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Knife Cut Oatmeal Traditional Oatmeal  Quick Cooking Oatmeal  How to choose oatmeal  Do they differ in nutritional value?  I will share with you today  do you eat oatmeal  You are welcome to leave a message to share   if you like this video  Please like and subscribe to the nutritionist mother channel  I upload new videos every Thursday and Saturday  The channel will introduce different healthy foods and 0-3 nutrition  I hope everyone can eat healthy  Nutrition Mama Patreon has opened   There will be healthy recipes, healthy menu  and nutritional information  Please support Nutrition Mama Patreon if you can  Dear friends, everyone  I'm Priscilla, Nutrition Mama  Many people ask what are the different types of oatmeal in the market  Steel Cut Oats  Quick Oats  Instant Oats Instant Oats  how to choose  They all have different shapes  Will there be any difference in nutritional value?  Will it make a difference to our health?  I will share with you today  Oatmeal English is Oats  and oatmeal refers to cooked oatmeal  English is Oatmeal  The cereal you are referring to I will call it Cereal  is a great category for breakfast  There are Hot Cereal and Cold Cereal  Cereals can include other cereals  Such as Wheat, Wheat Bran and Corn Flakes  it's all in the cereal category  Oatmeal is one of a kind  First Introducing Oatmeal  I have introduced several times  To learn more about its benefits  welcome to view this video  See also oat bran  and one on lowering cholesterol  They all mentioned how to use oatmeal to help lower cholesterol  Oatmeal in the market If no other ingredients are added such as salt and sugar   Basically, their nutrition is similar  oatmeal barks after harvest  Whole Grain Oat Groats  It's a grain of oatmeal in its raw state  it will have the hardest part of the oatmeal  Whole oats are used to make different oatmeal  Such as Steel Cut Oats  Knife Cut Oatmeal  Whole oat grains are cut with iron blades  So called Steel Cut Oats  Steel Cut Oats look like whole grain oats  Nutritional value and original state It is also the closest to the original oat grain  No steaming steps have been done in the food factory That's why knife-cut oatmeal takes the longest to cook  Usually fifteen to thirty minutes  But it's in its most pristine state  The next closest thing to whole oatmeal is Old Fashioned Oats   Or called Rolled Oats  Traditional Oatmeal  You can see its appearance  will be the appearance of a piece of oatmeal  is flat and kind  The biggest difference between this and knife-cut oatmeal is  It has been steamed and machine flattened  So the flat shape will appear  Traditional oatmeal takes less time to cook  because it is steamed  But it needs to be cooked  Basically, it takes about ten minutes to cook a bowl  The third is Quick Oats  This shape is finer than Rolled Oats  less cooking time  To Instant Oats will cut it to very fine pieces Convenient for people in a hurry to eat  Just add hot water or hot milk  can be eaten right away  The other is oat bran  Oatmeal is made from raw oatmeal It is composed of the outer layer of oat grains and the ingredients inside  The oat bran is the outer layer of the oat grain  so rich in fiber  Vitamins and Minerals  But oat bran is not the whole grain  It doesn't have what's in whole grain oats  The inner layer of oat grains has carbohydrates and protein  Therefore, oat bran is not easy to make people feel full  The nutritional value of these types of oatmeal is not much different  But their glycemic index  Glycemic Index makes a difference  means when you eat oatmeal  How much and how fast blood sugar will rise  Different oatmeal has an effect  Of course, everyone is encouraged to eat foods with a low glycemic index.  Increased insulin secretion due to sudden rise in blood sugar  May affect the state of the body in the long run  If choosing low GI oatmeal  Choose oatmeal that is closest to its original state  Knife-cut oatmeal is the lowest GI  Instant Oats instant oatmeal is the highest GI  Of course you have to choose according to your own needs  Some people have more time to cook oatmeal  But with friends time is more urgent  In fact, even eating instant oatmeal or instant oatmeal  All healthy breakfast options  The last oatmeal on the market  possible addition of different materials  such as chia or quinoa and seeds  These are nutritious  If you want to eat more oatmeal  Pure oatmeal should be chosen as the basic ingredient Servings should be sufficient  but just want a healthy breakfast  Not trying to lower cholesterol or for no particular reason  I would encourage oatmeal  Add your favorite ingredients  such as different seeds and wheat  Can increase the nutritional value of oatmeal  Everyone can try different things  share here today  If you want to download a superfood healthy menu  Welcome to the link below to download the explanatory text  Thanks for watching, bye
Channel: 營養師媽媽Priscilla
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Keywords: 燕麥片種類 哪種最好, 燕麥片種類, 即食燕麥片, 燕麥 缺點, 大燕麥, 原片燕麥煮法, 傳統燕麥片, 快熟燕麥片升糖指數, 快熟燕麥升糖指數, 桂格大燕麥片功效, 燕麥粒GI值, 燕麥片種類 哪種最好吃, 燕麦, 大燕麥片 減肥, 大燕麥片 食譜, 鋼切燕麥片, 快熟燕麥片, 燕麥片, 燕麦片, simple way to eat oatmeal, 隔夜燕麥, old-fashioned oats, quick oats, rolled oats, 營養師媽媽Priscilla, 註冊營養師, 劉立儀
Id: MVdh--tUrrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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