為什麼我從中國搬到台灣?Why Did I Move From China to Taiwan?

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why did I moved to Taiwan what the hell was I thinking moving to this amazing affordable island somewhere in Asia well let's talk about that a little bit to be honest I have a bit of a confession to make Taiwan was not the first country that I moved to uh-huh if you've been following me for a while on YouTube you know that I live in China for a while and if you haven't considered hitting the subscribe button if you want to see more videos about life in Taiwan helps me out a lot now I get these questions asked a lot like why did you move abroad why did you move till you know China are telling well the reason I moved abroad in the first place is because it was something I wanted to do from a rather early ish age I think because my big sister she's 11 years old than me and when I was in like junior high school or just starting high school she moved to Japan and she would send me like cool magazines and postcards I was like that looks amazing and since then I've always wanted to move abroad and when I was in when I finally graduated from college it was time like I had to go choose a country they don't wanted to live in and I was I thought about going to Japan but it seems I don't know I was looking for something a little bit more adventurous I was in my early 20s I was doing well I had a job at a kindergarten I had a decent car and I was doing okay but I wanted something a little bit I kind of out there and China popped up on my map I started researching a little bit and it looked like something guys wanted to check out and honestly the first year there was it tested my character will say that once I moved from London to Guangdong I still have a ton of fun I met my best friends the reason I have a YouTube see mocking all them and not even at first like for a lot of it China was a ton of fun after 40 years gotta bits I don't know how you would say what less fun Cemal get on a lot of my friends that are moving back to the states where they're from and I fell into a bit of a feeling of depression I think China started to feel a little bit I don't know it's it's honestly I've been thinking about this for a long time how to put into words the feeling the atmosphere that China gives you it's not it's not easy but it feels it just started to feel a bit empty if it's soulless of it like nothing really exists and I honestly felt really depressed I started to not really want to get in a bed and go to work and experience the things that China had to offer you know I'm just I'm not happy anymore here at all I I'm still I still feel I still feel really lucky that I've had the chance to live here and I feel lucky that you know I've had all these opportunities but it's just not I don't know it's not doing it for me anymore you know friend I don't know I was getting a little a bit tired of roughing it right because China still a developing country and although you can you know your apartment lane might be new and nice there's still a lot of that in your day-to-day life that you're gonna have to deal with and I don't know just kind of getting you know starting to get into my mid-20s and I was like I was looking at other places to go and I thought well you know I always wanted to go to Japan let's check that out I did want something that was still offered some sense of adventure and I'm sure there's tons of adventure to have in Japan I did get to visit it was amazing but it didn't have that it was too secure to safe will say how did that sounds ridiculous but it just it didn't really have that kind of that oomph that spice of life that I was kind of looking for and also they speak Japanese and I had already learned a little bit of Chinese and I'm really lazy so I didn't wanna have to go through the trouble of learning a new language and that's when my buddies see Mallick started to talk about Taiwan and I was like Taiwan that's okay cuz it wasn't really ever on my map so to speak and you know that happens to a lot of people affect my one good buddy shellfire fellow youtuber who makes amazing videos about travelling in Taiwan from his van and outdoorsy life not only does he make keeps great YouTube videos he's also really stand-up guy so if you're looking for something a bit different but sort of more outdoorsy stuff in Taiwan go check out his channel is amazing but anyways he was saying that you know years ago he did a bit of backpacking and she never came to Taiwan because no one ever talked about it it's like no knows anything about that place and so he never went and I was kind of going through the same thing because living in China Taiwan yeah you know it doesn't really come up a lot in conversation and when it does so I'm having a yell into my GoPro scooters are really loud it's kind of rush hour right now but when it does come into conversation it's just it's another part of China the Chinese people it's not even a question it wasn't ever something I ever looked at but he started to tell me about how everyone rides scooters as which is true of evidently as you can see behind me how you know it's a lot more so liveability long-term is a lot more here which is great that was definitely something I was looking forward to because it's I would argue that China isn't exactly the best place to spend a ton of time like I wouldn't retire there let's get ready for another giant wave of scooter so ya hear me and it was a sort of researching more and more and I thought it was the perfect place because yes Taiwan is safe it is secure it is you know that the health care here is amazing it's it's it's unbelievable how people be some of the best in Asia it's not the world I started learn about so I want a lot more so to learn about how they've got crystal-clear waters and beaches down in Kenting how there's enormous massive cities like Taipei and then there's also mountains with beautiful rose twisties which was really important for me because I really like to ride that was another thing that drove me away from China if you want to know more reasons why I left China you can click on the top right hand corner of the screen I made a video with that already but you know all my motorcycles and scooters kept getting stolen in China and also I may have gotten a little bit of trouble with the government with my friends for being youtubers in Oregon and forced to leave but whatever a story for another time but I started learning a lot more about Taiwan it just seemed like the perfect fit and so I applied for a job and after four years living in China I moved down here and I was kind of expecting it to be somewhat similar to how it was in China but I'm blown away still to this day how different it is and you know politics aside I keep getting yelled at for being to be political in my videos so I feel I keep that out of it but it is very different and and so I think just there's kind of funnel rocks perience again in Taiwan that I was looking for which is a big reason I came here it's safe its secure it's gorgeous it's beautiful naturally and I think that Taiwan deserves a lot more recognition that it gets right now internationally anyways and it's not I don't think it's a no part in Taiwan's fault I'm sure maybe the tourism work and do a little bit better of a job promoting internationally but maybe they can't again not getting into politics but China plays a big role here also the other thing too is that the people here are amazing I mean one thing I was kind of wary about when I was asking my friends about Taiwan they're trying to tell me about it so I was like what are the people like cuz you know Chinese people are super great they're very fun they're very blunt though they're very they don't have a lot of tact when they talk to you and as fun as they are it does again like I said get tiring and I think that's one of the big things for me was that we've got tiring and you know the only one big thing you'll always hear about Taiwanese people is just how unbelievably friendly are they are it's a number of reasons for that that I'll get into in other videos if you like but let me tell you from firsthand experience they're really friendly especially to foreigners they're so welcoming and and always willing to help out and they understand your position a lot I've said this in in previous videos but a lot of time when these people have traveled abroad or they've gone to broad to study in university and stuff and so they know what it's like to be out of a foreigner now in another country I think that's that's why I moved to Taiwan I don't know if that made a ton of sense I hope it did that was kind of my story a quick summarized story of why I moved here and I don't regret it and again if you want to know if either you see another foreigner youtubers regret moving to Taiwan I've got another video on that click on the top right hand corner of the screen with your mouse button the lip another tab you can watch that later on anyways the sun's going down here I gotta get back home where it is time to check last week's top comments and last week's video was about why foreigners or Western people I'm gonna get hit by car don't wear masks video made it made some really hilarious skits with Alan I encourage you to check that out as well so anyways let's get home in death read em comments shall we okay yes last week's top comment comes from Toulouse Lautrec and says I have been trying to convince people around me to wear a mask and I used the fact that Taiwan has not been hit very hard at all and they still don't have a high count of infection but no one believes me yesterday I went to a Walmart and almost nobody was wearing a mask even some of the clerks were not wearing one there was one customer talking real loud without a mask and I almost told him to shut up because when you talk loud you spit out more viruses but I just did a detour around him yeah it's pretty crazy to hear stories of people who have to live in the states with where the pandemic is obviously a lot more serious and in fact Allen and shelf I just talked about this in a video that they made which you should definitely go check out I thought it was really interesting but yeah I honestly feel so lucky that I live in town one and I don't have to go through situations like that so man I hope everything I really do hope everything works out pretty nice hope you guys enjoyed this week's video if you want to see more I hit the subscribe button it really really really helps me out if you want to follow me on my day-to-day life you can check me out on instagram at browse the underscore s r and with that as usual guys stay positive keep her sick of the ice catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Prozzie
Views: 767,357
Rating: 4.8438697 out of 5
Id: 4u_Fw8Wfd-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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