為什麼你工作時總是會分心? ► 試試這個方法,只需要10分鐘... - Nir Eyal 尼爾‧艾歐(中英字幕)

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most distraction it turns out is not spurred by the external triggers at all most distraction does not start outside of us but rather starts from within the root cause of why we become distracted is because we feel these internal triggers these uncomfortable emotional states that we seek to escape so if we're going to answer plato's question of why do we get distracted why do we do things against our better judgment we have to start one layer deeper with first principles of why do we do anything what's the nature of human motivation and when you think about it most people will tell you some version of carrots and sticks that it's about the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain this is freud's pleasure principle but neurologically speaking that's not true that in fact we do not do things in the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain that neurologically speaking we only do things for one reason and that is to avoid discomfort physiologically we know this is true if you uh go outside and it's cold that's not comfortable what you do you put on a coat and when you go back inside now it's too hot that's not comfortable you take it off if you're hungry you feel hunger pangs you eat and when you're stuffed oh that doesn't feel good you stop eating so physiologically we feel this all the time this is called the homeostatic response the same rules apply with psychological sensations not just with physiological sensations so when you're feeling lonely check facebook when you're uncertain you google when you're bored check the news check sports scores check reddit pinterest whatever all of these things cater to these uncomfortable sensations so that means if all human behavior is spurred by a desire to escape discomfort that means as you said time management is pain management fundamentally if we don't deal with this fact that we are trying to escape an uncomfortable sensation when we become distracted if we don't understand it and learn new methods to cope with that discomfort we're always going to be distracted by one thing or another one of the things that people do that doesn't work is strict abstinence now strict abstinence is when you tell yourself i am not going to do that thing and it turns out that strict abstinence uh for many behaviors backfires particularly behaviors that are very difficult to avoid completely how do you abstain from food if you're on a diet we have to eat how do you abstain from technology these days i mean it's imperative to do our jobs we can't just say stop using email for 30 days you'll lose your job you'll get fired so for those type of potential distractions we don't want to just abstain uh and and just to dive into because i think the research is so interesting when we do abstain when we tell ourselves no absolutely not it's almost like pulling on a rubber band that when you pull in a rubber band and you stretch it stretch the stretcher stretch and you let go it doesn't just go back to where you started it ricochets even further and that's what happens when we employ uh strict abstinence we tell ourselves don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it okay fine i'll give in and that sensation of relieving the discomfort of telling yourself not to is itself pleasurable this is why this is a big reason why smokers get addicted to cigarettes what gets them to to keep smoking is not only the physiological effects of the nicotine what more so gets them addicted is telling themselves don't do it don't do it don't do it finally i smoke and now i'm relieved of the discomfort of having to tell myself don't do it so strict absence oftentimes backfires because when we finally do give in we are wiring our neural circuitry to expect oh when i feel the discomfort of not wanting something giving in makes it feel so pleasurable not because the behavior itself is pleasurable but because it relieves us of the discomfort of telling ourselves no so instead of you telling yourself no what you can do is employ a technique like this 10-minute rule here's how it works you tell yourself you can give in to that distraction in 10 minutes 10 minutes of doing what psychologists call surfing the urge when when it comes to these uncomfortable emotional states we know that emotions don't last forever in the moment we think they will last forever that's how the brain spurs us to do something about it right it spurs us to action by making us think i don't want to feel this way anymore but logically rationally when we think about it emotions are like waves they crest and they subside so we can surf these urges like a surfer riding a wave so what many people do when they tell themselves no when they try and not get distracted they fit into two buckets the blamers or the shamers the blamers say oh it's my phone that got me distracted it's facebook it's youtube it's my you know it's slacks that thing got me distracted the shamers this is the category i used to fall into say there's something wrong with me maybe i'm not cut out for this job i'm lazy i have a short attention span there's something wrong with me right and we shame ourselves and of course that's not helpful either because where does this shame spiral lead it causes more internal triggers which makes us even more likely to seek a distraction to escape that uncomfortable emotional state so for 10 minutes your job is to reflect on that sensation to feel that sensation with curiosity rather than contempt or to get back to the task at hand and nine times out of ten by just setting that ten minute rule and saying i can give in to that distraction i can have that chocolate cake i can go check you know my email or google whatever it is that i am tempted to do but in ten minutes it's an incredibly effective and simple technique [Music] you
Channel: Wisdom Bread 智慧麵包
Views: 388,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 專注力, 分心, 智慧麵包, Wisdom Bread, Nir Eyal, 尼爾‧艾歐, 鉤癮模式, 啟發, 智慧, 10分鐘法則, 十分鐘法則, 培養專注力, 學習專注力, 工作專注力, 工作效率, 提升工作效率, London Real, Brian Rose翻譯, 採訪, Nir Eyal 中文, Nir Eyal 翻譯, 習慣, 嚴格節制
Id: dLCktlt83vE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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