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Channel: 林政賢皮膚科診所
Views: 1,203,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 指甲, 灰指甲, 灰指甲預防, 灰指甲治療, 香港腳, 足癬, 黴菌感染, 蜂窩性組織炎, 汗皰疹, 灰趾甲, 灰指甲偏方, 灰指甲顏色, onychomycosis, tinea unguium, tinea pedis, athlet's foot, 變色指甲, 指甲臭粉, athletes foot on hands, 灰指甲藥膏, 樂指力, 甲床剝離, 甲溝炎, 嵌甲症, 凍甲, 指甲矯正器, 口服抗黴菌, 外用抗黴菌, UP雷射, 拔指甲, 腳掌脫屑, 手癬, 股癬, 甲癬, 指甲變厚, 指甲脫屑, 指甲 條紋, 指甲 變黑, 指甲 變白, tinea pedis treatment, athletes foot peeling, 手癬 根治, onychomycosis treatment, athletes foot treatment
Id: 8s2wnN4d6V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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