深圳一日遊EP14 朗玩Round One |龍華壹方天地C區|送免費飲品|卡拉OK| 保齡球 |電子遊戲機

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Wow! After watching the opening credits, don’t you have any impulse to go play together? That's right, this time we came to Shenzhen Yifangtiandi Langwan again to participate in the special event of the Shenzhen store's 2nd anniversary. As long as you come before October 31st, you will have discounts. Langwanzhong through the "Fishnhike2023" channel and the Facebook group "Shenzhen Eat, Drink and Have Fun" "Information Concern Group" jointly arranged activities and gave away a batch of "Play and Run" tickets. The first round of prize-winning Q&A activities has successfully concluded on October 19. The next round of activities will be launched again within one week. Please pay close attention to Facebook The latest news released in the group and the comment area of ​​this film. Just show the screenshot of the Fishnhik2023 subscription and you can get a free drink per person with your ticket. Langwan is located in Area C of Yifangtiandi. As soon as you enter from the overpass in Area B, you will see here. The second floor is mainly for playing with dolls. Maybe we rarely play with dolls, so we have novice luck! After picking up a green doll in the first round, all our luck seemed to have gone away . Later, I heard from the staff that maybe there was a little girl who had been playing for a long time without winning and accumulated a lot of colorful numbers. Fortunately, we caught it once and won . There is an elevator in the Langwan store. You can go to the 1st to 4th floors. This time I will focus on the 1st to 3rd floors. If you want to know about the Langwan shop on the 4th floor, please read my last post. I went up to the 3rd floor and saw that Langwan has food supply. , and I felt hungry , so I ordered some snacks. The price is not expensive, and it is a good choice to buy it nearby. The udon is very chewy, and for me who had no expectations, the takoyaki was a highlight. It tastes good. It’s not the same as what Donki usually sells in Hong Kong. My favorite is dessert. Although it’s not as good as the cake shop, you can get the goods. After eating, I’m ready to play bowling. First, watch the promotional video of Long Play. Bowling is located on the 3rd floor. It’s a game. There are 6 lanes in the airport. The biggest feature of Long Bowling is that it pays more attention to children and women and even cares about women's nails. Sure enough, it is a Japanese company! Have you ever noticed how many holes there are on a ball? That's right, there are 5 of them, specially designed for ladies and children. Did you notice that there is an extra railing next to the fairway? It is specially designed for children. I pretended to be a baby in IKEA for everyone to see. In order to make a video, we laughed till our faces turned yellow while being quarantined. How much sacrifice we made! Hurry up and subscribe, like and leave comments to encourage our courage.
Channel: Fishnhike2023
Views: 20,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5BYAya6Gm0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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