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Channel: A士小姐日常
Views: 48,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VLOG, 泰國, 泰國自由行, 泰國旅遊, 曼谷, BANGKOK, THAILAND, TRAVEL, 國外旅遊, 新加坡, 馬來西亞, 廊曼國際機場, 素萬那普國際機場, 素汪那普國際機場, BKK, DMK, BTS, MRT, Grab, Bolt, Onedaypass, Visa, Evisa, 清邁, 華欣, Pattaya, 芭達雅, 普吉島, 布吉, 泰銖, 匯率, 換匯, superrich, 機場快線, 水門Platinum Fashion Mall, 洽圖洽週末市集, 恰圖恰, ICONSIAM, 換錢所, Exchange, Superrich, Bangkok metro, Bigc, Big c
Id: w-_T_TXj3Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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