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Channel: Ruby餅神の賭命日常
Views: 37,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ruby benson, viutv, vlog, 移民, 移民英國, 餅神, 新加坡, 賭命夫妻, ruby餅神, rubyviutv, 賭命benson, benson ruby, benson, top5, 美食, snow e, 旅行, 曼谷, 酒店, 泰國, 智將, 台灣, 芳林, honglim, hawker food singapore, hawker, sgfood, 咖哩面, 米芝蓮, singapore travel guide, singapore travel, singapore, rubybenson, 熟食中心, 豚長 joey, 大馬, 馬來西亞, 檳城, 怡保, irenehk, kaman, 檳城美食, 吉隆坡, 清邁, chiang mai vlog, bangkok, 曼谷旅游, 泰國小老虎, 泰國小阮, nightmarket, yuen thailand, 阮生阮太, 曼谷自由行, mansonovo, 旅居, mario hau, 馬來西亞自由行, 移民访谈录, 移民加拿大, 移居, chiangmai, 清邁自由行, the last of us, ahsoka episode 5, episode 5
Id: rg5XD7WU0lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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