比告白還要刺激的產業-為什麼CNC業值得你加入?CAM工程師一個月大約多少薪資?黑手工程師需要常常出國。SolidCAM幫助大家成長。#cnc #solidcam #cam
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Channel: 阿鴻 & 阿達 SolidCAM 走天下
Views: 1,083
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Keywords: SolidCAM, 省時, 省錢, CNC, AutoCAM, 賺錢, 效率, Simulate, mill-turn, mill_turn, turnmill, turn-mill, turn_mill, iMachining, Machining, CNC Machining Machines, Machines, CNC Machine, Turning Center, Aluminum Wheel, Amazing CNC, Mastercam, esprit, NX, Solidworks, powermill, hypermill, openmind, solidcamtw, Autocamtw, autodesk, 晨揚, Technology integration, CAM, CAD, CADCAM, 乙級, Cutting, milling, turning, relax, fun, 車銑複合, solidcam車銑複合, 智慧加工, AI, 人工智慧, 提高加工效率, 機械, 機械加工, CNC銑床, CNC加工, CNC軟體, CNC切削, 自動辨識, 特徵辨識, 自動特徵辨識, 秘密, 揭密, SolidCAM2023, 找工作, 社會新鮮人
Id: HQluF1BK970
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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