比利時媽媽在台灣生小孩! ❤️🇧🇪 [不敢相信台灣的醫生令人如此安心!] Belgian Mom Can Not Believe The Amazing Baby Care In Taiwan!

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how has that been to being a mom in Taiwan having the pregnancy in Taiwan was great first of all the the doctors will take care of so well of everything that you will feel very secure couldn't imagine having so much care amazing so I wanted to tell you don't be afraid in fact do not wait for having children because in Europe you will not have that hi everyone and welcome back to Europeans in Taiwan this video series is funded by the European Union office here in Taiwan and this is where me and Mumu are traveling around the entire European Union here in Taiwan for example my own YouTube Studio where we have Mumu and also a new face here on the channel from the country of chocolate and Waffles Claire from Belgium hi everybody hi first of all welcome here thank you so much for inviting me both the studio and this channel second of all what are you doing here in Taiwan and what brought you here in the first I have been here now since 2010 at the first time I have been invited by Fanta One Challenge organized by Discovery Channel with Janet share I don't know if you know what is that what's fun Taiwan challenge reality show in fact that's how I came to Taiwan at the first time she came to Taiwan from Belgium because of a TV show yes in fact I have been invited everything has been paid and I was turning around the island for two weeks that's how I discovered Taiwan that's amazing that's like the best trip and vacation like ever yes you cannot imagine how I love Taiwan just by discovering the nature the people the food it was intense uh super jet lagged it was hot during the Jewel on July I don't know any Chinese at that time they were asking me to write some characters to find the next destination so it was pretty challenging for me because at that time my English was not that good food I don't think it means anything in Chinese I have to ask you then like what has been the most fun thing and what has been the most challenging thing here in Taiwan you know you know in Taiwan people um very polite in Belgium not the case no I will not uh use that word I will say very friendly in Taiwan they are funny too but first of all they are very polite they will say you're so beautiful and then things like that this is not in my culture to say that you are a beautiful person physically is not that important but uh that's something that I didn't know and I wish I knew before coming to Taiwan it's uh it's still uh surprising me to hear that something I don't get used to you came here first then from for the TV show two weeks of filming recording what happened then then I went back to work in Belgium because I had a job at that time and I knew I was not done with studies I wanted to go back to study and in fact in Taiwan they do have very good universities with a high ranking Unfortunately they didn't accept my application at the first year so I was in Taiwan which school was this like now is your now is your time to like uh get your adventure no the year after they accepted my application you applied once why got rejected yes but then you still applied like a year after yes of course it's recognized by the Belgian government so also you can still use like your degrees if you would ever go back then that's why I chose the university and that Master ah I mean you have been in Taiwan just as long as I have like 13 years like you will never go back you will never go back that's what that's what people keep telling me like every single time no I don't think so I I I I'm sure I will go back to Belgium next year how many years have you said that 13. at least five no it's not easy to leave Taiwan it's a kind of addictive to live here I'm feeling protected I don't like stress this interview to me is a little bit stressful really I'm sorry they're all behaving super nice no I love your studio by the way it's very nice welcome and it's pretty uh professional I love in general being in Taiwan working with people in Taiwan everybody are so professional and I love here in Belgium I don't know I'm feeling less comfortable with all with all of that what is something now that you wish you would have known about Taiwan or if you can go back in time and talk to yourself before boarding that first plane to Taiwan the social distance I will never forget at the first year when I open my arms back to a child to say how come here my sweetie is like one or two years old baby you know and the parents were like No don't touch my baby you know and I was like I'm so sorry you know with people as well you are not a hugging person but sometimes you know you just you don't know how to say high or buy you know and no nothing here just keep please stop me if I'm getting a little bit too personal now but I also wanted to ask because you said like hugging children and things and now you have your own child here in Taiwan how has that been to being a mom in Taiwan first of all the the doctors will take care of so well of everything that you will feel very secure couldn't imagine having so much care being here having the pregnancy in Taiwan was great and now she's two she's going at the daycare she will like grow up speaking Chinese then I do not speak Chinese so well so now we have the same level that's perfect you know everyone says like you need to learn how to communicate with like honestly she's teaching me already my do you know what is my my is the ends right here Mom oh my goodness come to see right now and I'm like oh yes indeed there was the end oh my goodness we're gonna do we are talking about that a lot so yeah she's teaching me Chinese honestly she's just too just to I even studied like two and a half years of Chinese I didn't know how to say and in Chinese what else can I say really um the school is wonderful in Taiwan they are sending me 50 photos of my daughter a day oh really yes like like a line group yes really social media they will tell me if he has a mosquito bites or she didn't sleep so well you know she will they will tell me every single details oh yeah wow amazing so I wanted to tell you don't be afraid in fact do not wait for having children because in Europe you will not have that maybe they are good maybe they are bad we don't know in Europe they really care about her I wish someone told me seriously like that do it do not be afraid seriously you will not regret and I want to have a second one in Taiwan wow we talked a lot about like uh like a languages I'm communicating as a European there's only so much I would know about other like European countries Belgium in this case and I would just assume that there was a language called like belgish you speak first of all Dutch the French French and German how does that work like do you speak all three or is it like different parts of the country that speaks different languages do you know that Belgium is a new country 175 years plus now oh really so of course we didn't have time to to develop our own language oh so it's like based on the region then absolutely I'm just going to assume based on your accent so far you speak French oh yes how does it work on like like the national level like you know government information and things like that is that provided in like all three languages or region uh according to where you are in Belgium okay oh wow but I do know a few things about Belgium all my favorite cartoons growing up it's from like Belgium like the Smurfs yes which I I don't know if that's a thing here in Taiwan or not but growing up in Sweden you read like tinting like all the time and Lucky Luke like the the sheriff yes shooter I never seen anything of that in Taiwan so I don't know how I relevant I I did at some time uh for specific events probably chocolate maybe with stomp does Taiwanese people know about Belgium and and if so what do Taiwanese people know about Belgium usually they will talk to me about beers chocolates and um is the place to be if you visit Belgium it's a place it's a place it's a city at the Dutch part it's a very instant Rambler a middle-aged style so often they will talk to me about beers chocolate and then they visited that that City that's all I know oh Brussels sometimes Belgian beer I like white beer and that's something like a vice beer yes okay it's not bad very light I think for Taiwanese will be perfect we actually do have some Belgian chocolate here you cannot come with the chocolate in the studio and then expect me not to eat it you know it's the first time I found that chocolate in Taiwan uh but that one I've been to a specific shop and it's the first time I've found this one and I'm so glad I'm sure we'll go back later to buy it I know um absolutely it's a good reference trouble you should break it first in the packet oh is that how you do it that's how it is wrong is there a way to eat better okay Godiva is good because it's cost effective it's making the job it's a good taste easy to find but this is like the German part of Belgium speaking right now it's good because it's cost efficient and it gets to the point it's more something you will buy for yourself don't offer to Belgium between Belgian we don't offer a cheap chocolate to other belgians like it's a good it's a premium compared to Swedish chocolate it's like it's like premium there are other brands than Godiva I just try to like come up with the fanciest chocolate name ever do you take it as an insult if I said a good diva it's fine because you're not Belgian okay and of course something to the the Belgium dark chocolate Belgium Waffles by the way we also happen to have here I'm so glad I found it today what a coincidence yeah 10 years ago I couldn't find it I'm so glad now you can find this in Taiwan the Belgian waffles what makes a waffle Belgian if you eat it it will be a little bit softer it's not crunchy or hard at all I hope this is a Brussels waffle okay I'm not talking about the liege waffle this is this is the diver of of Belgium well no no it's a good one the best one to me yeah again and there are pieces of sugar which is making it a little bit crunchy is it yeah yeah yeah some people are showing it with some topic right it is a tourist thing so I never ever ate a waffle with a topic but you can see it in Brussels for tourists and I think it's a good idea and you must try I have personally didn't try it I never eat a Belgian waffle with the topic or maybe some slight chocolate like that of course in in Sweden like the only reason you would have a waffle is just an excuse to put like blueberry jam or like any kind of like Berry Jam no no no that's um you mentioned the Brussels for those non-europeans out there Brussels is like the European headquarters it feels like it the European commission is European commission so you always hear like when when Sweden or reporting about European news it has always happened in Brussels because we have the office because you have the offices so for me Brussels and then of course also Belgium really is like the heart of European Union is that like noticeable in any way like as as an average Belgian just walking the streets of like Brussels you know in Europe we do like feeling and in near the European Union we have a special square where yes people can strike and every day we have three different people from Germany from Spain or some someone want to complain about something in his country they would just go to the European Union in front and the strike and every day we we know that there from this hour for to this hour they will complain about that we have to respect that but you have to know that investors if you leave around every day you will have a mess nearly home foreign Square near the European Union Yes and because we represent all the Europe so all the Europe is coming there to complain oh wow but yes and I think it's right yeah many interesting causes for environment or the rights of a woman or things like that same as Taiwan is considered the heart of Asia so here's my question have you noticed any other similarities between Belgium and Taiwan that was like surprising or something that you didn't expect Taiwan it's an island it's not that convenient to arrive in leave Taiwan right we've been trying for 13 years we are in Belgium we can drive and be in Paris or London or in Germany in a couple of hours maybe one hour 30 you know that one is not located in the hallway to me in Brussels we are very Multicultural and we do speak all the language in the world we have many nationalities we have a lot of Asian although Europe is represented represented by the European commission too you can speak English easily and you can look Asian black and speak French that's normal to us in Taiwan you know what I mean they can see that you don't really speak Chinese you can tell I don't see much similarities regarding the the heart of something but Taiwanese has a big heart oh nice nice Taiwanese do have a big heart maybe that's what they mean by the slogan then maybe they do have a lot interests for others at the end of the day we are all the same and that's something I wanted to say to Taiwanese we don't have to really care about where we are from what do we look like at all we are the same we have the same goal Target in life only only thing that there's a difference is if you have toppings or not on your waffles no no do not do that hopefully they're also interested in in Belgium after watching this video what is something that for example Taiwanese tourists should do or should visit if they do have the opportunity to come and visit Belgium our official symbol is the atomium atonium atomium is our Eiffel Tower so it's pretty interesting meanwhile is near the the Palais Royal near the castle of the king so you may also visit lachen it's in the same area and of course that's what people used to mention but I will say please go to visit the Museum of Napoleon in watano oh that's where I'm from and there is that um huge Lion on the top of a hill it's so interesting to see the history about the fights with Napoleon at that time if someone maybe not having the opportunity of coming to visit Belgium anytime soon what can people do here in Taiwan other than than waffles and chocolate to experience like as much Belgium as possible once a year we do set celebrate the king we have a king in there you have a king in Belgium yes beautiful King Family really we are proud of that we celebrate the King's day around November 15 every year as everywhere in the world we do celebrate on the same day for free to eat Belgian food I hope Taiwanese will go because they will love Belgian Specialties we do have many many different local dishes that you must try that one is we love it I'm sure actually after coming here to Taiwan so many of my Taiwanese friends they wanted to go to Belgium for like um Tomorrowland which is like the Apparently like one of the biggest like music festivals I confirm I didn't know it was so famous until coming to Taiwan I have been to muholen you know I love music I love festivals and you're in Belgium we enjoy music a lot and in Taiwan everybody were talking to me about tomorrow yeah Tomorrowland was one of my best experience yeah amazing DJs are coming there why is it in Belgium like I never heard about like Belgium music before we do have good singers you know Angela Angel very famous singer now and Stromae do you know it and straw mice yeah he's a singer this thing okay yeah it's amazing a musician singer dancers oh only music reference I have from Belgium is like when you mention Waterloo it's like a super famous like Abba Swedish song Come On You Should Know My and what about now then like 13 years uh later what are you doing in Taiwan now uh right now I'm in e-commerce industry I'm selling clothing in Taiwan Sony will be open to Europe hip-hop style we also have many outfit for outdoor for camping and many accessories for camping so I think Taiwanese will love it sometimes we use also a local product and we are making our own Brands and selling it only to Taiwanese also some ladies outfits pretty elegant and Taiwanese would like to yeah and of course if you want more information regarding King's day or just Belgium in general you of course have all the links down in the description below and of course MooMoo also have a giveaway this time as well where you can win this EU Taiwan tote bag for all those Belgian waffles or chocolates or beer you might end up buying here and of course as always all you have to do is to check out the EU in taiwan's social media both Facebook Instagram and Twitter and then just follow the instructions there when they are sharing this video on their social media thank you all so much for watching my name is Lucas it starts with L as in like ends with S as in subscribe please do both and see you all in the next one ciao
Channel: 外國人介紹台灣 - Lukas in Taiwan
Views: 274,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lukas engstrom, lukas, lukas 盧卡斯, 盧卡斯 台灣, 外國人在台灣, 外國人介紹台灣, 瑞典人, lukas engström, lukas taiwan, lucas taiwan, lucas engstrom, 瑞典 youtuber, 外國人看台灣, 外國人愛台灣, 外國人為什麼愛台灣, taiwan, taipei, what to do in Taiwan, living in Taiwan, Taiwan News, taiwan update, taiwan 2020, life in Taiwan, lukas Taiwan News, Taiwan life, 全世界討論台灣什麼, Taiwan update, Taiwan covid 19, Taiwan News update, news taiwan, 台灣新聞, 外國人主播, 盧卡斯主播, this week in taiwan, taiwan 2021, taiwan in the news, Lukas news, lucas in taiwan
Id: 6N7815XFqMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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