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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhly _ _ _ _ _ _ Buried here , you see it is so late in the day and you have eaten so much wine . If you meet a big insect, you say you have lost your life. This is such a pity. Haha, you shop boy , you think I am a foreigner in Jingyanggang. I've been walking for at least ten or twenty times and I haven't heard of any big bugs . Don't lie to me with these nonsense. Hey , good man, I'm telling you, this is real. Now there are three or five people like you in our store. You can wait until you gather twenty or thirty people tomorrow and then leave. If you don’t believe me, you can read the lawsuit list. Who cares about the lawsuit? Interview you, the shop boy. I think you wanted to rob me of my money in the middle of the night, so you tricked me into working. There are big insects. Oh, okay , go away. There isn't even a big insect on this mountain. We are seeking your money and harming your life. Come on, let's go. Shop boy , please take down that sign that says you can't finish the job after three bowls. Hahaha. Take it down. After you arrive at Jingyanggang and kill this big bug, I will do it in front of you . Hahaha. I will do it in front of you. I think I am a hero . Isn’t that a way of doing it? I have eaten the courage of a leopard. How can I hide my courage in my body? Do n’t you have the guts to cover yourself up ? Hahahahaha, you’re really good at the kid show in this shop. You’ve already come this far and you still want to scare the customers back. Hahahaha . Yes , there’s a big insect on Jingyang Gang that hurts people today . Today, there are tiger hunters and others in Changxiange Township who have not been arrested. If there are passing customers and merchants, they can go to the headquarters together for three hours. The rest of the time and single guests are not allowed to go for fear of being hurt. Everyone is suspicious . Jianya, there are really big ones in Jingyanggang. If I go back like this , won’t I be laughed to death by the waiter in that shop ? This wine is really strong. Haha , this is a good place. Where did it come from , the big master and the big clock ? Li Liang ! Yeah, what the , ah, ah , ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah , ah , ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah , ah, ah , ah , ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah , ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah , ah , The big bug called me 52. I was shocked. We are local hunters. Hey, you are a foreigner and you don’t know how to be polite. There is a huge big bug on Jingyanggang. It comes out every night and hurts people. Even we hunters were killed seven or eight times. This passed by There are countless guests, and they have all been eaten by this evil beast. The county magistrate, the township manager, and our hunters are waiting here to capture us. However, the evil beast’s strength is so great that no one dares to move forward. We don’t know how much we have eaten because of this. The county mandarin fish can only catch him. We are waiting here to hunt tonight. Dozens of countrymen are walking up and down here. Let the Japanese gong go and wait for him here with the sword. You don't have to eat the county stick from the magistrate anymore. I just passed by the harbor. I happened to bump into the big insect last time, and now it has been beaten to death by me with three punches and two kicks. Are you saying that the big insect has beaten you to death with three punches and two kicks? Really you, you, you are neither a human nor a ghost, you are a Vajra Arhat. Hahahaha , don’t you believe it, come and see that I still have living blood on my hands. Oh, it’s true . Oh , hahaha . It’s true. Hahaha , everyone, come out quickly . This man said that the chef has been beaten to death. Everyone, come out quickly. Come out, come out, come out, come out, oh , it’s amazing, it ’s amazing, everyone, look , ah, ah, let us go, let us go , ah , ah, Wang Ganniang , ah, haha, haha , everyone, Gao Lin, don’t be afraid of me, Wu Song, although I am rude. But men also know that wrongdoers have their own owners, and debts have their own owners. I bother you all to come here today just to ask you to be witnesses. But if anyone dares to go first, ask me first. Wu Song has this knife in his hand. We all don’t leave. We don’t leave. We don’t leave . Are you leaving ? Gao Lei, please tell me who can write. Brother Hu , you also worked in the government office. I ’m bothering you. Please go away . I asked you to write a few words and sit down coquettishly. Sister , um , old pig dog. My brother’s life is lost. Do you want to recruit me or not ? Hey, Wu Dutou, please don’t treat me like a donkey liver lung. Your brother died of heartache and has nothing to do with me. Hahaha, Lin Feng, if you don’t succeed , ask Po Wang. Ms. Ran, what do you mean? Poison is the person you poisoned, and you killed the person. Before you die, you have to pull someone on your back. Oops. 5 Poisonous weeds have nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with you . It’s faster to ask him than to ask me. I really hate it. I didn't kill you first, my loyal dog. Come on, oh , it's none of my business. It's none of my business. Hahaha . I cover you . It's your sister-in-law and Ximen Qing who killed your brother. It's none of my business. It's none of my business. Ouch. What about you? I just had a drink with them. Hahahahahaha. Yin Feng, don’t be so arrogant. When I get the confession, I will dig out your heart and liver to see if it’s black or white. Hahaha, she’s all that whore. The good deeds I did have nothing to do with me , hahahahahahahahaha, old man , do you really think I am a three-year- old child ? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah . Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha My uncle is not bad , I am the angel’s husband ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... Say, I say, I say, I say, that day your sister-in-law opened the window , where did you come to have a good drink ? Um , hahaha , ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Come back for my brother's life , yeah , yeah, yeah, yeah , yeah , yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah , yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah , yeah, yeah , yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah , yeah, yeah , yeah , yeah, yeah, yeah , yeah, yeah , yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah , yeah, yeah , yeah. He , you can't kill me, do you still want your future? You said it , ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah , ah , ah, ah, ah, ah, my brother's life , you died unjustly, and today my brother has avenged you and took the life of this adulterer and adulterer. The dog head comes to pay homage. You also hope that Gege will ascend to heaven soon. Wu Song will go and surrender now. I hope you and my brother will meet soon on the Huangquan Road. All the leaders are frightened. No, no, no, I, Wu Song, do things alone, and think that this couple of dogs is me. Wu Song killed me with his own hands. I will go to the county government and surrender . It’s just that my son’s life and death are uncertain . My brother is now clinically ill , but there are still some misunderstandings in the family. Help me sell some money to raise money for the county government. You don’t have to think about it when you arrive in Xianyang. Wu Song's minor crime is a minor one and he only needs to be a layman. Hey, Dude, Dudu, Dudu, actually , you are actually, Dudu, just leave. We won't say another word. Yes, yes, Dudu, just go ahead. Thank you, Gao Lin. It’s just Wu Song’s good intentions who have been upright in his life and killed people to pay for their lives. Otherwise, I should be ashamed of my brother’s teachings to me. Mr. Du, Mr. Du, Mr. Du, Mr. Du. Although the governor kills people , he is really a pity. The tigers in Jinyang Harbor all rely on the governor to sacrifice their lives and forget. A punch to the death means that I used to be very effective in doing things for my husband. My husband, I have to come up with some ideas. You can change the things on the paper and I will be responsible for everything . How to change it? Just change it wherever you want . Just write Wu Songyin Sacrifice. Brother Wang, Wu Da , has a sister-in- law who does not allow the baby to be sacrificed . The woman quarreled and was clinically pushed to death. Wu Song fought with his sister -in-law to save Brother Wang and killed him temporarily . Ximen Qing, the waiter , committed adultery with his wife and came to rape the nurse. As a result, they fought and refused to accept each other. They beat the bull to the side of the lion building and started a fight. Kill him to death , Master Wang's wonderful pen makes flowers, wonderful pen makes flowers , haha, according to Wang Po's life skills, Tong induced adultery and made me poison her husband with medicine, and ordered me to drive Wu Song away and not allow sacrifices, which resulted in killing and wounding. You and Ling Chi were executed according to Wu Song's revenge for his brother. Killing Ximen Qing , the adulterer, was appointed . Although he turned himself in, it was difficult to pardon him . A few sticks and forty thorns were paired with the Mengzhou warrior . I am the shopkeeper. I know you are the shopkeeper. Hero , what are you doing in the dark ? Hero, your face . Haha, it’s okay. It’s okay . I was careless. Strong man, come back to the room with me and wash yourself. Those two lumps are only 360 at most. This big man weighed more than 400 and almost crushed my waist to death. When I passed the ancient city of Shaolin Temple , I weighed 500 pounds. You said that grandpa only weighed more than 400 pounds. You are really looking down on you , grandpa. You only know how to eat. Oh, what's the point of asking you people to get out of the way ? Well , uh, uh, uh , you stinky bitch , stop and let go of me. He's a loser. He's a miscarriage. He 's insulted your reputation. Since you don't obey me, Wu Song will betray you. Let's kill together Er Niang, the strong warrior Wu Song, but the Tiger Fighting Wu Dutou on Jingyanggang has been famous for a long time. Today, I can meet you. You, a man, are finally willing to come out. You are a villain. The villain of the Hun family has no eyesight and cannot recognize Mount Tai. This offends everyone. Escape and hope to see mercy on the villain's thin face. It's good to know that I didn't hurt my head. Hey, you two can hurt me. I don't care who you are. Hey , hey , hey, who are you helping? I won't let you kill him and I won't let him hurt you. If you both help, then I'll fight two of you . Hey, oh, oh , oh, oh , oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, why don't you resist me ? Hey, who are you helping to beat the supervisor? I won't let him kill you , let alone hurt him. It's better for me to deal with the two of you. So, it's better for me to fight you two alone. Today in Cross Slope Zhangjiadian, three people will form a team. Hey, you two , under Konoha, you are still fighting, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah , ah, Er Niang, please stop beating you . I am not his opponent. Let’s meet the King of Hell together today. You are so pitiful that you will die. Look at the knot in your heart, who asked you to pity your father? Now we are both going to die. I ask you if you pity me when you married me. How can there be a Yaksha as beautiful as you in the world? I respect you, an ordinary woman. By the time you are born, you will be dead. Hey, you two, stop talking nonsense. Come out. I see that you and your wife are not just ordinary people. I will respect you. What is the hidden secret between you and me? My wife’s real name cannot be the same as that of Wudu’s family. I asked the lady at the counter to come over and drink with me. Sir, you can’t talk nonsense. That’s our master’s wife. What’s wrong with the master’s wife? It’s not okay to come over and have a bowl of wine with me. 沙菜你这该死的贼 竟敢在这胡说八道哼 啊啊啊 放我下来 哈哈哈哈 啊哈哈哈哈 啊啊啊啊啊啊 啊啊 啊啊 吃了雄心豹子胆了呀 这买的是什么酒 分明It’s just horse urine ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, grandma , you dare to mess with Tai Sui’s head, you are really brave, boss lady , boss lady, get up quickly, boss lady , are you okay, you thief official, you have to replace me . The master is in charge . Go and change your clothes. Go to another country . Do n’t shout , ah, ah, ah , ah , ah , ah, ah, ah, ah, ah , ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, do you have any good wine at home? I’ll give you some good wine . Is there something interesting about this wine ? When you’re drunk, you can lift the pot and throw it away. Cup , seven -serial, Jiangmen Shenli Zhengzheng , oh no no ah , ah , Tan Bird's biggest wine is the biggest . That big bug on Jingyang Hill was killed by me with three punches and two kicks. It turned out to be the five poisons that attract good people. Spare your life, a hero. Spare your life. You must obey my three things. Stop talking about these three things. I will wait for your first one for three to three hundred years. Return everything to its original place. The golden-eyed dart shows mercy. The second is to summon the heroes from all walks of life in Happy Forest. The heroes can apologize to the world . The third plan is to get out of Happy Forest and go back to your hometown overnight. You are not allowed to live in Mengzhou. The teacher will not leave. I will beat you once I see you. I'll hit you ten times at a time . I'll beat you half to death or take your dog's life at worst . Jiang Zhong is an unjust and righteous person. Who are they ? Why did they come to harm me, Wu Song ? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ah, let go , ah, ah, ah, ah, spare your life, spare your life, spare your life, you can tell me who you are . Why did you want to harm me? Wu Song Xiao Ren is the disciple of Jiang Menshen. He was ordered by Jiang Menshen to harm the hero Master Jiang Menshen. Where is he now? When Xiao Ren left, they were still waiting for news about Xiao Ren at Director Zhang's house. Hahahahahahahahahaha, if you want Wu Song's life, Wu Song can't spare you. Tell me, where are Zhang Dujian and the others? Today, they had a day of drinking with Zhang Dulie, Jiang Menshen and the others . I'm still drinking in Yuanyuan Tower, eating and drinking, come on, come on, come on , come on , come on, come on , sir, thank you for avenging the villain, I will definitely thank you well , hahahaha, if It's not because of my brother Zhang Tuanlian, who is willing to do this? Hahaha, although you spent some money, I arranged this matter well , oh, at this time, I think Ness should be dead. Just wait. When they came back, they knew that these people couldn't deal with him. Besides, Wu Song was still wearing shackles. He had great abilities. How many lives could he have? Yes, yes, yes, I also sent a few capable disciples to call them. As long as you succeed in Feiyunpu, you can come back and report to my office. Come and have a drink . Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I won’t embarrass you , la la la la , ah , oh , oh, this guy is really heavy, it’s exhausting me , oh, why is this guy covered in blood ? Where did he get it? Did he become a thief somewhere? This guy has so many injuries on his body and his face. There is a golden seal hedgehog that seems to have been beaten just now. I guess it must have been thrown down by the officials on the way. Why do you care so much? Go and call the elder brother and sister-in-law. Go, go, go. Brother and sister-in-law, come out quickly . We caught one. Good stuff . I got it. Don't do anything . Come right away. Hey, this guy is so kind. Go and see if he's your uncle. What a coincidence. I'll let you take a closer look at you. Go and see what you'll do if he's really your uncle. Erniang. It's really Brother Wu Song, ah, it's really Wu Song, what's wrong with you , why are you still standing up ? Come on, carry me in, carry it on the bed, come on, come on, look at this, okay, okay, okay, look over there, look at this, right ? I don’t know who killed them. I asked this Zhang Zhongjian to report the situation as soon as possible with his thunder and majesty. The criminals first came out of the stable and tied up the groom. They sought medical treatment at the scene and killed them both downstairs. The wife and three children were missing a knife. Two maids were frightened and were unconscious. Two of his cronies were killed at the top of the stairs. Zhang Dujian, a foreign guest, Zhang Tuolian and Jiang Zhong were killed upstairs . The eight-character murderer Dahu Wu Song also killed a total of nine men and women. Ninety - nine lives were lost in Jinguo Tomb. Nine lives were reported to adults and villains. Feiyunpu was in charge. Several corpses were found in Feiyunpu. Two of them were escorting police officers . The two of them are Chiang Kai-shek's apprentices. There are blood stains under the Feiyunpu Bridge. The bodies are being salvaged. I am about to go to Beijing for a few posts. I will wait for an hour. Who would have thought that such a shocking case would happen at this time ? I will die. Come on, immediately deploy troops to block the gate of Mengzhou Temple and never let anyone go. Issue a sea arrest document and must catch the murderer. Wu Song Zhou Weekly Newsletter. Whoever hears this will be happy . If someone hides the prisoner at home, sue the deceased to become a public servant. Oh , hey, wake up, wake up. Are you awake ? Why am I here? How long have I been sleeping ? You slept for three full days and three nights. We kept watch every day for fear that you would not be able to sleep. I slept for three days and three nights. I finally understand that you are all interested in me, Wu Song. This body is so fleshy, hahahaha, the four of us are Brother Zhang 's assistants. We lose some money in gambling on weekdays , so we go to the woods to do some business. We saw our brother come out of the woods as if he had lost his soul. We don't know who he is. We just wanted to make a good start , so we followed quietly. We followed our brother to the Earth Temple and saw our brother fainted. We secretly rejoiced because Brother Zhang had given orders to catch him alive , so we tied him up and we had I don't know Taishan. I offended my brother . Please forgive me. Don't move around. Slow down. Please forgive me. Please stand up. I have to thank you very much . If it weren't for you , I would have died in that ancient temple. Brother, please forgive them. They did the same. Do what I say, you four, listen carefully . If my brother hadn't been seriously injured and fainted, let alone the four of you , even 40 of them wouldn't be able to get close to him. He is a brother, what he said is, brother, spare your life. I don't blame you. Just get up. Come on, get up. Since they don’t have money to bet, I’m less important to you. Brother and uncle, I’m coming. You all come with me. Thank you, brother. Thank you , brother . Thank you, brother. I don’t know what’s in my heart. I often make friends with righteous people in the world , and I’m afraid that something will happen to them one day. They were brutally attacked by these rogues. They were not careful and they were slow to capture them alive. If they encountered strong resistance, they might have been killed by them . So I ordered them to capture only live animals every time they went out to Korea. They were not allowed to bring knives or guns with them. Bring on the hook and lock, who would have thought that I would catch my brother today ? I'm so lucky ! Brother, I think it's all right. Brother , why did you move to this place ? To be honest, brother , we have several places like this in this county . By the way, brother, it’s hard to explain how you ended up in this situation. Hey, I told you, the boss, don’t just chat and forget to eat. Hurry up and take your uncle to wash up. I’ll prepare the food and drinks for a while. You two brothers are eating and chatting. Yeah, yeah , yeah, bro . Let's talk carefully at the wine table, brothers . Come on, slow down. Come on, uncle. Let's eat three big bowls first . You guys can sit down. Hey, brother is a good drinker. A few months ago , a businessman doing business in Happy Forest said that uncle was beaten. Who among all the door-gods, Jiang , are not surprised after hearing this? Yes, we heard that you became brothers with Jinyan Biao Shi'en, the little manager of Labor Camp, and helped him take back Happy Forest . Everyone in the city said that Wu Song is a true god. Later , we repeatedly inquired about your whereabouts, but no one knew. It’s hard to say anything. Let’s revive the forest fire as soon as possible. The door god Jiang held a grudge and entrusted Zhang Tuanlian to bury his brother in Zhangdu Prison and framed his brother as a thief. How could Wu Song be so upright and aboveboard ? After collecting 20 sets of accounts and transferring them to my benefactor, who would have thought that they would still not let me go. That dog thief and Jiang Menshen secretly sent people to help those two policemen who tried to rob me in Feiyunpu , but I found out yeah ah ah ah I'm so happy that those gangs of officials brought the blame on themselves. Now who doesn't hate the government ? They usually use high-sounding publicity to bully the people in private and commit some murderous and bloodless crimes. They deserve to be killed. I tore off a piece of clothing from the corpse, dipped it in their blood, and wrote eight words on the wall. It’s okay for a murderer with a big character to kill a tiger and a pine. Hahaha, a good brother is aboveboard. It’s a good man, a good man , and Wu Dutou is your business. Little Germany and the United States heard about it, and we were really frightened. But then, later, later , no. Have you guys caught me here ? Hahahaha, don’t just listen to me. Eat and drink. Come on, we’ll be here soon.
Channel: 千年血戰
Views: 4,166,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 抗战, 悬疑, 谍战, 战争小剧场, 功夫, 美女英雄, 特种兵, 抗日, 狙击手, 枪战, 游击队, 热血, 二战, 战争, 激战, 土匪, 战争剧, 短片, 中国剧集, 大陆剧, 电视剧, 八路军, 抗戰, 懸疑, 諜戰, 戰爭小劇場, 特種兵, 狙擊手, 槍戰, 遊擊隊, 熱血, 二戰, 戰爭, 激戰, 戰爭劇, 中國劇集, 大陸劇, 電視劇, 八路軍, movie, drama, suspense, espionage, Kungfu, hero, chinese drama, short play, warfare, war drama, beauty hero, special forces, 短劇, 大陸戰爭劇, 大陸熱門劇, 中國電視劇, 中國戰爭劇, 熱播劇, 短剧, 大陆战争剧, 大陆热门剧, 中国电视剧, 中国战争剧, 热播剧
Id: wDaYZ1ZN-bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 36sec (5436 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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