曼谷Vlog 🇹🇭 Ep5 - 吞武里海鮮市場|即買即燒烤!大河蝦、大扇貝和大頭蝦|人氣沙嗲串燒店/醬汁燒魷魚春、燒三文魚|必食芒果糯米飯&椰子雪糕🔻曼谷自由行旅遊Vlog✨Rooooosa
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Channel: Rooooosa
Views: 2,632
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Keywords: vlog, vlooger, hkig, hongkong, foodie, hk, girls, travel, cat, cats, catslover, animals, cute, bikini, shopping, 探店, 香港, 美食, 香港美食, 香港好去處, 旅行, 食好西, 旅行的意义, 旅行vlog, 旅行博主, 旅遊, 旅遊vlog, 旅遊景點, 旅遊博主, 旅行游记, 旅行看世界, 自由行旅游, 貓貓, 可愛的貓, 寵物, 喵星人, 鏟屎官, 貓咪, 動物, 主子, 喵喵, 毛孩, 小貓, cute cats, travel vlog, travel tips, travel life, travel guide, world travel, travel video, travel documentary, solo travel, travel destinations, smart travel, travel review, vlogs, daily vlogs, daily vlog, new vlog, pets vlog, food vlog, mini vlog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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