星宇航空面試心得✈️ Starlux Airlines Interview (Brand New Airlines from Taiwan)瘋狂面試的2023下半年 (ENG SUB)

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Hello folks! It's Wen here The content I'm sharing in this video today is my experience on cabin crew interview at Starlux I decided to apply for the cabin crew position at Starlux partially it's because There was a time I asked myself if it's a good idea to join a local airline in Taiwan However... I'll be sharing the result at the end of the video The video is focusing on the experience itself and my opinion on the whole interview process The related information of the Starlux interview has been shared on the Internet by several people However, the information shared in this video is through my lens and according to my authentic experience Let's move on to the main topic now I've gotta say this before we start I just saw myself in the screen and noticed my today's hairstyle is awkward my hair keeps sticking up I guess we have to bear with this awkward look throughout the video If you're the ones having interest in joining Starlux airlines you just graduated from universities or you want a career change and become a cabin crew I'm here to tell you that In my opinion, Starlux airlines is a pretty good opportunity for you First, Starlux is currently the youngest airline in Taiwan and still growing They definitely need more cabin crew than other airlines which have been there for a long time It's more possible for you to get the offer from Starlux than other two major airlines in Taiwan However... Being selected doesn't mean you'll be able to survive from the cabin crew training easily I'm not able to share more detailed information here in the video because I never really work at Starlux airlines I expressed my opinion based on what I heard from some people and I never confirmed the credibility of those things by myself Therefore, I'm not going to share what I had heard in the video I'm trying to keep my content unbiased Today I'm mainly sharing my interview process The process from application submission to receiving my training date Let's now start with dropping application Starlux is a younger company in comparison with other two major airlines in TW the way Starlux receives the application is different from most of the airlines China Airlines and EVA Air require candidates to submit application through their webpages However, Starlux... I was quite surprised when I saw the portal they receive the applications The way they receive applications is through the job hunting websites What I did first was to fill in all the required information on the job hunting website e.g. personal background and work experience Also, Starlux will require you to upload a short video about self-introduction There are two different categories for Starlux cabin crew position on job hunting website The first one is, experienced cabin crew The second one is, non-experienced crew The category I fall in this time was "non-experienced cabin crew" Here's the reason My total flying experience is added up to 3 years until the first quarter of Year 2023 After I submitted my application, I wrote to Starlux Airline to ask if my experience is valid to them I worked very hard for three years after all 😅 To my dismay, the official response I received from Starlux was that The criteria from them stated on the job hunting website clearly mentioned they only accept whoever has the experience a total of 2 years before Year 2019 to apply for "experienced cabin crew" It was because of this reason I was advised to shift my application to "non-experienced cabin crew" I was a bit demotivated when I saw the reply But there was nothing else I could do So I went on applying for "non-experienced cabin crew" The day I was in Starlux building for the interview the candidates were all fresh, no one has flying experience So I sent out my application for "non-experienced cabin crew" Specifically for "non-experienced cabin crew" candidates, we have to upload a self-introduction video within limited time You shall present yourself in both English and Mandarin in the video For me, I combined my Mandarin version with English version in one video Some may choose to upload them in two separated files But I chose to put them together My humble advice here is if you're like me, having the experience, but cannot apply for "experienced cabin crew" all that's worth mentioning is flying experience and your goal and ambition at Starlux Airlines On the contrary, for people who have no experience in this field I would recommend that the info that needs to be covered in a such short video 1. the similarity of your current job and cabin crew job Make your points simple but constructive Mentioning your personality is okay, but not that necessary... (in my opinion) That is only a general information for your self-introduction Rather, providing some specific examples would be more ideal I'm not a coach for "how to crack an interview" hehehe I'm only sharing my thoughts here 😊 If I only tell the interviewers that I love traveling and I'm easy to get along Still, it's so general (everyone can say that) It's like a cliche.... not that important the interviewers won't get impressed after hearing this sort of information I suppose the purpose of the self-introduction video is to observe the way you speak is it too fast or too slow how is your articulation I'm not articulate enough It's just are you able to get better after being trained I'm optimistic about the thing that everyone will be invited to the interview after the submission of applications I was still in Qatar I received the interview invitation 1 week after my submission Starlux Airlines is tolerant about when you want your interview date to be If you're not available on the date of the interview it's fine to inform them and request for a later interview date If possible, they always help you with the rearrangement I like the fact that they provide convenience to the candidates I was very thankful of them for rearranging the interview A week after my application submission, I received their invitation However, I was still in Qatar at that moment I asked if they could rearrange it And they were pretty helpful in this part You can wrap up Starlux Cabin Crew interview in a day There's no first and final interview. Just one interview in total They finish everything in a day Unlike airlines in other countries you stay until you finish all the exams within that interview at Starlux Starlux will not let you know the result of every phase of the exams in the interview You won't be able to know in which phase you might have already failed The result will only be informed few days after the interview There are 4 parts in Starlux Cabin Crew Interview I arrived at their building at the assigned time in the morning for my interview They'll ask the candidates to wait at the lobby first One person from administration will guide candidates to the room later on All the candidates sitting in the room will be having assessments together throughout the day I remembered it was 15 of us mixed gender Everyone in the room is younger than me Some of them just graduated and some have been working for a while After entering into the room they'll ask you to submit the related documents first They'll do the reach test right after that If successful, you will stay and take a set and wait for the next round Later on, they divided us into 2 groups One group was guided to a different room to conduct the assessment the other group was led to a different assessment They managed the time nicely, so the candidates didn't wait for too long to take the assessment Everything is conducted in a timely manner Out of four assessments The first assessment for my group was Do a catwalk and recite 2 paragraphs As a former cabin crew I still felt nervous while doing the catwalk I never got trained at Qatar Airways for how to walk 😂 I only know that I'll keep my head up high while walking Therefore, I have no clue what they were observing that day while we were walking In that small room There were 3 interviewers I was in the second group There were about 5 or 7 people in my group For the first assessment the candidates went in one by one we took turns going into the room for the assessment It was an S Route for the catwalk I stood in front of the interviewers in the end Once I was on the mark, I saw two paragraphs on the board behind the interviewers I remembered it was a whiteboard There were 2 paragraphs behind them. That's for sure The first one is paragraph in Mandarin The second one is paragraph in English The catwalk was pretty short, So I finished it really fast I was guessing what paragraphs could they be while doing the catwalk A public announcement? Or an advertisement from the company? "I bet it has something to do with the industry" was what I thought The moment I saw the paragraphs I went speechless in a blink of an eye those two paragraphs had nothing to do with aviation industry There was no vocabulary that is about aviation I was surprised For most of the airlines the contents of assessments are always about the industry I guess Starlux used a differernt strategy Those two paragraphs are like extractions from random articles I wondered what was the motive behind this It was interesting We all waited outside the room after we finished our parts We only moved on to the next assessment after everyone in the group was done Next, the girl guided us to another small room for the second assessment The second assessment is about English Group Discussion All of us in the same group entered a small room together It was not one on one There were well-arranged tables and chairs we took out seats They offered a piece of paper on each of our desks I used my own pen and some borrowed their pens After everyone was settled There were two interviewers in this round one was young and the other looked more experienced One of them introduced the process of the assessment During the group discussion the two interviewers were observing us I wasn't sure what they were checking After the discussion had ended, the interviewers asked all of us to share our opinions one by one Before they officially end the assessment, they picked two people and asked them some more questions I had no idea why they picked two people for more Q&A's Maybe the interviewers were giving them another chance to express themselves more Whether you are picked for another Q&A's, do not worry If they do pick you, take it as a chance to show them more about you It's a good sign If they don't pick you believe in yourselves that they already think you're good enough which is also a good sign Be confident about it and don't worry After knowing the topic for the discussion What our group was we didn't know each other in the beginning There must be someone who break the ice This group discussion is similar to the briefing which cabin crew have to conduct before every flight Most of the time, cabin crew don't know each other in the briefing There are too many cabin crew in the company, and it's not easy to work with the same cabin crew on every flight The first thing to do at the beginning of the briefing is the short introduction of every cabin crew After all of us introduced ourselves, we then started the discussion Here comes the tip Make sure to remember everyone's name in your group before the start of discussion It shows people the effort you make by addressing strangers by their names It's a good habit even for your future briefing in the company So we did the self-introduction first someone had to take the lead to be the first one to begin the discussion My energy was still with me before the third assessment thanks to the coffee I had The third assessment was Final Q&A This round of Q&A was interesting to me I thought they would do it one by one But all the candidates actually went in altogether for the third assessment So it was conducted by groups And the interviewers asked questions one by one there were two male interviewers with one female interviewer two male interviewers were kind it was about the female interviewer hehehe the questions she asked were tricky I was a little stressed because of that female interviewer she made most of the candidates feel uneasy The candidates were sitting in front of the three interviewers the interviewer would decide to start from the left or the right Therefore, all the candidates could hear each other's questions and answers The rest of the candidates in my group had no flying experience However, they had experience in service industry like restaurant manager and customer service here comes her questions to us she asked specific answers to me "the one with flying experience" and other questions she asked to "the one with no flying experience" For me, the one with flying experience They asked me questions regarding only my flying experience The questions those two male interviewers asked me were a more general sort of questions Happily I wasn't the first one to talk to the female interviewer; therefore, I was well prepared before talking to her Her question to me was what was the last position I held in my previous company followed up by more detailed questions Since I used terminologies to answer her questions, the back and forth questioning and answering were not as stressful as others' she was stricter to other candidates now I'm going to share what questions she gave to the candidates with no experience for other candidates she asked them... what are you advantages and disadvantages she didn't focus on the advantages it was disadvantages she was focusing on one candidates told her the disadvantage she said her disadvantage was that she sometimes spoke too fast the female interviewer agreed with her and asked the candidate why she still spoke so fast when she already knew what she had to improve everyone was shocked that the interviewer was so direct that candidate was merely answering to her question and the interviewer didn't save her face However, that candidate was very strong and didn't shy away from the direct questions from the interviewer she told the interviewer she was still working on it the only stressful factor of the third assessment was that female interviewer 😂 Other than that...the vibe was fine the third assessment ended here They gave us a short break before the final assessment The final assessment was computer assessment Most of my brain cells died in this round The computer assessment was divided into three parts Each part was conducted separately The proctor will guide you through every part of the questions So there's no rush to finish all of them in a row The first part was to pick the same item from each question I suppose the intention of this part is to make sure you could read through document quickly This document is called PIL "Passenger Information List" There are seat numbers, names, and meal choices on the list or some other information So it is like a pre-training to see if you are able to skim through all the tiny words fast Part 2 was "Math and Logic" I have been bad at math for most of my life Those questions seemed fine when I read through them I guess it was all me who wasn't good at it... There were no difficult questions like equations... They were simple math questions Dealing with numbers made me tired I was not at all confident about myself when solving math problems 😭 The last part (the third part of the final assessment) which is "English Proficiency Test" There were questions like "Fill in the blank" and also "Cloze test" and "Reading test" It was simply like another TOEIC test They were all multiple choices After the third part was done The proctor asked all the candidates to stay for a while because there was another labor law explanation session for us Only after the session ended, we were allowed to leave the room That was the end of the interview assessment at Starlux Airlines I received the result after another 2 weeks I received their email for medical check and joining email My overall opinion on the interview is comparing to Qatar Airways Interview at Taiwanese airlines are more strict not that versatile the interview I had with Qatar Airways and Emirates were more like meetings the questions in the assessments at Starlux were not that related to aviation It really was like a school entrance exam to me it was about tests and exams ... I felt more stressed about Starlux's interview compared to others If you haven't watched my interview experience at Qatar Airways you may refer to the link up here You may find the difference between two airlines through the videos That's a wrap for the day I hope this video helps you if you're interested in Starlux If you're more into knowing the life as a cabin crew in another country welcome to subscribe to this channel there will be more updates coming up See you in the next video!
Channel: Wen
Views: 16,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K_r8LMOzIqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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