日默瓦Rimowa&新秀丽Samsonite|Comparison行李箱测评Luggage Review|Is it worth the price?All you want to know值得购入吗
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Channel: Ms.Crispy 嘎嘣脆
Views: 35,952
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Keywords: 加拿大, 多伦多, 大学生, 多倫多, 海外僑胞, 海外華人, 留學生活, 大學生, university student, college student, Chinese girl, girlslife, study in canada, study in toronto, vlogger, vlogmylife, daily life, 海外华人, 海外同胞, 北美留学生活, study abroad, 行李箱测评, 新秀丽行李箱, 日默瓦行李箱, 托运行李箱测评, 高颜值行李箱, 行李箱測評, 新秀麗行李箱, 拉桿箱測評, 日默瓦, 託運行李箱, 高顏質行李箱, 值得購入的行李箱, 登機箱測評, rimowa, samsonite, pick the best luggage, luggage comparison, luggage review, all you want to know about luggage, cost effective luggage, suitcase, carry on, check in luggage, ohemma, michelle choi
Id: 7V-cmwbMPf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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