日系再發力 Technics AZ80 真無線旗艦耳機 | 支援LDAC Hi-Res、10mm鋁合金振膜動圈、強化版JustMyVoice語音!(附設cc字幕)| 耳機評測
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Channel: Post76影音玩樂
Views: 21,557
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Keywords: Technics AZ80, technics az80 review, technics az80 vs sony wf-1000xm4, technics az80 vs az60, technics az80 flossy carter, technics az80 vs sennheiser momentum true wireless 3, technics az80 vs airpods pro, technics az80 vs sennheiser momentum 3, technics az80 vs az60m2, technics az80 unboxing, technics az80 call quality, technics az80 sound test, technics az80 vs, technics az80 vs airpods pro 2, technics az80 reveiw, technics az80 soudn test, POST76, POST76 HUGO
Id: Ur6CM69hKkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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