[日本vlog] 關西和歌山縣 - 白濱溫泉之旅 Day 2/ 白良濱/ 千畳敷/ 三段壁洞窟/ 崎之湯/ 圓月島/ 御船足湯/ 長生の湯/ Hotel Shirahamakan
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Channel: Iris iolo
Views: 2,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 一日遊, Travel, Leisure, 推介, travel vlog, 景點, 美食, 窮遊, solo traveller, solo traveler, iris iolo, foodie, klook, japan trip, shirahama, 關西, 和歌山, 白濱, 溫泉, Hotel Shirahamakan, ramen, onsen, kansai wide area pass, kansai airport, osaka, transportation, 溫泉酒店, 白良濱, 千畳敷, 三段壁, 三段壁洞窟, 崎之湯, 圓月島, 長生の湯, SHIRAHAMA KEY TERRACE HOTEL SEAMORE, Engetsu Island, Shirahama Beach, Senjojiki, Sandanbeki, Saki-no-yu, Tennen-Onsen Choseinoyu
Id: jCki5vRoBvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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