新系列,來去露營吃爆喝爆|恩熙俊|理性癮酒 Feat. 玖壹壹 健志KenG|
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Channel: 恩熙俊 aka MC Jeng
Views: 794,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 恩熙俊, mcjeng, mc, jeng, 理性癮酒, 醉餓城市, 散財童子, 來去露營, 新竹, 五峰, 露營區, 新系列, 白蘭時光, 911, 健志, 玖壹壹, keng, 動物接龍, 故事接龍, peter, 流浪廚師, 台東, 金崙, 家庭式調酒, 喝酒, 喝醉, drunk, cocktail, 調酒, 做菜, 漢堡, 大阪燒, 炒苦瓜, 炸豬排, 油封海鮮, 琴酒, gin, fin, 威士忌, whisky
Id: risZgPkaVa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 6sec (1866 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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