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點開播放器的「字幕」>「關閉」就可以看到中文字幕 If you need Sub in other languages, click CC, auto-translate, select a language All purpose flour Prepare Tangzhong Mix unsweetened soy milk and all purpose flour Whisking constantly until flour completely dissolved in the soy milk Set over low heat Whisking constantly It quickly starts to thicken Whisking quickly Within a minute or so the mixture becomes a thick slurry Away from heat when the mixture reach 65°C Transfer the cooked mixture to a bowl, let it cool Cover with a plastic. Chill in fridge overnight Combine Demerara Raw Cane Sugar and unsweetened soy milk Sit in a hot water bath Stir until sugar is completely dissolved Instant Yeast Camellia Oil Mix well All purpose flour Combine all the ingredients with a rubber spatula like bread crumb Tangzhong kneading the dough briefly At this stage, the dough is not required to be smooth Divided the dough Each rose have 3 colours petals I am going to make white rose and purple rose Therefore I divided into 4 parts Ingredient list is available on my website Chill the unused dough in fridge Freeze dried purple sweet potato powder Spread the dough Purple sweet potato powder You can knead the dough by hand or using a bread machine I am working on both at the same time I knead the white dough while the bread machine knead the purple dough Knead the dough until smooth Chill the purple dough in fridge Roll out the dough to form a log Use a pin to break the large bubble Cut the log into pieces ( about 15 g each ) Make it round Put the pieces into a zip bag. Keep in freezer (0°C) Take 2 dough out from the fridge To make the green dough Sieve the matcha Mix and knead I am fond of natural food powder It is easier to adjust the colour and tone I don't need to calculate portion of wet and dry ingredients I knead the light green dough while the bread machine knead the dark green dough Save a lot of time Roll out the dough to form a log Cut into small pieces Do the same to light green dough Cut into small pieces Put the pieces into a zip bag. Keep in freezer (0°C) Yeast sleep below 0°C. The dough will not rise It will not freeze to ice within 1~2 hours Take out the pieces you are going to work with Cut a small part from a white dough Knead into an olive-shaped dough Roll each piece thinly like gyoza wrapper About 10 cm diameter As big as my palm Roll the edge thinner to imitate the shape of flower petals With the centre slightly thicker than the edges You can skip this steps if you are hurry If you to make delicate beautiful rose steamed bun I show you I really recommend to do this step Do the same to light green and dark green dough Use a pin to break the large bubble Working with 5 ~ 6 sheets at a time Place the first sheet, place the 2nd sheet on top of the first sheet but slightly further away Repeat lining up the next three sheets in the same way Place the olive-shaped dough on the first sheet Starting from the fist sheet and roll up into a log Cut the roll in the centre into 2 equal half pieces Turn the dough up, you will see the pretty rose shape Arrange each rose on a baking paper Press and fix the rose bottom to the baking paper Flower stand 90 degrees perpendicular to the table It will not tilt after it rise Shape the petals with your fingers I think rose just blooms is most beautiful moment Cut off the excess at the flower bottom You can arrange flower petals in different colour combination Purple rose Shaping each rose take time I want all rose rise at the same time Place them in a food container once finished Chill in fridge After all the shaped roses are completed Arrange the shaped bun on the steamer tray Cover and let the buns rise for 20 minutes I use steam oven 30°C rise for 20 minutes If you don't have a steam oven. Pour some hot water in the bottom of the steamer, place rose shaped buns in the steamer, cover. It feels light to pick up. It is ready to steam. Try not to rest too long, the rosebud shapes might be distorted Using a steam oven. Steam 10 minutes counting from warm up It takes 6~7 minutes for my steamer to warm up. I set up 3 minutes at 100°C When done, turn off the heat but do not open the door immediately Use the cloth to stuff the door and leave a void Let the steam come out slowly to prevent the buns from shrinking Let the buns sit inside for 10 minutes, then take out Using a steamer. Start boiling water in a steamer Steam the rosebud buns for 10 minutes over moderate heat Wrap the lid with a cloth to prevent water vapor When done, turn off the heat but do not remove the lid of the steamer Open the lid a little bit, let the buns sit inside for a further 10 minutes Tangzhong yields soft, moist, tender buns 2 days post-steaming, extended shelf life I do not steam the bun again It’s still moist, soft, and delicious when eating cold Insert a cake pop sticks into the bun Romantic !
Channel: 肥丁手工坊 Beanpanda Cooking Diary
Views: 1,040,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matcha steamed bun, rose steamed bun, 玫瑰花饅頭, 玫瑰饅頭, 湯種饅頭, tangzhong steamed bun, 抹茶饅頭, 汤种馒头, 玫瑰馒头, 湯種法, 抹茶饅頭做法, 抹茶饅頭捲, 玫瑰饅頭怎麼做, 湯種饅頭比例, 湯種饅頭carol, 湯種饅頭配方, 玫瑰馒头 做法, 玫瑰花饅頭 愛料理, 玫瑰饅頭 麵包機, 玫瑰饅頭 電鍋, 抹茶饅頭 レシピ, rose steamed buns, rose steam bun recipe, steam bun, matcha bun, tangzhong buns recipe, rose buns, steamed bun, 饅頭 麵包機, steamed buns recipe, mantou buns recipe, tangzhong bun, matcha buns, man tou recipe, 镘 头 的 做法, 玫瑰花饅頭 做法, steam bread recipe, rose steam bun, 玫瑰饅頭食譜, 玫瑰饅頭carol, 花饅頭做法
Id: 7uqghez-o_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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