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hello everyone I'm Amethyst and you can call me Lier Then I will guide you today to read the third eye I wrote a while ago The meaning of the lazy bag opening the third eye The benefits of activating the pineal gland for us The easiest and clearest way to open the third eye related content What about this one? Because many babies respond well So I want to say record an introductory version It can help babies who want to use listening to understand better It is the content that opens the third eye This article is a collection of materials from my higher self at home and abroad through the Internet Simply sort out the information about the pineal gland of the third eye and my own experience Rearranged into what I think is better Lazy bags for babies to learn about These are the questions that everyone most wants to know about opening the third eye If you think there is still something you don't understand Welcome to use line@732eldpy to communicate with me The third eye is the gateway to the human consciousness and spiritual realm It allows us to feel through the heart Such as intuition, remote viewing, extra perception, lucid dreaming, etc. received invisible information The third eye is an energy center in the human body Associated with the sixth chakra The sixth chakra is also called the eyebrow chakra or the third eye chakra The third eye is located in the center of the forehead The location of the brow chakra is from the middle of the person to the hairline for most people The third eye is dormant until it is opened And the opening of the third eye is a life-changing process Your life will change dramatically after the third eye is opened Because this is the beginning of your spiritual journey marks your spiritual awakening after spiritual awakening You can experience another level of spirituality in your life You will often encounter synchronic events The right person will come into your life You will be more clear about your path and his goals The process of opening the third eye varies from person to person may be long maybe in a split second Some people will go through a painful time feel headache confusion and hallucinations worst case mental problems There are also some people who experience a relatively smooth process they have lucid dreams feel powerful intuition no matter what you've been through should accept him frankly Because it all depends on your karma and spiritual level What is the pineal gland? The pineal gland is a vertebrate small endocrine glands in the brain the smallest organ in the human body Responsible for making melatonin Melatonin is a hormone that affects the regulation of wake-sleep patterns and seasonal circadian function Simply put, the pineal gland senses light at night without blue light it secretes melatonin to regulate the physiological functions of the human body The pineal gland is shaped like a small pine cone and sits near the center of the brain between the two cerebral hemispheres Most living vertebrates have a pineal gland Then how do I open my third eye Everyone's opening experience is different The pineal gland has always been concerned by occultism and religion They believe that the pineal gland is the channel connecting the real world and the higher world When the pineal gland is awakened The so-called third eye is opened One will feel a nameless pressure in the head The body trembles uncontrollably It's like a strong energy is injected into the body We can usually meditate meditation diet etc. deactivate it with energy in the body I put amethyst behind my brow chakra Began to feel the pineal gland being active The brow chakra will also make you feel really spinning It's like a vortex turning these changes It all came about after I started to get in touch with crystals at the very beginning Feeling like a sudden dizziness listened to some meditation music Especially the meditation music for opening the third eye You can also obviously feel the strong rotation of the brow chakra It takes a while to get used to these feelings. I think everyone's adaptation period may be different My own adaptation period is about a week or two. I have also heard it for a month or two or even longer I mainly use audio crystal meditation Come help me resonate with the brow chakra And then open the third eye From practice to real stable opening Freedom to control its power is about a year later to feel clearly and naturally But spirituality inspires such things I believe everyone's process is different It can't be exactly the same as others So look at the experiences of different people Both go refer to see Don't just believe in a certain statement or a faction There is no fixed way to open the third eye maybe get someone to help you listen to audio do chakra meditation do crystal therapy Later I will share some tips on how to use To help you experience the opening of the third eye And what do you feel when you open your third eye? Not everyone can open the third eye smoothly And the soul frequency of the third eye opening It can also affect how you feel A small way to quickly open the third eye Many people have tried this method It's quite obvious But there is no guarantee that everyone will have the same effect The first step is to take a deep breath calm down your heart The second step is to take a deep breath and hold it hold your breath until you can't hold your breath anymore Then slowly open your mouth and exhale 2-5 times If you feel you are already comfortable relaxed The purpose is to change the brain slope from beta wave to alpha wave Step 3 Take a deep breath and hold for a few seconds In order not to make myself wait a while to exhale Gas rushes out of the mouth like a gas leak Be sure to measure the description you can stay before exhaling through the mouth Put your tongue between your slightly parted teeth Like the phonetic symbol of TH in English The situation inside the mouth when the English word the is pronounced But just press your tongue lightly with your teeth Then say it slowly in a middle pitch thhohh~~ thhohh~~ neither high nor low pitch Exhale slowly while reciting can feel the air through your tongue and teeth If done correctly you'll be on the chin Feeling of pressure or sensation with the position of the cheek In the fourth step, the third step is carried out three times 30 second pause between each Finally, do this whole step three times Every time about 24 hours if you want to do it again after two weeks Feeling unwell after or for a few days Discomfort in the third eye area is normal. because when you open your third eye is to pour energy into an already fully almost Pineal Gland Stopped Working if extremely not Then you may have to ask yourself Have you ever been interested in the mystery class? for a long time causes the pineal gland to shut down Then share your thoughts here I've done this whole thing once The whole body is numb after doing it it's a natural ability I'm good at tuning to my favorite frequency or specify audio So finish the exercises that require audio will have a strong feeling It seems that the whole body is shaking directly above the eyebrows At about 1.5 cm there is a very strong It feels like being pierced with a needle but it's not painful It will make people want to cry out but not in pain That feeling seems to be mixed with pleasure Been doing it for about two weeks now With intuition ability becomes stronger The surrounding objects and scenery become brighter. It seems that I am no longer in the original world Because I often feel numbness in the head It feels like someone is giving you a massage or Electrical stimulation is very comfortable Enhanced intuition You can use the following tips Help you open your third eye First, practice meditation in meditation practice Don't try to control your thoughts and attitudes like most people try to observe what your body and mind are doing Second, exercise and drink plenty of water Drinking water also helps flush out toxins from the body Hydrate the brain for better resonance Third, avoid using fluoridated water or even toothpaste research shows Fluoride Chemicals in Drinking Water and Toothpaste calcification of the pineal gland Fourth, bravely step out of your comfort zone to explore other ideas A closed third eye can lead to narrow-mindedness One of the best ways to open your mind is to always be curious Fifth, limit and reduce the consumption of processed foods as thoroughly as possible due to the hormones contained in meat You will benefit from a substantial reduction in meat consumption if you want to stick to meat then make sure it's as organic as possible Sixth, start with mindfulness three eyes Fixing yourself in the present is the best way It's a practice called mindfulness Seventh, flood your body with antioxidants Antioxidants detoxify and strengthen your body is to learn Ideal conditions to open your third eye Eighth, explore your fundamental beliefs Fundamental beliefs can lock people into limited ways of thinking Learn to really explore and solidify your fundamental beliefs Ninth, eat natural food, vegetables and fruits your diet matters Because it directly affects your hormones, energy which in turn affects your feelings and thoughts when your third eye opens you can capture thoughts that don't belong to you You will become an intuitive thinker You have the ability to sense what people around you are thinking this is a signal Indicates that you have activated your pineal gland The ability of the third eye can be divided into hardware and software and other related conditions to compare The first condition is the hardware aspect Is the third eye position big enough? Related meridians and brow chakra Meridians and acupoints related to heart chakra and left and right brain Are all the parts related to the third eye unblocked? Is the hardware part that belongs to you complete enough? The hardware is related to the realm that can be seen The lower the realm, the more limited the things you see For example, the so-called yin and yang eyes are limitations Can't see gods and Buddhas and other high frequencies only low frequency this is a limitation Indicates limited hardware capability I very much agree with this Because I also have yin and yang eyes since I was a child Problems related to being possessed and stuck for a long time Since I learned to raise the frequency of soul vibration and open the third eye Just solve the problem that has troubled me for 28 years Constantly seeing ghosts just started to see gods and buddhas jesus angel unicorn and other high spirits The second condition is the meditation realm software The software part is the first Zen Second Zen Three Zen Four Zen How far have you reached the state of samadhi The third condition is whether the energy is sufficient This part is about how many times you can use it when you want Do you feel uncomfortable after using Because overuse in the third year can also hurt So I use Usui Reiki to keep my chakras stable And let the aura of the universe flow through my body smoothly Give unlimited and safe and powerful healing power The sum of the above three conditions You can know the level of your eye's ability state After activating the third eye, there will be two states You can judge and see how you are The first kind of passive seeing This state is that I can only see something suddenly at certain times When you deliberately want to use your eyes But I can't see anything This means that the ability of the third eye is unstable and unusable The second active seeing This status means you can use it when you want Maybe you will find that you can't see right or can't watch too many times But at least if you want to use your third eye, you can at least use it for a while Let’s not talk about the realm of the eyes in this part The Metaphor of the Hard Realm And assuming that you have been able to use the third eye stably then congratulations The future is to see if there is a way to improve the process of the eye It's like getting an ancient monocular Slowly cultivate into modern binoculars Slowly cultivated and became an astronomical telescope Practice slowly again Become a cosmic astronomical telescope that flies outside the earth This is the boundary through continuous practice Let yourself elevate the realm of the eyes The time it takes to open the third eye it's different for everyone if you were in a previous life had a spiritual evolution or have tried to progress spiritually Then experience the opening of the third eye It may only take a short time now third eye usually associated with clairvoyance religious vision intuitive out-of-body experience and the ability to observe chakras and auras Furthermore, after opening the third eye May encounter abnormal state some of these experiences are pleasant some are not If you raise your vibration to a very high level Peace, Love, Gratitude and Joy You will be able to see a more developed world than the one we live in The seven chakra meditation method of connecting with the source of the universe Can help the third eye to open more stable Opening and balancing the seven chakras is very helpful for opening the third eye It is recommended to maintain the normal operation of the seven chakras 320 00:15:21,133 -->00:15:23,900 In order to make good use of the ability of the third eye Less uncomfortable get ready, find a quiet place lie down safely or sit upright in a chair start regular deep breathing take a deep breath take as long as you want until you feel completely relaxed And easy and regular arc 7. Crown chakra, corresponding to the nervous system of the brain bring the mind to the center of the top of the head Feeling that the body transcends the limitations of the living space connect with the universe Imagine a purple light appearing breathe relax Concentrate on this position where you see the purple light Possibly a purple circular halo maybe a whole bunch of purple rays Breathe naturally with the mind keep your mind on this place 6. Eyebrow chakra/third eye (corresponding to pituitary gland) eyes, ears, nose when you feel completely relaxed Bring the mind to the very center of the forehead imagine an indigo light appearing at this point use your breath to relax focus on this see the indigo light there This indigo light may be a circular halo That could be a whole bunch of indigo rays Shine on this third eye position Choose any way of imagining that works for you Breathe naturally with your mind Let the mind stay in this place for a while maybe 1 minute or more 5. Throat (thyroid, throat) teeth Then transfer the pasta to the very center of the throat remember to keep natural relaxing deep breaths Imagine exhaling and inhaling in the throat area where is a blue light The mind stays on the blue light until the blue light becomes very clearly visible stay for a while 4. Heart chakra (thymus, heart) Then move the mind to the heart area center of thoracic cavity imagine a green light appearing there Breathe naturally with your mind breath into the area take your time It doesn't matter how long it takes Enjoy the moment and the feeling until the connection between you and your intuitive thoughts is completely renewed 3. Solar plexus (corresponding to liver, spleen and stomach) when you feel you can make it to the next step Then transfer the mind to the position of the solar plexus The solar plexus is located below the breastbone the back of the stomach like when taking a deep breath The area of the abdomen that rises and falls when you take a deep breath into this position of the solar layer It's like there's a golden light shining on this whole area keep breathing naturally stay here as long as you want just feel comfortable And really feel this warm golden light 2. Navel chakra (kidney, bladder) then find your spleen on the left side of the back near the kidneys Imagine this part is bathed in an orange glow and breathe with this part maybe you feel a warm feeling or other feelings associated with the color 1. The root chakra (reproductive line/ovary) Finally shift the mind to the base of the spine and imagine a red light there Use the red light it radiates to warm this area inhale in red light Exhale for as long as you want Connecting with Mother Earth (Holistic Healing) Now imagine a crystal tube going down the tailbone all the way to the center of the earth imagine yourself feeling and saw a crystalline light in the center of the earth it has connection with mother earth Detoxification and balancing Now it feels like that beam of light is moving up Enter the body through the tailbone through the crystal tube Act on the entire spine in its own way and 7 energy centers Healing, Purification, Detoxification balance your whole body and your energy connect with cosmic father return to the source feel and see this light move up through each energy center Move up and out passing overhead feel and see this light now like a crystal wand connect you with the infinite flow of energy in the universe All sources of ideas linked together strengthen the exercise Each step can be repeated multiple times And the time spent on each step can be arbitrarily According to the needs of each vein Which veins want to strengthen exercise, you can spend more time If the point is to activate the third eye then spend more time in the center of the forehead End (return to heart chakra) At the end of the meditation take back all the light and energy move the mind to the heart Right in the center of the chest Gentle Reminder: At the end of the meditation Please remember to be grateful to the source of the universe and all light and energy If you forget to be grateful, all your efforts will be wasted How to prevent pineal gland calcification Because opening the third eye is the activation of the pineal gland For a healthier body and a happier heart Here are some ways to prevent pineal gland calcification available to everyone 1. Eliminate or reduce meat intake 2. Drink alkaline or distilled water 3. Avoid Fluoride 4. Practice ingesting the energy of the sun In the morning when the sun is rising can watch him Great for pineal gland decalcification You can do 3-5 minutes a day it doesn't take long 5. Eat more vegetables The more alkaline foods that enter the system Feeding the pineal gland hurts your body more 6. Keep positive thoughts and actions This may seem a bit small or not deep enough but your state of mind has great rights Thoughts can be toxic too 7. Take blue, green algae and other chlorophyll-rich superfoods 8. Put the crystal on the brow every day Meditation with Crystals Has Positive Effects on Pineal Gland Decalcification 9. What will happen after the third eye is opened? 1. Receive information from the unknown world This may be the main purpose of opening the third eye after spiritual awakening you will receive and understand Messages from Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels The information will be at the correct time sent to you in the right way you may intuit lucid dream Perspective ability, etc. Received after spiritual awakening everything in your life it's no coincidence So you have to take it seriously See intuitive information because they come from the divinity within you It is recommended to prepare a small dream book get up as much as possible Immediately record what is in your dream key fragment or key When your third eye becomes more and more active Within a week after observing the dream Acknowledgment of events You will generate a dream interpretation book of your own Everyone's dream interpretation is different So at the beginning, you can refer to the information on the Internet but then when you know what you dreamed what happens more easily After making an association You will have your dream interpretation database 2. After the third eye of astral projection is turned on funniest thing you can do Maybe it's astral projection whenever and wherever You can travel the astral plane of the earth or elsewhere in the universe You just need to learn the relevant technology and adjust the state of consciousness to do so via astral projection You can experience different planes of existence See what's happening on different planets but you have to be careful with this It is best to be well-prepared and guided by a professional and with the right motivation 3. Experience the spiritual world Some people see or hear hallucinations When your sensory ability breaks through the normal range you'll hear or see things beyond the physical world You will receive audio or visual messages from other dimensions These dimensions may be lower or higher than Earth's depends on your vibrational frequency everything happens for a reason The information received May be of great significance to your life But hallucinations can also cause you pain Because hallucinations are often associated with schizophrenia It's not that people who have hallucinations are schizophrenic. Some only wish to experience lower or higher dimensions for a moment Just to see what so called heaven and hell look like 4. Adjust the cerebral hemispheres The human brain is divided into two hemispheres The left brain is responsible for logical and analytical thinking The right brain is responsible for emotional creativity and intuition Schooling helps us develop logical and analytical thinking But few people teach us how to deal with emotions and intuition So many people are full of contradictions Only after years of battling their emotions had to accept them if you can't accept your emotions inability to face one's intuition you can't develop spiritually 5. Hypersensitivity, after opening the third eye You become more sensitive to the energy of others You will have the opportunity to encounter both good and bad energies 6. You feel intense pressure on your brow chakra one of the first signs a person may experience is a headache or pressure in the center of the forehead This feeling can also come from within Usually 2 inches or more under the forehead This is to activate the pineal gland positive signs and start functioning in a healthier way you might like lucid dreaming Notice After this type of headache or pressure on the forehead you might wake up one morning Twitching or tingling sensation in the area this feeling can be very strong there seems to be something there A pulsating or shaking sensation that lasts throughout the day you may hear voices coming from your head 7. Migraine Some people may experience migraines that last for hours Severity of side effects Depends on how much the gland has shrunk and calcified from the start It's pressure on the temples it's also a signal Your pineal gland is actively developing so it starts channeling your kundalini energy even more Kundalini is also translated as Jundali, Lingquan, and Kundalini Sanskrit originally meant to curl up Indian yoga considers it to be the tangible life force source of sexual power curled up at the end of the human spine traditional Indian Goddess or sleeping snake as a symbol Similar to what TCM and Taoism say essence or innate qi Indian yogis believe that through the practice of yoga Awakens the sleeping Kundalini in the body send him through the midrib Finally reached the realm of anti-self unity 8 intuition People who benefit from third eye opening also have a very strong intuition Furthermore they can predict future events Also available from our Feel different things in the reality you know This phenomenon cannot be explained in words Because it's a country beyond this world Also when your intuition is fully developed no matter who is against you You will stand firm in your beliefs and knowledge 9. Clairvoyance You now notice more vivid vivid colors like in flowers leaves and sky you'll see lights twinkling all around you you can see it in a completely different way The color and light of the day all feel changed colors can be seen more clearly you can smell a strange smell you can feel or hear something something that shouldn't really exist This almost psychotic experience For people who experience third eye opening by chance 10. Sound sensitivity This sign is unique to spiritual people They are disturbed by loud or even low-intensity sounds Some of these sounds are absorbed by the brain and often translates into extremely strong emotions These emotions are not related to any accidents that have been lived before 11. Increase creativity Reality doesn't seem so real anymore Creativity is a powerful force it has been given to you as a gift used in a constructive and positive approach In addition creativity through Force us to rely on our own content Especially with the help of the brow chakra connect us to a higher consciousness the more we do The easier it is to connect with the highest consciousness Besides you've been bombarded with ideas For example, you usually receive ideas at an extremely high rate Images, music and other creative inspiration If the third eye is accidentally opened You may feel disconnected from the real world you have this strange feeling as if you were living in a dream like everything is a lie nothing else matters 12. Vivid dreams the kind of dream you never forget because you think you can control them can recognize your true infinite self these dreams are very vivid you will see them as an augmented reality world in these vivid dreams you are actually from your aura release old energy Also you are remembering and remember the past life knowledge and experience with you in daily life All the good info you could possibly use to link up You may also experience changes in sleep patterns such as needing more or less sleep than normal periods of insomnia or restlessness and unexpected extreme fatigue 13. Change your diet During your brow chakra opening You might make some changes to your regular diet For example Give up alcoholic beverages and choose different foods especially whole fresh fruits and vegetables These foods can keep the vibration high Helps you maintain high energy levels 14. Clarity you can see more clearly what is unkind what is kind Additionally, you can sense events that occur and know something before it happens After opening the third eye You embrace your emotions and intuition This means you can make your analysis Balancing thinking and intuitive thinking That is, to balance the left and right brain so you can use both intuition and logical thinking thereby enhancing your problem-solving skills make life easier 15. Can see the unity of all things when your third eye opens you can move into a higher state of consciousness so into other dimensions between you and others between the observer and the observed between the individual and the collective There is no separation between the creator and the creation 16. You will ask yourself more and more about the purpose of life when your third eye wakes up you may feel clearer like your job negative energy in relationships and maybe some of your friends even the true intentions of the family This is a very normal transition period in your awakening 17. You'll Know More About What You Eat when you open your third eye Your sensitivity to toxicity increases You now know that even food is just energy and information So you're just looking for food that actually nourishes you 18. Increased insight Clairvoyance is an extrasensory ability you can open your third eye Hear frequencies that normal people can't hear hear things people never say because you can tune in and experience those special frequencies This special ability is called insight Conclusion, once the pineal gland is awakened and activated You are free to choose who you want to be the parallel self universe enhance creativity attention, intuition Insight, super-sensing ability Create a healthy body and a joyful life If fear is from the unknown Then we should know more Free yourself from the fear of the unknown It can be said that the third eye is the divine light within you It reminds you to explore your own spiritual nature Experience life from different angles when the third eye opens It means your wings are open you can fly to the sky start a new journey congratulations Thank you for listening to this entire guide If you like my video, remember to help me subscribe Like, share, open the small bell Thank you May you and all you are related to Can have every day in paradise on earth
Channel: Amethyst儷兒
Views: 260,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 第三眼, 松果體, 開第三眼, 活化松果體, 眉心輪, 脈輪, 活化脈輪, 導讀, 冥想, 超能力
Id: 6YM-RNpYsTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 9sec (2049 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2022
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