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Try this. Why didn't you go out with your dormmates? Do you guys not get along? No. We get along just fine. But they're going to the Central Plaza today for the New Year's Eve Countdown. It's too crowded for me and Yihe is too cold. I didn't want to go out. But you said yes the minute I asked. That's because... It's because I owe you a meal. If I didn't come, you would think I'm trying to get out of treating you to a meal. I was just kidding. By the way, I didn't mean to tease you at the hospital. So I wanted to formally apologize to you today . It's not a big deal. Besides, that was a long time ago. All right. Eat more. It's my treat. Consider it my apology. Did n't we agree that it was my treat ? do you mean? Are you saying that we don't have to meet again after this meal? You have no sympathy for this lonely old man. You won't even have a meal with your brother. Jiaxu, start digging in. You' re really talkative today. It's not like I get to have a meal with you every day. So what if I want us to talk more? Let's talk about you. How are your studies? Are you interested in them? The lecturer says that we won't have too many compulsory modules in the first year. But there'll be a lot in the second year. Let's sit here. Okay . Here. That's what my lecturer said. Why won't you answer my calls? you there's no need for us to stay in touch anymore. Ying! Who are you? What's wrong with you? What 's wrong with you? It's none of your business. Do you know why I did that to him? the reasons behind it. Why did you do it? Listen here. If you assaulted him, I would return the favor. Ying! Ying! What are you trying to do, Jiang Ying? t do this! Let's go. Sorry, miss. Please leave. You think you don't owe me anymore? You owe me for the rest of your life! I tell you! Please leave. me anymore? Duan Jiaxu! Get out! I will never let you go! Let me go! Are you okay? Let's leave, Jiaxu .
Channel: 寵愛好時光
Views: 1,347,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 偷偷藏不住, hidden love, 赵露思, 陈哲远, 马伯骞, 曾黎, 邱心志, 管梓净, 王洋, 张皓伦, zhao lusi, chen zheyuan, ma boqian, zeng li, qiu xinzhi, guan zijing, wang yang, zhang haolun, 都市甜宠剧, 甜宠剧, 爱情剧, cdrama2023, 偶像剧, 内地偶像剧, 中国偶像剧, 偷偷藏不住在线看, hidden love ep01, hidden love full, hidden love trailer, hidden love bts, 偷偷藏不住全集, 偷偷藏不住预告, 偷偷藏不住在线看第一集, 青春校园剧, 偷偷藏不住抢先看, 偷偷藏不住优酷, 竹已, 难哄, 偷偷藏不住全一季
Id: D3jMTm5K5T0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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