德國已成歐陸霸主,為何非要雙線作戰打蘇聯?關閉上帝視角,剖析德國必打蘇聯的深度原因#重返戰場 #二戰 #德國

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Everyone knows that fighting on two fronts is taboo But during World War II Germany has not yet solved the British situation Open up the Soviet-German battlefield again Clearly caught in a two-front war Why did Germany insist on launching it An attack on the Soviet Union? Want to know the answer We need to see it What was the Soviet Union doing What makes the Germans Tolerate the taboo of a multi-front war And attack the Soviet Union immediately The Soviet Union signed with Germany After the non-aggression pact that partitioned Poland The official Soviet propaganda was "We have tied the hands of fascists." Next they attacked Finland Finland became independent after the October Revolution Ideologically hostile to the Soviet Union The Soviet Union was worried about being too close to the Finnish border All they need is artillery on the border You can travel directly to the major Soviet cities Leningrad So Stalin made unreasonable demands It's a land swap with the Finns. Finns see this as a "losing business" And already had bad relations with the Soviets Decisively rejected Stalin's demands The Soviets are on fire "You're brave, young man." So he did it The Soviet-Finnish War began And here it seems to make sense In fact, there is a serious problem Why would the Soviets worry about Finland attacking them? Even though the Soviet army was in bad shape But in the face of heavy losses Still able to lean on They beat Finland by huge numbers Forcing Finland to cede land Under this huge disparity of national power Why would the Soviets worry about Finland attacking them Even after major losses Keep attacking Finland, too Or why is Finland so upset I'm gonna mess with one What about enemies far stronger than you? The "fear" of the Soviet Union itself is not valid So why did he play Finland? As simple as pie To defend against Germany and Finland History also provides an answer When the Germans hit here Finland did indeed unite with Germany Yet the reason for the union I'm afraid there's a good chance It was the Soviet-Finnish war Also after Operation Barbarossa in Germany The Soviet Union had only the Far East There is also a sizeable fully formed army In the face of the German attack Troops defending Leningrad and Moscow All of them escaped from the German siege And shadow troops that the Germans didn't know about On the ropes And that means one thing The Soviets have turned their main forces All set up on the western frontier Before Operation Barbarossa Who is in the west of the Soviet Union? Isn't that all that's left? So it's better to play Finland Sign a non-aggression pact The Soviets don't trust the Germans They were on the border early Waiting for the Germans to attack Now in the eyes of Germany The British direction is no longer a front Because Germany's mighty army was completely ineffective The Navy had to rely on submarines to keep up with the British Navy The air Force we were hoping for Was found to have no strategic bombing capability And paid a heavy price for it It did not do much harm to Britain So Germany has effectively stopped An attack in the British direction The bulk of the army turned against the Soviet Union Germany attacked the Soviet Union for many reasons The most pressing reason is oil Don't think the Germans tricked Chamberlain before Pick quarrels repeatedly Until suddenly war broke out The initiative in World War II In the hands of the Germans Britain and France as old empires Has already begun tightening the noose around Germany's neck When Germany attacked Poland National oil reserves barely last three months That's how Germany fought Poland And then they took France with the oil they stole from Poland The oil was stolen by the French It can cope with the war against Britain and the Soviet Union Until the capture of the Baku oil field, then the largest in the world As a result, he found a pig teammate - Italy First involved in an unrelated war in North Africa He was drawn into the Balkan war And the defeat in North Africa Because the fuel supply is not available Cause a military defeat But there was still oil in Germany Just couldn't get it across the Mediterranean But this reminds the Germans The first World war was because of a shortage of oil The resulting industrial contraction And before the war, Britain and France took advantage of overseas colonies The blockade of German oil Let German industry always develop In an anemic panic So what the Soviet Union did Europe's largest oil producer A place that Germany must conquer And then there's the familiar story Germany on the Western Front before the war is over Choosing to attack the Soviet Union eastward Then the Soviet Union was prepared Withstood the Blitzkrieg with strategic depth. And finally to counter-attack Berlin From a military perspective The German mode of operation Extremely risky, no doubt When you don't play well That's the enemy on the back and the back Under siege by Britain and the Soviet Union Tired of running Take care of one thing and lose the other That would be a problem In fact Back in the First World War Germany has proved this with its own actions A two-front war is no fun Especially with the British and the Soviets A rival of extraordinary wealth That's the first half of the game Look at it this way Germany's move at the time seemed unwise It might even be called stupid It was obvious, after all Just fight the Soviet Union. It's bound to be a two-front war So we came to a conclusion The Germans are too bloated It's a two-front war that's going to be fought on both sides Final defeat That's why we shouldn't have attacked the Soviets in the first place But in fact We've all fallen into a trap! These conclusions and opinions that we have now That's from God's point of view Work backwards from the results And the men on the German staff There is no such condition They can't predict the future Only based on the information and resources available To plan your next move According to the German analysis at the time That's when we attacked the Soviet Union Is in line with their own interests Even at the risk of being attacked from both sides But it's worth a try First whether Germany attacks the Soviet Union or not The threat of a two-front war is always present On the surface Relations between the Soviet Union and Germany were good at the time The two sides partitioned Poland together in 1939 And signed a non-aggression pact It's even going on Trade in military technology and war materials And just because the Soviets were safe enough in the east, Germany was free to blitz Western Europe We took the Low Countries and France Thus gained and the Soviet Union And the entire alliance to challenge the capital But in fact The two countries are already at odds There is always the possibility of war On this point Soviet and German sides In fact, it is the kind of unspoken It's like you know what I'm up to I know how reserved you are The truth is there, after all You can't have two tigers on the same mountain On the continent There can only be one boss And it shows from our initial analysis The Soviets were already on the lookout for the Germans At that time, the Soviet Union was after Germany partitioned Poland They started piling up troops on the border On the one hand, to guard against a German surprise attack On the other hand, he was ready to attack Germany For example, when Germany launched an offensive against Western Europe It's a great time for the Soviet Union You know what Germany was up against Britain and France, the two old powers They alone dominate the seas Maintaining order in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean The other is to have a claim The strongest army in Europe It enjoys a high status on the European continent Germany is strong But trying to take advantage of these two countries It's not gonna be easy The First World War was a case in point Germany was fighting well on the eastern front Just because the British and French got shot on the Western Front That's when he surrendered Before the war Almost everyone expects it to be a tough fight They're gonna be like World War I Fought like hell In the end, both sides lose And that's when the Soviets can reap the benefits Only the Soviets didn't think Germany won too quickly and easily The Nordic countries are on the verge of collapse The Low countries are vulnerable Even France, which claims to have the strongest army in Europe It only lasted 39 days In the end only Britain was left, driven back to the British Isles Struggling to stay afloat on the English Channel The Soviet Union Not yet from the Winter War To recover from the nightmare And the cleaning campaign is still warm It's all in the spirit but not in the power So you just have to watch The Germans are harvesting frantically in Western Europe But then again The Soviets won't do it now Doesn't mean it won't happen later Wait until they're ready Do you think he'll hammer you? The first strike is the last strike Germany wants to take the initiative in the future You have to strike first To say the least Even if the Soviets didn't have much in mind for Germany But the threat is there After all, the Soviets had millions of troops on the border with Germany The so-called "Eastern Front" was established. A military group of this size is placed there Germany cannot turn a blind eye He must devote some of his strength to defending the eastern front Even if Germany didn't fight the Soviet Union A good part of the army had to be pulled out and dragged there Of course, the cost of garrison defense It's a lot less than an active offensive Germany can tolerate a wave After cleaning up England And then the eastern front Wouldn't that have prevented a two-front war? The soldier could only say Ideal is very plump, reality is very bony Take care of the British and fight the Soviets Of course it's a good choice But only if you have what it takes You know, England is no better than France They don't have a border with Germany The British Isles, alone abroad It has a natural defensive advantage in geography The German tanks were able to bypass the Maginot line Can't get around the English Channel, can it? The most important thing is Germany's most important armored unit There's no use for that Can only look at the ocean and sigh If Germany wants to pass Forced landing in the English Channel That requires a strong sea power But the problem is Germany in the navy The aspect is just a short board Can't beat Britain So after Germany took France In fact, the strategic objective is basically accomplished Not much interest in cleaning up Britain At that time, Germany also actively approached Britain for peace talks Made a so-called "peace proposal." Trying to make peace with the British To end the war on the Western Front To free up his hands Go all out against the Soviet Union But the British simply don't buy into that The British will fight to the end The Germans are obviously staving it off "Now at least I can get by on the English Channel Wait until your Germany is done with the Soviet Union And beat me with all the strength of the continent That's even more unstoppable." In the face of British insistence Hitler was furious, too "Your England is clearly dying Still want to drink without eating punishment." So the Germans began to fight the British But with the loss of the air war Germany realized this early He won't be able to take the UK any time soon You know, Britain is more than just the British Isles They have colonies all over the world And the support of the United States across the Atlantic Germany in the absence of Britain If we keep wasting it on the western front That would be a waste of effort And if the Soviets take advantage of another surprise attack Germany, too, would be in a two-front war And more passive This is something Germany must consider The most important thing is This will cause Germany to lose The perfect time to attack the Soviet Union A lot of friends probably didn't expect that When Germany attacked the Soviet Union The Soviet Union was in a period of weakness A massive purge Took the wind out of this monster's sails The military has suffered a severe decline otherwise The Soviet Union in the Winter War I won't be beaten to death by Finland As the saying goes Kill him while he's sick No one has a God perspective In our place We'll fight the Soviets at the same time If Germany does not seize this opportunity After that, it's harder After all, the speed of Soviet development was exaggerated Two random five-year plans It would equal decades of German development Who knows when the Germans have taken care of England How far will the Soviet Union go? If the Germans can't take the Soviet Union by then It's not just the military threat from the East And lose a huge treasure trove of resources The breadbasket of Ukraine Oilfields in the Caucasus Coal mines in Donbass It'll all be gone by then That's when Germany is in trouble Under the double squeeze of Britain and the Soviet Union There's no way out either conversely If Germany had ridden the Soviet Union at its weakest Successfully took down the Soviet Union Not only will the military threat on the eastern front be completely eliminated Thoroughly solve the problem of fighting on two fronts And access to the vast resources of the Soviet Union Like oil, labor And a good industrial base and so on The most important thing is After taking the Soviet Union Germany would have access to all of Europe's resources At that time, Germany was really the king So it all comes together Attacking the Soviet Union was now Germany's primary objective As for England, Just put it on hold Probably not much of a threat anyway And it's across the English Channel Make it hard for oneself But Britain is no better off With the help of Allies like Italy and France Germany is on the western front It doesn't take much effort The pressure of a two-front war at this time On the contrary, it is the smallest On the whole He attacked the Soviet Union in 1941 For Germany at the time Is the best strategic choice Or the only viable option for Germany at the time Since victory over the British is hopeless Then we need to look elsewhere The Soviet Union was the obvious choice To put it simply Germany had to and only had to attack the Soviet Union And better late than early I mean, I lost in the back But there is nothing wrong with the strategy If the Soviet Union had not been so tenacious If the United States had not entered the war Germany may have succeeded I can't imagine the consequences Is that why in the history of World War II Why the Soviet Union would be called a pillar of strength Of course, history has no ifs So Germany is on our timeline Made the right choice and action Only man is doing, and heaven is watching Germany lost World War II I'm a soldier We'll see you next time
Channel: 重返戰場
Views: 125,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 熱兵器戰爭, 二戰, 德國, 蘇聯, 二戰德軍, 冬季戰爭, 戰爭, 蘇芬戰爭, 芬蘭, 英法, 閃擊波蘭, 法國戰役, 敦刻爾克, 巴巴羅薩
Id: E_pcoaI-VOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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