微軟 Surface Pro 9 開箱~ 最完美平板 + 電腦二合一選擇 #microsoft #intel
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Channel: 3C 達人廖阿輝
Views: 32,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 开箱, 手机, 手機, 测评, 评测, surface pro 9 review, surface pro 9 vs surface pro 8, surface pro 9 unboxing, microsoft, 開箱, microsoft surface, surface pro 9平板電腦, 平板電腦 推薦, 平板電腦推薦, 平板電腦 推薦2023, 平板電腦surface pro 9, surface pro 9, 微軟surface, 平板, 筆電, evo, intel evo, evo認證, 微軟 平板電腦, 平板電腦 微軟, microsoft平板電腦, microsoft 筆電, 微軟 surface pro 9, surface pro 9 battery life, microsoft surface pro 9 unboxing black
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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