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They are already preparing to go out for a performance parade, and the two colorful children seem to be dummies, not real people. The faucet of the drone is like this. It has been modified. Look at Fu Lu Shou. He is very colorful and has his blessings. Let’s parade with the roasted pig to worship the gods. Hello, everyone. It’s 9:06 in the morning. My location is Zhongshan 8th Road. Today is the third day of the third month of the lunar calendar, the Beidi Festival. It turns out that there are activities in many places in Guangzhou , such as Shawan Ancient Town. Piaose Foshan Ancestral Temple will have parades and performances again. As for the Renwei Ancient Temple near Longjin Road in Guangzhou, which we are most familiar with, the Renwei Ancient Temple is almost closed. There is also a parade today. I will take you there to see if everyone on the road is going. I watched the Beidi Festival Parade. I didn’t know until I went to see it. As for the huge traffic jam on Zhongshan 8th Road outside, maybe it ’s because the road in front is closed. Yes, if it comes to the most beautiful one, I think it should be the one in Shawan Ancient Town, Panyu because it has floating scenery. But it will only start at 2 pm and we don’t know if we will drive there, so after considering it , we just go back to Longjin Road and forget it. If it is just a few words from the leader about the skewers and firecrackers, we may not come here , but it is said that it There will be road closures and there will be parades , so it will be nice to see the roads. Longjin Road is closed. No wonder there is such a traffic jam . Yes, it may be like this. There are reasons for the traffic jams outside . For example, there are also activities in Huangpu Ancient Port because they worship Beidi . Many places worship Pak Tai Temple. It has been written here that the March 3rd Cultural Festival is temporarily closed. Let me tell you about ancient times. In fact, there is also Pak Tai Temple in Hong Kong. I have done my homework in several places . For example, Wan Chai, Sham Shui Po, Cheung Chau , Pak Tai Temple is worshiped. What we are going to now is the Renwei Ancient Temple. We haven’t seen any road closures when we arrive at Pantang Road. Maybe there will be road closures only if we keep going until that section. Cars here can also go straight and turn left. In front of us is the Renwei Temple. We go there first. The Renwei Temple and the police are already in a hurry to seal the road. Yes, you need to prepare an ambulance. You see, most of them are elderly people. The buses at the bus station here are not coming. The arrival at Renwei Temple starts at 10 o'clock. Pantang Road, Longjin, West Enning Road, Baohua Road, Hengbao Plaza, Baoyuan Road. After the whole tour, at 1 o'clock, the floats had already begun to be seen. There was already one in front. There were many policemen in front. The policemen directly drove the electric chickens. I put it in the middle of the road and started to prepare for the road closure. I guess there is a big float here that is preparing to close the road. There are so many people here at Renwei Temple. We took a look around. When the time came, we started to parade to see the parade floats. Some of the floats were already there. Leave it here. Walk all the way to Changshou Road but don’t go to the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall. Maybe the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall has nothing to do with it. There are many people and the event will start in more than ten minutes. It should be better to have support poles. Many people are also live streaming this online. Renwei Temple was completed in the Song Dynasty , but it was demolished during the Cultural Revolution. It was reopened and restored in the 1990s. It has a history of thousands of years. The floats here are so beautiful and there are many flags, eight tones, gongs and drums, and we will have them on the road later. Proper traffic control , because later the parade will pass right in front of the Renwei Temple stage. Half of Pantang Road has been closed to traffic. You can only drive on the opposite side. You need Mr. Policeman to give you permission before you can pass. Brother Guard, many people have been away for a long time during the preparations. I have seen so many people in Renwei Temple. The security guard is also very good. Those tourists don’t know where to find the information. They know that they have to come here to take a look. We haven’t started yet. Let’s take a look at Renwei Ancient Temple. Everyone can’t see it. It’s black. Beidi is in charge of water. Water is black. We will see that the outer walls of Renwei Ancient Temple are mainly black. Different from other Taoist temples, it is red, yellow and green tiles. See if you heard it before. The lion dance is an activity of their village because it is the Pantang Village Beidi Festival . It is said that the hotel we often like to go to is called Jinjin Hotel. They have booked the entire venue and no one can enter . There are also children who put on their makeup and get ready here... it might be a bit colorful. I guess it's very lively. There's a market here , and there are a few ancient people here who are very stylish. You can't tell which dynasty they come from. The beautiful girls are so happy to come here to see the excitement. I'm watching the leader's speech outside . The Christmas Night Market is amazing, and there are these dolls at the back. These are just like the cosplays we watched with my daughter a few days ago. There are performers with those phoenix hairpins. There are also Foshan Chancheng's lion awakening and the lion awakening team. They are ready. We went out for a performance and parade , and there were two very colorful children. They seemed to be dummies and not real people. Is this real or fake? We will start to think about it later. We went out to wait and were already prepared. Why should we go out? I heard there was a lion awakening outside . Of course, I had to take advantage of the excitement. There was also a dragon flying over it and it was pulled by a drone. I guess it should be like this. A dragon was flying above. Everyone was watching. A dragon was flying above. This idea is very, very creative. Look, this dragon just happened to fly over Renwei Temple. No one paid attention to the lion awakening outside. They were just looking at the dragon. Everyone was looking at the dragon . I came out to see the lion awakening . Oh, the dragon is not the lion awakening. Unfortunately, I was only in the background. I saw that there were too many people in front of me. There were so many people that I could only watch from behind the corner. It was a different feeling. I just picked green leaves and there were drones flying over them. Those called traversing machines were very high. I just saw the green pickers come out. Yes, I was so lucky just now. There was also a dragon flying over it. I saw it as I entered the temple. There were more and more people here. The parade cars were already ready to move because it was already ten o'clock. Just now I met an audience from New York. After a long wait, it finally started at ten o'clock. Everyone was very excited. The police cars started to move. The leaders here were still singing and dancing. We went out to look outside and saw that the police officer must have blocked all the roads. Not a single car was gone. Wow, this is more. It's amazing , so brave, everyone is taking pictures of the police car , and the police officer, Mr. Jing, is watching from behind and is very happy. He must have started hearing the sound of gongs and drums to see how many people there are. There are more people than Xinghua Street, and there are three people in Xinghua Street. It's four days , but today's parade only happens once a year . Usually, uncles and aunts are very active today and are very lively. They seem to be watching people. The road should be cleared. Then stand in and the left side is slowly coming over. There are also villagers carrying firewood. Of course, when pigs come to parade , they must first sacrifice to the gods. There are flags written here. Those parade vehicles have already arrived. Because the road in the middle we were standing on just now is not allowed to pass, so the vehicles are moving very slowly and there are so many people. Today is a good day for a camera competition . Which camera can take the most beautiful pictures? I don’t know. Some people bring cameras and some people. I also saw them bring drones to lead people. They are so happy and smiling . It rained heavily last week. I’m so lucky . The sun has been out for the past two days. Look here. Come out with the card and there is a flag parade here to help Beidi celebrate his birthday. The guard brother always puts safety first. He wants to ask those people who are gathered around to take pictures away. The car has already arrived. This song is called Pantang Lion Team. Look at the four directions of the town. Which flag? Where to get it? The Seven-Star Flag is the one in front. Today is really busy. Pantang is the leader of this flag. The way I read the character now is probably the word "Tang", but Cantonese people all read the word "Tang". For example, Chen Chen Clan Ancestral Hall. It’s like this because the citizens were too enthusiastic. The car stopped again and the brother waving the flag was blocked. Everyone stood there and was very excited. I haven’t seen it in many years. It seemed that there was one last year but it was not widely spread on social media. This year it is officially announced. There was this event because the road closure situation was to be announced. There were many media with cameras and the road was closed. There was no other way. He could only walk all the way through the road closure before unblocking it. There was also a lion at the back. We didn't dare to leave this position. We will be there next. The flag of Renwei Temple. The one in Pantang Village just now is the one of Renwei Temple. Just now we saw those in colorful costumes. They should be the people at the back of the queue. They followed the flag. No, this is Pantang Eryue . There are several villages behind Pantang Village. There are dancing lions following the dancing lions, and there is a tree above their head. There are black lions. I haven’t seen such a parade in a long time. All of them are seven-star flags. The last time I saw such a parade on the street, I must have been eight years old. When I was 20 years old, at the gate of the primary school, this was the flag of Pantang Siyue. There were trees and pomelo leaves on it, right? It was like this. Behind it, there were lions escorting these cars. Just now we... this one has three lions like this. Some of them are lions and some are unicorns. Maybe this one is for driving. When we first came in, we saw the ones at the beginning. We saw the Piaocei with costumes. In the back, children can also ride horses. Dad just rode him. My sister is very good. Dad. Good skills. The next parade is the Cantonese opera characters wearing those buns and makeup. This is the Cantonese opera character on the float. Because there is always a Cantonese opera museum here in Xiguan, it is very dangerous and I don’t dare to go so high. There was an accident in Hong Kong many years ago, so there are In fact, if the standard is higher, it will be clearer. It will be more fun to watch. The time-travel machine is still doing the filming . It should be broadcasting... It is broadcasting the emperor's daughter, right? They are also broadcasting, maybe there are heavenly soldiers and generals standing behind him . If you don’t open it, there are people all over the back and... here is... what is here? I can’t see it . Those pretty girls are dressed beautifully. They are too far away to see the drone. That dragon is the dragon head of the drone. The top is like this . The drone is a modified one. No wonder the Soviets like the whole dragon so much. It’s okay, but here we only have the whole dragon. The flower fairy should be the flower fairy. I guess there is a flower on the head. As for the back, there is Pantang Wuxiu, horse hoof mushroom, wild rice , and another one. It should be the Four Shows of Lotus Roots. I can only tell that there are also water chestnuts. Finally, the pretty girl here looks... The floats can't pass . Those people are walking very hard. They hit people and the electric cars can't move, but they all... almost fell, so the road should be closed. I want the seal to be wider , but I don’t want to disturb people so much. There are a bunch of flower fairies parading behind me. I’m calling them flower fairies for the time being. I don’t know what they are. There’s a dragon behind. Let’s go after seeing the dragon . It’s water chestnut mushroom, lotus root , and water chestnut. It’s water chestnut. The five shows in Pantang are all villagers who come to parade around Liwan Lake. There are no five shows anymore. There is also a lion dance. This one is not as vigorous as the previous one but seems to be more traditional. There is also a big-headed Buddha. I started to see the big-headed Buddha here in the back , but he is wearing glasses and it is very funny. The prince announces the good news. It 's really funny. It looks like the big-headed Buddha is wearing his head. He may be afraid of showing off. This parade is the happiest. It seems to be opening a TV station . There is also Cha Du Zheng and it says Huangge. I think it must be that when I went to Nansha before, I just played it in reverse. A few days ago You will see Huang Ge's video. More importantly, it's a dragon. It's a dragon blowing smoke. We were far away and thought we were setting off smoke and firecrackers. But when we think about it, there's no reason to set off firecrackers. It turns out that it's blowing smoke and smoke. It's very real . Is it an emperor or an emperor? I can’t miss this one. It’s okay to miss so many. Should it be an emperor or an emperor? There is a dragon . Just now we saw someone taking pictures. Brother, I’m holding a GoPro on it. There should be a concubine behind me. Guess this is called Joyful Land of Fortune , Luxu and Longevity. The one with no hair is the birthday boy. There is a little dragon parading behind him. It is very traditional. I don’t think it is so commercial. There is no bank sponsorship or restaurant sponsorship written on the dragon’s head. There is nothing like this. It's a good thing that the village pays for it and doesn't have to find so many sponsors. Next, we will slowly follow the parade route and take it easy, because we have already seen the core things that we should see , such as the dragon. We have already seen such a tall and pretty girl sitting on the urban management vehicle . Here we see the so-called "Happiness with the People", that's what the TV stations are all dressed up in such antique style. Up close, I'm very lucky to be blessed with fortune, longevity and longevity, right? This one is called Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, and the back is called Five Goats and Five Immortals. Each one has a theme. This should be We must be very happy to see the cosplay of the Eight Immortals inside. This location is still crowded , and my wife no longer knows where she went. In front is the entrance of Liwan Lake Park and it is part of the parade. Everyone is taking pictures and I can't even see it. I raised the machine high to see that the audience should be able to see it more clearly than me. It's already half past ten and we are in the parade. We had already finished the soup and it was almost done. We didn’t follow the rest because they were all very similar and people-watching. Then it was time to eat . Since my wife hadn’t had breakfast yet, I started to feel a little hungry. Where should I go to eat better ? It 's very comfortable. I saw some pretty girls praying for people and tourists. The media should come here to take pictures and take pictures. I wonder if there is still room to have tea and food until eleven o'clock... It's half past ten now. Why don't we just go there? Do you want to eat rice ? Yes, go to Zhuxi for food . The special price is from Monday to Friday. Today is... There should be special prices every day. Yes, this is the place where the birds play. The birds are still there . It turns out that except for the Renwei Temple in Pantang Village just now , even in Liwan There will also be related performances in the lake park . For example, some ancient people are here... Cosplay of beautiful girls is also an activity to take pictures here . Yes, on March 3rd, you can also wear some traditional Hanfu and come here to take pictures. We passed through Liwan Lake to get here. Went to Zhuxi for lunch. It’s only 10:30. It’s almost 10:30 to sit down and place an order for tea. If there is no place, we should go to Tangliyuan. This is Zhuxi Restaurant for morning tea and afternoon tea. There should be tea and meals at noon. But the point is, I don’t know if there are many places. In the past, everyone had finished watching the parade like we did . We came over to eat and find a seat first. We expected that some teagoers would leave after they were full. We saw that there was a big platform, but we didn’t see a small platform . I saw that there was a small platform. I saw one , but it didn’t seem to be a good seat . There was no room. A group of people had just come up. We entered the teahouse. This is the third floor. It was already full. Or someone had reserved a table. We wanted to set up a table with my uncle. Now there is a table at this time. You can also have rice and side dishes as well as snacks for drinking tea . That’s why I came here because you can also eat and drink tea. We call it full belly dim sum. Beef Brisket Bamboo Noodles is a super order that I highly recommend. Is the price of 21 yuan reasonable? It is reasonable and has a small order of 6 yuan. Fried ghost. This fried ghost is also a must-eat. Unless you don’t eat porridge, you must eat porridge . We ordered a Jidi porridge. There are also leek dumplings for lunch and papaya stewed peach. Glue -coated sand buns with roasted goose sauce and rice noodles , but I’m worried about the health burden so I don’t order them. There are also super pineapple buns for 6 yuan each. Each one is big and 6 yuan. Just turn it over. This is what I asked for because the weather in Guangzhou is hot and humid. It’s best to wet the kapok pig. It can be said that the bone porridge is limited to the season, which is good. The rice is about 20 yuan. There are pork ribs rice or curry tripe rice. Even the rice rolls are definitely not missing. The taro pancakes are very good snacks, so I ordered them. It's very cost-effective . For example, the roasted goose is 35 yuan a piece , or the squab is 35 yuan a piece . It's a great deal. It's a pity that I was too impatient to place an order. This pine nut fish is also very delicious. Its juice is very well made , and there are salt and pepper sandworms . Next time, I finally opened this pineapple bun. My wife and I each had half of it filled with custard filling. The price was six yuan . At the same time, the beef brisket noodles also arrived. Let’s put it aside first. If there is really pineapple, eat the bun first. There is no room on the table. We rarely set up a table with uncles and aunts and eat really fast. This is kapok pork bone porridge. Next comes the fried dumplings. Here comes the fried dumplings. It didn’t seem to be like this last time. We have to make a place first and put these ingredients here. Why don’t we put them here first? Let’s pour it in. Today is a good day. Many neighbors have gone to watch the parade. Some people don’t want to go any further and come directly to have tea and dinner because it’s already 11 o’clock. We have already made a decisive decision early in the morning . Which restaurant should we go to? The restaurant in Xiguan we just passed should not have to wait for a while before the meal is served , but the fried buns are also delicious. You should consider that it is only 6 yuan. It is not freshly baked and is a little soft, but it is not difficult to eat for 6 yuan. And the pastry is also crispy. The special price dim sum . The sauce in the middle is not too sweet and it’s good. This is the beef brisket bamboo noodles. It’s 21 yuan . That’s right. 21 yuan. The most expensive of all the dim sum is that that bowl belongs to my wife and this bowl belongs to me. The taste is strong enough and the portion is large. You can add more beef brisket with the vegetables. The soup is also very delicious . The only drawback is that it does not include chives. The cost is a bit more expensive. The soup base is very good . It has a spicy Zhuhou sauce and meaty flavor. The fried devil also comes here. Taiwan is our food. It costs about 100 yuan. With so many things, we shouldn’t need dim sum. The most expensive one is 21 yuan, and there are two kinds that are 6 yuan. That’s including tea. I don’t think it will cost 100 yuan to eat noodles at this restaurant. Zhuxi is our favorite place to go for tea. The only drawback is that it is difficult to get a seat. Even if it is earlier, it is difficult to get a seat. Let alone the table now, there are no seats. Today is a holiday for tea. I rarely eat noodles . Among the noodles that can be eaten in so many tea places, I am most satisfied with this one . It is not very hard, and because of this, the noodles can soak up the soup but are not too soft. Everything is just right. This noodle can be eaten. The vegetarian noodles are also worth eating. There are also vegetables. Try the beef brisket. It is not very big. Come back to these old teahouses. Listen to the uncle next to you where to eat. They are gourmets. They will not go wrong where they go . We have a lot of information. It's all collected like this For example, when we got on the elevator just now, the uncles and aunts in front of us said that we should go to Xihua Building. Next time we go to Xihua Building , the food is also very good and they are carefully peeled open slowly. Instead of the whole dumplings, there are four dumplings for only 17 yuan , which seems a bit different from last time. Differently , it has fried leek dumplings with ice flower . I like their fried leek dumplings very much. Sometimes the fried leek dumplings in Yuncha are cooked very sloppily because the waiter makes them. I don’t know if that’s the case here , but at least it’s not sloppy and there’s too much oil or there’s too much oil. Pan-fried to bursting, it was well cooked here , but maybe it was too busy today. It didn’t come with chili sauce , so it didn’t matter. I was already eating the leek dumplings dripping with juice. I just wanted to try it to have this effect. There was also smashed pork with chives and chives in the dripping sauce. It is not fried to dry and you can eat the very tender leek filling mixed with the meat. I like to eat this very much. Then the most anticipated porridge, kapok, is wet. I scoop some pork bones into the whole bowl and eat these broken things. I had already put it in early in the morning. It should have been put in when it was time to eat. Yes, I saw some kapok, so I screamed. Otherwise, I would have asked Tingzi porridge to be wet. If there is a big spoon here , I would have known better. Use a big spoon to scoop it out. Add a piece of fried ghost. I like to eat the middle part. Their fried ghost is also a must-eat when you come here. It is difficult to press down. The fried ghost only costs 6 yuan a piece . It is baked and not fried , but it is not crispy and hard. The fried chicken is very crispy and delicious, and it is not fried until it is black, but the flavor is not lost. This combination is the best. After eating the fried chicken, eat the pork bones in the porridge and then try the pork. The bone pork bone is definitely not the fresh kind, it should be salted pork bone , but the beautiful parts of the salted pork bone will have a lot of meat. There is a lot of meat. Kapok turns out to be like this when cooked. It should be cut into shreds. I guess it is beneficial after all. In the end, we ended up Well, I was talking about 100 yuan just now. Of course there is no need. If it’s just snacks, then 67 yuan plus tea seems too expensive. It used to be one yuan or two yuan, but now it’s three yuan for food and seventy-three yuan. Now at this time, the whole place is full. In addition to the guests who have made reservations, many people are waiting for a seat to set up a table. We are full. Everyone knows how much it costs. It has not yet arrived at twelve o'clock , but there are already a lot of people going upstairs. There are also a lot of people waiting for tables in other places. I don’t know if it’s right to follow us around Longjin Road. When should I go to a restaurant? Which restaurant, how to get food, and where to set up a table? My uncle is very grumpy because it’s troublesome to wait here for a table. Let’s go to Duobao Road Market to buy vegetables and go here. If you take a cruise, you will pass by this part and look at the trees and the river. Directly in front of the Guangzhou Third Hospital is the Guangzhou Third Hospital. My wife always said that even if we didn't order roast goose, it was 70 yuan for two people , but the dim sum can be a few more if it is cooked Goose can only eat two dishes. We see a lot of guests. Unless there are many people, many guests only have dim sum, including the aunts and uncles who set up the table. This is also the case. If there are less people, eat dim sum. If there are more people, it is better to order vegetables and roast chicken. We return to Duobao Road Hospital. The float parade in the local area should not pass through this part because the hospital cannot close the road. We went to the market in front to sell rice. The summer in Guangzhou came so quickly and cool. It rained in the early days for a day or two because of the cold air. Once the rain left, it is already summer . If the best time to visit should be arranged every year, it will be very difficult to come after the lunar calendar in early March. Otherwise, it will be hotter to play in the water. The beach is already very crowded. No. 63, Duobao Road, it is rare to go out to take pictures on the road at this time at noon. It is a habit. Also, I am afraid of the heat , so I rarely do this in winter. At noon, I will show you Duobao Road. There is a rice roll shop in front of it, and there is also a jelly pot and a sister-in-law’s wok. Just now we met an audience member from the United States who asked what Komatsu is. Where is the building? There are many Cantonese restaurants here in front. This one is for chicken. This one is for Cantonese food. I remember this one is for Southeast Asian food. Why did it become Cantonese food? It’s called St. Paul’s Cantonese Cuisine. There’s also tea and Zhanjiang chicken in authentic chicken pot. Come back because just now the parade came to Enning Road, Duobao Road and Yongqingfang. There is a section of road in front of Yongqingfang that is still closed. There are many places for tea in that direction. Go past Enning Road. We like to come to Xiguan in the morning . In fact, there are so many people at noon. This is an exaggeration for the occasion . Construction starts at 8:30 on Duobao Road. Enning Road. Enning Road is not so nervous . Duobao Road is the only place where there are so many people from morning to night. People's Duobao Road is very lively. There are many people from morning to night. We are going to the audience. I don't know where the Xiaosonglou is. It's right in front. Is there a bus stop? The place above the bus stop is Xiaosonglou. It's delicious , but you have to be early. We ate there once and it was very good. We went to Duobao Market. Didn’t we see there was a seat in front where we could press the elevator ? We were eating in the market. There was a telephone in Xiaosong Building. The location was very good. We didn’t buy groceries. It should be a lot cheaper if it rains. Cucumbers are 2.48 yuan. Isn’t it very cheap? Grand Guava is 3.8 yuan. It’s cheaper to buy vegetables when you come back to Xiguan. Although many of them are not locally produced, longan is also available here. It’s just up here. Next to Xiaosong Building is Duobao Market. You can also take the elevator up to see pork for 15 yuan. Pork is expensive. We saw it earlier at the Longjin Road market. It was very expensive. Today, there is also lean meat with no price. I didn’t expect that there would be so many people in the market at noon. I often thought that there wouldn’t be many people in the market at noon. My wife asked me the price, which is 18 yuan. It’s not more expensive than that day. Maybe it’s not possible to transport it in those days. It’s raining. It’s an excuse because there’s a lot of seafood. These are river shrimps, sand shrimps, 28 yuan, Yangjiang prawns, 48 ​​yuan. I’m salivating when I see the chicken. Here’s the snow-caught fish. Let’s buy some vegetables in front. I want to eat here tonight when I get home. The lettuce is very fresh and there is also papaya pasta. We like this store very much, but we won’t buy it today because it has a machine that makes its own noodles. The pork is 16.8 yuan. Although it is not cheaper , I will not buy it again. It’s cheaper to buy melons and fruits in the city. You don’t need two zucchini at 3.9 yuan or 2 yuan each. That’s what the saying goes, it’s better to get together than to go. For example, if we go to... even if we just went to Huangge, that episode hasn’t been broadcast there yet. It must be the source of some production , but because there are few people buying it, the price will not be ridiculously cheap. The 2.5 yuan tomatoes are so beautiful, the fresh tomatoes with stems are now selling for 2.5 yuan. I bought a bag of tomatoes for 3.8 yuan. Buy cucumbers here and here for 2.5 yuan. I didn’t expect there were so many people at Duobao Road Market at noon. Don’t buy raw cucumbers in such big strips. Don’t buy such big strips. Buy smaller ones. After we buy them all, we should buy some aquatic products, that is, seafood. I don’t know if there are any of the previous stalls in the market. I have seen them in the market and bought a lot of vegetables. There is also seafood. The weather is hot and people want to eat seafood. The video of this episode ends here. We will see you in the next episode. Maybe I will drive out to eat seafood on Saturday and Sunday in a few days . I can go to Panyu or Sanshui. See you in the next episode. Bye. Help me share. Send the video to your friends or click Like for me. Bye bye
Channel: Hunting Archer
Views: 48,204
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Keywords: 广州美食 粤语, food tour, city walk, Chinese food, walking tour, street walk, town market, china tour, busy street, dim sum, 粤语, cantonese, Guangzhou, Cantonese cuisine, 点心, Chinese Food, Canton Food Tour, Walk in GuangZhou, vlog, guangzhou, street food, eating, chinese food, chinese food recipes, 廣州, 美食, 旅遊, 泮塘, 燒鵝, 燒雞, 旅遊推薦, 竹溪, 傳統節日, 三月三, 點心, 市場買菜, 荔灣, 荔枝灣, 超級菠蘿包, 牛腩湯竹升面, 香煎韭菜餃, 木棉豬骨粥, 招牌大油條, 仁威廟, 北帝誕, 巡遊, food tourism, food tour china, china touring, china tour 2024, china tour blog, chinese food tour
Id: aCyLLePrlmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 30sec (2730 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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