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Only here did I discover that this one is just like this. Fortunately, my daughter gave me one with a plate of vegetables. The cheapest one is 598, soy sauce chicken, white-cut chicken, rich pork knuckles, stuffed dace, the most expensive one is 1388, and there are abalone, etc. That’s it. I picked up the food and it was 9 yuan before the processing fee. There were so many things that I couldn’t finish them. I had a little bit of everything. As I said when we started the meal, it would be difficult if we had to wait for the elderly to pick up the chopsticks. Hello everyone, today is the New Year. It 's the day to be a son-in-law again. It's already 1:30. We usually go back to my wife's house for dinner on the second day of the new year . If there are viewers who have been following my channel, they know that there are many channels, but they don't seem to know 8. Taiwan is still a 6-seat restaurant with big fish, big meat, delicious food , and very cost-effective. Even during the New Year, I said this. But I must buy some more rice, oil, and salt before going back. Salt does not require rice, oil, and apples because there are people driving here. Parking at Jusco is very convenient, so we usually come to Jusco for shopping. It’s almost two o’clock at this time, that is, it’s half past one. We haven’t had lunch yet. This is usually the case during the Chinese New Year. We have a bag of stuffed buns in the morning and then go out. We usually celebrate the Chinese New Year. There are several things that we forget. The first is forgetting when we last ate. We forget how many times we ate today. We also forget what some of our relatives are called. Especially in the past few years due to the epidemic, we don’t recognize their appearance. We also forget today. What day of the week is it , but I will remember what day it is today. I remember that today is the second day of the new year. There are many things to eat here in Juzhidao . There is also the "Cup Red Steak" restaurant, which is a very famous restaurant in Foshan. They serve Western food. We won't eat this, right ? Let's eat sushi. I asked my daughter what day of the week it was. She quickly answered, "Is it Tuesday?" Sunday seems to be our sushi dinner again. This eel rice is only 20 yuan. I think I should have one. It is 20 yuan. There are already many things to eat. Why is this happening? I want one. This eel rice is what I like to eat. That's good. I like this very much , but it seems a bit expensive today. The seasoned octopus is not very good. It's 12 yuan. There are many small rolls, small rolls, big rolls , and a lot of sushi . My daughter is watching what she likes to eat. You can get it today. Choose what you like. As for me, I don’t want to eat too much raw or cold food. During the Chinese New Year, my gastrointestinal burden is also very heavy. Maybe one and a half pieces of sushi is okay. This group is fine. Two pieces of sushi or this one. 35 yuan is good, and there are a lot of whole platters here. It wasn't enough last time in Hong Kong... It's good there . The sashimi is about the same texture , and there are many different sashimi. It's about 40 yuan , and the dumplings are good. How much? It’s 13 yuan for a family photo. Everything seems to be newly opened. My daughter went to get the fried chicken wings. I also went over to check it out . I also bought some drinks, tea, and various kinds . I suddenly felt that I should drink this in the New Year. There is a lot of food here, including grilled chicken, chicken drumsticks, and chicken. Wings , or this roast duck, even foie gras, pork liver, and roasted meats are all available . Or maybe this Orleans roast chicken, I also like it for 13 yuan, but I can’t eat it? Okay, it tastes weird. You can take it. My wife is waiting for her dumplings. They are already wrapped. As for the rice, oil, and fruits, we will buy them after lunch and see if there is anything else to buy . Maybe many people have returned to their hometowns. I guess we bought all the food so quickly. The total cost here is 155 yuan. This thing is the funniest thing is that this and the dumplings are all 13 yuan for each flavor. Why didn't I show it to everyone? Because there is something wrong with the thermal paper. Anyway, it should be This is it. I guess it’s more than 13 yuan. It says 13.8 yuan. There are so many dumplings. This one is made on site. I saw that sister also had the eel rice I wanted. This one also had two boxes of cooked sushi and this one. I finally took this one. My daughter also has two chicken wings and drumsticks. Let’s wait and reheat them before starting the meal . Let ’s try this first. It’s very delicious. It’s cooked and has a little mustard flavor . It also has some condiments. As an appetizer, is it possible to have this outrageous three large pieces of eel here for only 20 yuan ? Yes, I picked up the three pieces of eel not to see how shocking it was , but to eat some rice first because I was really hungry. The Japanese bento is like this because usually at dinner parties tonight, the plate head is very big , but because it is always It's a lot... The whole restaurant cooks it together. It's hard to control the serving time. I don't know what time it will be ready, so eat a little now, eat a little full now , and the rice balls . This is yours to keep for tonight. You can also try it after me. The eel is very thick and very cost-effective. There is also a fried egg and the sweet rice is this kind of Northeast fat rice. It is very satisfying. I found out here that it is just like this. Fortunately, my daughter gave me one like this. I tried it. Take a look at the dumplings. Are these leeks? I don’t know what it is. Try this . I like leeks and vinegar. Just now I have been saying that it is cost-effective. 20 yuan is also a good deal . Two pieces of eel and rice. The dumplings are wrapped tightly and the skin is tough. It’s really good . Isn’t it boiled ? It's steamed and doesn't look like there's any water. It 's boiled and there's a lot of water. I'll try this octopus . Sometimes I go to conveyor belt sushi and I like eating it. It 's so big. I usually eat this when I 'm competing for fresh food. Last week we went to Zhengxian in Hong Kong. I remember that some of the details are indeed more meticulous than here. For example, the box on the plate has a special place for you to put some mustard in it. I haven’t eaten here for so many years. But if we talk about food, the price/performance ratio in Hong Kong is not low. But if we talk about The cheaper part is better here , but last time we were in Hong Kong, the chopsticks were charged one yuan, one Hong Kong dollar. It should be for environmental protection . I don’t know if it has something to do with the latest environmental protection policy , because now Hong Kong’s plastic restriction order is called the launch of environmental protection policies. I don’t know if it matters. The rest of yours are right? I can’t eat so many things. You can eat yours until now. Cost-effective, I think this is the most satisfactory. This is Jiang Yaozhu, yes, Yaozhu. How much is it? It seems like 11/12 yuan is a good deal. Is it worth 150 yuan for one unit? There are also these that we can’t finish. I’ll save these for later. We’ll eat them slowly. After we’re full, we’ll go in and buy some rice oil to see how the prices will be this year. I’ll reveal a little secret to everyone. We should usually talk about it. I'm too lazy this year. We usually buy Sands chocolates from Sam's Club , but those that you don't have to buy are cheaper. It's 20 yuan here, 150 yuan here, 130 yuan there. When you enter the mall, you can already see those rice and oil orchid flowers 5.88. L 150 Yuan Luhua should be the most beautiful. 6 liters should be 166 Yuan. There are also these big gift packages with mushrooms and mushrooms. As for when they are choosing apples, choose apples first. Is this delicious? It looks big and doesn’t look good. But this is the only good food. How much does it cost for a box? It’s not very expensive . There are nine apples in a box at 29 yuan and there are many choices . The most expensive one is Luochuan Fuji. But based on our level, I can’t tell which one is Luochuan Fuji or wild apple. Which one is Luochuan Fuji? 39.9 yuan (one box). I thought 39.9 yuan is a pound. Isn’t it so expensive when sold in Japan? It shouldn’t be, it should be boxes of apples that many people think of as representing peace. The ones here on Anji Island are all delicious , and the apples have become better in the past few years. Many of the ones in the past were stored in the ice for a long time and are now fragmented. There are more brands out there, so I chose to choose some with better prices and moderate prices. This is the Xiangfei pear I bought last time, which cost 16.9 yuan. There are also bananas . Last time we went to Shenzhen, there was no reason to buy them early in the morning and wait until we returned to my parents' home on the second day of junior high school. But if it comes to Shenzhen Futian is really cheap. There are also many grapes and cherries produced in Chile. I read online earlier that half of the cherries in China are landed at Nansha Port and sold to the Greater Bay Area. I guess this year Jusco will put the gift-giving area here to buy oil, rice and fruits. In fact, we went to Sam's Club and bought a few things , just things for the children. As for this, there is a whole box of cherries for the elders. It's a pity that I can't see this. The more J, the better. 5kg 299. I bought 2J at Sam's Club a few days ago. It was a little over 200 yuan. The most important thing when buying rice bags now is not to buy Thai rice. Are you used to eating in Thailand? Those who are not used to rice can give it a try. It doesn’t matter. This is Northeast China. Are you not used to rice? Last time, it was the blue one on the left. Yes, Northeast rice is 10 kilograms. The same is true for 10 kilograms. This one is more expensive . That one for 5 kilograms is 79.9 yuan. Multiplied by 2, it is... Thai rice is more expensive. Thai rice is not. This one is more expensive. Try it . Let’s take a look at the Thai rice here. It has the quality assurance of the Ministry of Commerce of Thailand. I buy two packs of the same rice and one pack of rice. I’m not afraid of the extra money . It’s the same as rice. I ’m not afraid of too much rice. I won’t be able to finish the rice. I’m hesitant, especially if I’m giving this as a gift. The new rice is said to be produced in December within three months. As for the Wuchang rice we just selected, it is produced in November this year , but it can be vacuumed. Can rice be grown in the Northeast now? That all makes sense. Let’s get an extra pack of Thai rice. The one I bought before was 79.9 yuan. Then here is the Shenzhen rice. It should be produced in Shenzhen and the Khmer rice is 49.9 yuan . Overall, it seems that these two packs are the most expensive. The most expensive is this bag of Northeastern rice. You miscounted 5 kilograms. This is 10 kilograms. Multiply this by 2. 79.9 yuan. When 80 yuan is multiplied by 2, how much is it? 160 yuan . This one is a little more expensive, right? There are also a lot of skewered tomatoes this year . 30 Why do we like to come to Jusco? It 's because it doesn't have big items like Sam's Club. You have to buy 1kg or 10kg. That's why we like to come here. In fact, the prices are not as good as there. So cheap , but think about it if you buy 2.5 kilograms of cherries at home, you may eat them until you vomit. As for us Cantonese people, they are more popular here. What do Guangzhou people like? Tofu can be bought piece by piece, but eggs can't be bought individually. But it There are also these small packages of four or six . You can also buy beef one by one at Sam's Club. It's cheap, but it costs 2kg per 1.00kg. These oysters are only 20 yuan a pack. There seems to be another one. The oysters are not eaten. Like here, you can buy them one by one or live fish. As for Sam's Club, it may be imported. In many cases, there may not be such a live fish. My wife finally saw some oil. It is a knife mark here. Luhua High Oleic Acid Peanut Oil is 189 yuan. This one is 166.9 yuan. The bigger the better, right ? Check the date: December 28. The one with the new date is called First Level Press 6.08L . It’s less than 10 yuan and it’s less than 10 yuan. Of course you have to buy the big one. This is not a sales counter. There is soy sauce for free this year . There is also arowana. There are many things for free , but we rarely buy arowana. We only buy Luhua. And... they are all peanut oil and corn oil. This one is 89.9 yuan, camel mark , but corn oil. The Tailiang Shrimp King 10kg or 10kg is the price of the homemade food we usually eat. The price is 129.9 yuan or 130 yuan. Let’s take our time to see what else we can buy : red dates or Beihai oysters. These are all good. The road is cost-effective. Of course, the road is one road . The road looks more professional. The squid, shiitake mushrooms are more powerful here , and the olive oil is like a perfume. I just talked about this kind in Hong Kong. Last time we bought it in Hong Kong , it was a gift from relatives and friends. It seems to sell for 100 yuan in Hong Kong . This one is 24 capsules are NT$99 in Hong Kong. I went to Sam's Club in Hong Kong and saw that the 42 capsules are NT$123. Here they are NT$155 for the 32 capsules . So there is a reason why people rush to San's Club to buy it, right? This is very... Yeah, I don't Talking about those , I will only talk about the most standard package of Wonderful Eggs. Just now I bought one for the children . I bought the 8-piece package. Do you know that this is 58.9 , right? 8-piece package. Here is the 3-piece package . I bought two boxes and it was already 50 yuan. I am 58. Yuan has 8 pills. The problem is that you have to buy 8 pills at a time. You can buy each pill here . That's it. There are also a lot of chocolates sold. McVitie's is delicious. This one is also available today. It seems to be for price comparison. No, Sam's Club has to buy a lot. The difference is 10 yuan. This is how many trophies we have. We have oily rice and some souvenirs bought in Hong Kong for my little cousin. For some reason, there are milk packets and those under the schoolbag... What are they called? Among the things Delu bought were apples and this morning at Sam's Club. It was 60 yuan and it was worth buying the whole car. My car is very small and has already been loaded up like this. I still need to take people to set off. Finally, it started to arrive at 5 o'clock. I mentioned before dinner time that there might be two rounds tonight , but then I received the latest notification that there will only be one round, so I don’t need to eat so fast otherwise I may have to come over very early to eat. There is a plate of vegetables, the cheapest is 598, soy sauce chicken, white-cut chicken, fortune. The most expensive stuffed dace with pork trotters is 1388, and there are abalones. These 6-person ones are probably the ones we saw on Yide Road, but these ones have mushrooms and shrimps, and those ones are just abalone, scallops, and oyster maw. As for the Fangcun Jiaokou Passenger Transport here in front of us My wife said before we came over to the Haibaowan Seafood Market at the station, considering that many people may not have stayed in Guangzhou today , it should be relatively deserted. Her estimate should be very accurate. When we passed Huangqi just now, we came here in Jinshazhou. After passing Huangqi, I saw many shops closed on that road. I have never tried to drive in Huangqi. It is so comfortable to drive everywhere during the Chinese New Year. Hello, I met relatives and friends. I came over for dinner tonight and there are people buying. The market is not open during the Chinese New Year. There are still rice noodles. Let’s just take a look at the price. The seafood tonight has already been bought. Check it out . All the varieties are available. It will definitely be expensive during the New Year. If you don’t buy it, we won’t ask the price. How much is the Jiujie shrimp? ? These... Ask about the price. My wife has seen the price this year and it is better than expected. Last year may be more expensive than everyone... Maybe it was more than 100 yuan last year. The epidemic just ended last year. This year many people left Guangzhou to visit. Of course, although the epidemic ended last year , many people still stayed in the local area . The seafood served on the bus in Hong Kong is very good. There are oysters. The fat oysters are 12 yuan each. They are not cheap. This one usually sells for 10 yuan. I don’t know . Of course, there are cheap and expensive ones. It is 6 yuan and 9 yuan. You can buy it now. I will steam it with garlic for you. It doesn’t matter how much it costs to open steaming. There are many options ranging from 1 yuan to 14 yuan. There are many choices, ranging from 1 yuan to 12 yuan. It’s about to open... If you want to eat, just open the meat and come out on site . Then click It’s only 5 yuan per pound with the shell on. Dear viewers, I’ll come back here to eat oysters in the future. It doesn’t matter if the oysters sold in front of you are a little more expensive , but you have to buy them. It’s so fun. 12 yuan for big fat oysters, Taishan oysters , and there are many oysters in Zhanjiang. There are many types of Taishan oysters in Zhuhai. Let's take a look. There are shrimps and fish. There are also salmon on the side. You can also eat sashimi in many parts . Even the sashimi also charges a processing fee . I will give you a plate of soy sauce. Otherwise, there is no need to make money for the whole sashimi table and tea seats. Everyone will know how to choose when they come back to eat seafood in the future. Some viewers may say that yellow sand is okay, but yellow sand is not good. There is no harm in having multiple choices . There are many restaurants across the street that continue to sell seafood . The overall price It's more affordable than last year but not as popular as the Mid-Autumn Festival in the past. But most of the people who come here today are family guests who come to visit my grandpa. Those who come here for dinner have a few families. The whole family is very happy. Usually, most of the people who come here on Saturdays, Sundays and weekends are local diners. There are fewer local diners. Many outsiders are now locals in restaurants , such as businessmen. There is no reason to stay here. Of course, I am not afraid to say that many of the locals who stay here are going home to visit relatives or in the service industry . Now there is hairy crab food, which is really rare for 17 yuan. Almost at the end of the road, there is this shop that specializes in selling crabs. Sometimes they sell all kinds of crayfish. They mainly sell crabs during the Chinese New Year. There are less eating crabs , but not all. Now there are hairy crabs. How much does a bag of them cost? 5 yuan? There are no prices starting at 5 yuan or 10 yuan for the Chinese New Year. There are also oysters here, mainly shellfish. How much do those oysters, scallops, and various kinds of shrimps cost? Is this a small one for 65 yuan ? All are big , no small, either medium or large. How much does the big one cost? The large Jiujie shrimps are 68 yuan and they are expensive. We will have dinner here tonight. My wife’s family has had dinner here several times because their family is very big. The first few are just a small part of them, and some of them have already come. Of course, it is impossible for the whole restaurant to be there. They are all ours. There are many other guests. We should have reserved six tables and are sitting here . As for the people, I will not take pictures. I will tell you slowly when the food is served. It is now almost six o'clock and the first course has been served. It’s this plain-cut chicken that I’m very familiar with. Now that I’m here, I’ll give it a try, right? I picked up my favorite piece of chicken breast and made it clear that this place belongs to Nanhai. I told you in the video before that the food in Nanhai is very big, and the portions are very big. Of course, you can’t see how big the chicken is. By the way, we played a video about the New Year’s Eve dinner a few days ago, and an audience member left a message in the background. Maybe this audience member left Guangzhou and left the country for a long time. He said it was written in English. He said, “Why don’t you just pick the best one as soon as the food is served?” Isn’t that piece given to the elders first? Let me tell you about the current situation in the country. First of all, this practice is very feudal. Let me tell you, shouldn’t it be like this? First, will the old man first let him eat that piece and then we will do it? What if the old man doesn’t want to eat that piece? What to do? If you pick up a bowl, it will be served the next time. It is very fast now , so the whole thing may be served at once. If the old man picks up a piece, he may not want to eat that piece . If he doesn’t pick it up, you can’t pick it up. The second time is coming. I like to eat chicken breasts. For example, the elderly don’t like to eat chicken breasts. I think the piece of chicken breast is delicious. The elderly don’t like it and think it’s not delicious. There is no such thing. These are... My father may have done this in the previous generation, so we won’t eat it by ourselves. I passed the chopsticks to others. I don’t need to do this now because I am already very enlightened, okay? At the same time, another soup arrived and I didn’t want to fish it. Should this be... fishing? Pick it up... I saw that some leeks had shredded meat and floating skin on them. I was responsible for scooping them out. It was good . There were shredded mushrooms and shredded pork. I saw that there were also very fragrant leeks. The same was true for the big dinner. I don’t know how to try this piece first. This time I was really good at the chicken. I took out a piece of the best part to see how oily it is. It’s very fragrant. Next is my daughter’s favorite one that must be eaten. It’s this juice pork chop. It’s not pork chop. It’s Gulao bone. I’m wrong. I said pineapple Gulao bone. This piece of chicken is delicious, the skin is crispy, the oil is very fragrant, and the best is the aroma of the oil in the ginger and scallion. Two vegetables are served soon . One is grilled mushrooms and lettuce, which means making money and good things. The one next to it is oysters and fermented vegetables, which means making money . It's as silky as hair. Next, let's try something like this. Let's take a look. Whenever we eat a meal, we usually call it a meal, and there will be shrimp like this. The price is 115 yuan. The one I asked just now is 95 yuan. It's OK, but it's not very hot. The same goes for the side meal, it 's not too strong and the taste is very fresh. If you add a few more grains of corn, it will be perfect. Of course, there will be shrimps next. Haha, how much does it cost? 105 yuan? The large nine-section shrimps cost 115 yuan per pound. Of course, they have to have a meaning to celebrate the Chinese New Year. They are so red and bright. Old and young people laugh haha. I bought this for processing myself . I don’t know if I will charge a processing fee at my discretion? Should I charge it? No reason not to charge it during the New Year. It’s normal for freshness to be expensive. No problem. The price is also the same during the New Year. But it must be fresh. The prawns are like this. You can see it when you tear it open like this and you will know that it is very fresh. Usually the Jiujie shrimp has more meat. But the natural lobster is relatively hard. Let’s try the nine-section shrimp today. It’s fresh , add a little soy sauce, and is very delicious. Many dishes are served in an instant. Of course, there must be a baby for the Chinese New Year. If your parents are eating, there is no reason to add a baby. But if the family gathers for a dinner, It’s a good idea to have a baby. We must talk about having a baby during the Chinese New Year. Then we just came to pick up a piece of pineapple and a piece of sweet and sour bone. My group meals are all like this. Put whatever comes in front of you and put it all in the bowl, just like eating pot vegetables. I like it very much. The sweet and sour bones here are not wrapped in a piece of very fat pork and fried very crispy. I like it very much. Sometimes family meals are too full. There is this kind of vegetable. A piece of pineapple can help digestion . Usually there is water chestnut in it. Celery, cashews, and other vegetables are available for 18 yuan each, but they can be split into two. If you pick them up like this, the price is only 9 yuan before processing fees . Let me show you a close-up . Some fans have garlic paste, which is not that kind of garlic. The one that is very wet and the one that is dry is served very quickly. Now it is time to share the dishes. Put two dishes that are almost dry together. Try the garlic . The garlic is well done . It is a little bitter but it is all fragrant because of the garlic. What do you think about the price and the fragrance ? Everyone should remember the New Year price. It’s okay. I think the garlic is a little salty. Eat it here again because you bought it yourself and it’s impossible to assemble it . So when you see it, you have to scoop it up slowly... This shellfish is so fresh, tender and tender. Wrong, this creamy wife is digging for an eel. I’ll hold it down for you. It’s an eel, right? White eel or cool eel? Of course...could it be a moray eel? She said she wants Shuang eel. I don’t know if it is Shuang eel. Shuang eel is much more expensive. My wife has tried it. It is Shuang eel. Try it and make sure it is dipped in all the black bean sauce . Is it good? Shuang eel, Shuang eel, Shuang eel is just fine. There are also fish like the one that day. I don’t know what kind of spot it is . We don’t know how much it costs on average? It’s very beautiful. Can it be steamed well? The most important thing for a piece of fish is to steam it well. The fish should be beautiful and steamed well because it is close to the seafood market, so the fish steaming is not too bad. It is more cost-effective to eat seafood here. It is true to buy and process these. Try the grouper fish and how much it costs. A pound? 68 yuan for eel and 68 yuan for spot and 68 yuan to try the fish. My wife said it was steamed very well, right? I tried it and it was steamed well. The fish was pretty good. The steamed part is not the best I have ever eaten in recent times. But it definitely doesn’t mean it’s not steamed well . It means it’s very good, not bad, definitely not. Next, I want to try the roasted goose. Today’s roasted goose. It seems to be a little fatter , but I just saw it, not ours. I told others that the one I saw the master cutting was fresh, but the back here is a little fatter. Chinese New Year is a good day for overeating. Today is no exception , especially since the second grade of junior high school. Because in the first year of junior high school, you may eat with your parents and your wife and decide what to eat. When you start to meet relatives and friends in the second year of junior high school, you usually order more roast goose. It’s delicious. Although it’s fatter, you don’t need to eat so much. Just don’t eat so much . Its skin is good. It's very crispy and has a very special fruity wood flavor. The only small regret is that it's a little fat and there are so many things that I can't finish it. Everything is served with a little bit. As mentioned when we first started the meal, it will be difficult to walk far if you have to wait for the elderly to pick up the chopsticks . Exaggerate the portions. Look at the video. When I first started eating chicken, I told you that the portions were exaggerated when I came back to eat fish. Of course I’m not exaggerating. Look at this. It ’s very delicious. I only ate a little bit because they were all medium-quality . Or she put a piece of pineapple, which is just a lot of meat . Then there is this one, which is also a little bit of diced shrimp. I guess it is at least a pound. The whole plate was full just now. This panlong eel was delicious tonight. Because the black bean sauce is very well processed, the eel is also very beautiful , but you can only eat so much because there are too many good things. I have just talked about the roast goose , so I won’t go into it. Not only that, you can’t even go that far, and there are even two dim sums. At this time , I also stretched out some vegetables, because I saw that these dishes seemed very beautiful , and I added a little bit, not too much sauce, these steamed buns... It's still not good. In fact, this pancake is very delicious. There are too many delicious foods for me. My daughter tried it and said that the pan-fried pan -fried buns in a small pot were delicious. I ate a few dishes first and took a break . Then I talked about this one and tried this one. After eating the buns, I was full. Yes, there was fried pork belly at the bottom. It has a kind of The milky flavor is normal in the oil. The raw meat buns are nothing special , but after frying them like this and holding them in a small pan, they have a different flavor. Yes, they are just raw meat buns, nothing special. This is the money we spent tonight, 12,860 yuan, divided by 8. In short, this is the number after division. 1,600 yuan, let’s talk about 1,600 yuan. Hello, we are full. The final check is just over 1,600 yuan per table. It is very cost-effective because the portion size will definitely not disappoint you. Of course, the taste is also very good. In recent years, it has been very popular. The seafood eaten here during the Lunar New Year is always a little more expensive, which is normal , but it doesn't seem to be as outrageous as the previous year. Basically, if you come back during a non-holiday period, the food will be more cost-effective and usually How do we judge whether these restaurants are good or not? The most important thing is to look at other dishes. The other dishes at Hexiangju are very good , the service is attentive, and the seats are comfortable. I will see you in the next episode. I will share this video with you. Friends , please give me a like and see you in the next episode. There are many people buying seafood...
Channel: Hunting Archer
Views: 46,466
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Keywords: 广州美食 粤语, food tour, city walk, Chinese food, walking tour, street walk, town market, china tour, dim sum, 粤语, cantonese, Guangzhou, Cantonese cuisine, 点心, Chinese Food, Canton Food Tour, Walk in GuangZhou, vlog, guangzhou, street food, chinese food, chinese food recipes, 廣州, 農曆新年, 海鮮, 燒鵝, 大蝦, 九節蝦, 盤龍鱔, 蒸魚, 永旺, 吉之島, 超市, 美食, 旅遊, 金沙洲, vlog travel, vlog camera, chinese food blog, vlog bgm, vlog study, vlog china, china tour blog, china touring, china tour guide, food tourism, food tour china
Id: Vc7eGtRvsi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 54sec (2694 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.