廣州!本科畢業英語翻譯!月薪4千?!行超市!與20年前物價的差異!什麼貴了?什麼便宜了?本地人最愛茶樓!點心4.8折!晚市7折!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

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The vegetarian restaurant also closed for 36 yuan per person. I went upstairs to the tea bar on the second floor and the third floor to drink tea. I still have the energy to play around and I am very happy . I usually come here to drink tea... I saw the news about self-service machines to buy pork and I already felt very excited. It’s trendy to buy groceries now and also have express delivery. Hello everyone, viewers here. My current position is Zhoumen. I suddenly found these things and looked for a good job. Nutritionist. 18 to 40 is not suitable for me. 6 to 8 thousand, shooting with overtime pay. This is me. If you know how to do this, you can do this. But Henan...20 to 30 years old can leave again. 45 is barely okay. It’s only for women. I don’t have a share, but some salaries are not low. English translation. My English is not good. Sorry, I can’t take two days off per month. Two days off per month, one thousand to... Will there be social security after one year? Does he know the labor law? Brother, the big span is from one thousand to five thousand a month. It’s four thousand. Did you read wrong about point 1? The first one is a lot... I think the workers who sell youth rice should be around here for one year. There is social security... No, this is a labor market run by the streets. They may not have been screened or they don't know how it works . There are many choices. These are the job markets. Don't say that the employment situation is very bad. There are so many places to hire people. As for the salary. Is it very high? Do you think it’s not high? 8,000 or less. You think it’s okay. You can settle down to 4,000 to 5,000. It’s a little cheaper and has job requirements. It depends on what you get. A certified public accountant of 30,000 can also help the boss make money in sales. You can tell me. No matter how much, you can help him earn 1 million, so what if he gives you 200,000? That’s just the way it is. However, there are some conflicts with labor laws. It’s not allowed to buy social security only after one year. Let’s not talk about these. Let’s go to eat and talk about the specific location. Opposite is R&F’s children’s clothing wholesale. If you drive in this direction of the market lens , you can go to Zhongshanba. This is already Zhongshanba. You can go to Tanwei Island. This is the bus stop called Shilujidai. There are many places on this road selling children's clothing. This part has been reduced. In the past, more and more children's clothing businesses will definitely continue to transform, so some have become pet hospitals, some are fast food, and some are sold by Hua Xia Bank. These are always discounted and promoted. In the last few days , we plan to go to a bedding store in front of this location for dinner and drinks. I have been filming tea for many days . Why? I really don’t have the appetite. I can tell you. Dear viewers, I will come back to Guangzhou in the future . If it is summer, especially lunch, I will only come back in the autumn. If you look at it, we will know that I have no appetite. I am sweating. The first few It has been raining all month. Yes, it has gotten hotter in July and August . Now it is so hot that I want to fly. It is not yet the hottest time. Malaysia is also so hot. Apart from these selling clothes, there is also a Starbucks. Usually we will go to some places outside to judge. Is it a commercial center ? For example, last time in Heyuan, the first thing I did was find Starbucks to know whether that mall was prosperous or not. Because they are not fools, they are not that stupid and rarely do franchises. Usually there are many direct sales stores. There is one here next to it. There are many people in Tang Shui Shi Yun Sister’s Desserts. When the weather is hot, these shops are good for business and I want to eat. There are also banks. If you enter in front, you can go to the South Bank and go all the way to the decoration wholesale market. Then you can go to Huangsha. However, it will be difficult to walk on that side of the road. When the weather is hot, the business of these milk tea shops is good . I thought this group of people were queuing up for milk tea shops. I rarely walk on the road. Usually, most people on this side of the road are diagonally opposite the blue shop. The building above is where we have been to Guanlu Tea House before. We have to eat here. Yuexi Jiayan has an all-day tea market on the third floor. It is so easy to find a place to sit and cool down and cool down with the air conditioner. There is also a vegetarian restaurant here. I am not a vegetarian. On the second floor, there is a vegetarian morning tea at 52% off. Afternoon tea is 42% off. Chinese cuisine dinner market is available at 7:00.8 Afternoon tea is available at 4:08. Discounted tea . Yes, there are many things to eat. These are special prices and will not be available again. The special price is also good. The local egg rolls and rice rolls are the daily specials in the morning. We just saw the recruitment. There is also a recruitment floor upstairs. The number of people in the main building starts from 5,000 per month. The dish manager is 4,500. They are not cheap. At least the meal is included. The vegetarian restaurant that is definitely included has also closed for 36 yuan per person. The tea bar on the third floor upstairs has been closed for 36 yuan. It was no longer possible last time... and then it became 29 yuan. It says here that I still can't stand it . I saw an auntie who also wanted to eat vegetarian food. Unfortunately, the door was closed. We came here to have tea, rice , snacks, and a few dishes. The most important thing is to have a place where we can sit comfortably. Same as the previous episode. Have we all talked about those uncles, aunts and retired people who think they don’t know how to eat? How these tastes are judged by people’s wisdom , but when it comes to sitting comfort, the most important thing is the environment. It doesn’t have to be a new decoration. The lights are not as bright as they were yesterday. Now, We have found a seat. Many uncles and aunts took advantage of the discount during the evening market to come here to eat some good food. As I just said, the taste is not important. The most important thing is that there is air conditioning to make sitting more comfortable. The most important thing is that the air conditioning is enough. We chose an air-conditioned seat. It’s very strong. We are having dim sum tonight. As mentioned just now, in addition to a la carte, there are also dim sum. In addition to dim sum, there are also dim sum. Today we are having dim sum. I won’t go into details about the flavors. Let’s see what is available in the a la carte. Baby abalone 10.8 yuan. Roche shrimp 98 yuan , base shrimp 68 yuan, turbot fish 108 yuan , order like this. Come here, there are specials. Today is Friday. If you order , shrimp rice vermicelli pot is 19.8 yuan, and Yunnan mixed mushrooms, stir-fried meat, cold melon and beef are all available. The price is about 20 yuan. This is a large menu. The tea seat by the window is 7 yuan. The ordinary tea we are sitting now should be 6 yuan. It turns out that it has many branches. There is also a branch on Dongzhao North Road. I roughly know where it is. The one we passed by is Zhongshan. The eighth branch also has a branch in Dongcao South, which is rooted in Fangcun Baiyun Point Food Roast Goose 68 Yuan Squab 38 Yuan The price is reasonable Boneless Pickled Fish 68 Yuan There is also this very interesting green bean and pickled vegetable stir-fried barbecued pork with scallion oil and pork knuckles . Very special , crispy gourd pork, fried wontons , and this one called velvet antler mushroom, fresh shrimp, fish fillet with XO sauce, Taishan cauliflower, there are many foods , and this long bean cooked in soy sauce Next, there are these side dishes, chive yolk scrambled eggs, which is a reasonable 33 yuan , and goose palm wings, which are 48 yuan, which is not bad. When I came in just now, I saw that many of the neighbors were serving tea and snacks , but there were also a small amount of snacks. I placed an order. This is the undiscounted amount. With a discount of 23 yuan, it’s half price. Not only is the Shrimp Dumpling King half price, it’s 13 yuan and more than 12 yuan, it ’s very cost-effective. We originally ordered five kinds of food, but some of them were unavailable . Big fried dough sticks. Big fried dough sticks are not called eggs. They are common dim sum here. I have considered cowboy ribs , but after thinking about it, I decided to go for chicken feet. I originally wanted bean curd rolls. I saw the Chencun noodles below and thought about it. I felt that the pork ribs were not very good and I was conflicted because the price was cheap. Naturally, I thought more about it. I thought of having some staple food instead of wanting wonton noodles. I thought that wonton noodles had turned into beef brisket noodles. We were waiting for food. This restaurant is called Yuexi Jiayan. The nearest subway station is It should be the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall. If you go to Chen Clan Ancestral Station Exit A of the Chen Clan Ancestral Station, it will take you 12 minutes to a very good road. Walk along Zhongshan 8th Road to Zhongshan 7th Road and you will be there. The steamed chicken feet that were served were pretty good. After the discount, we just got there. I have calculated that it is about 11 yuan. It should be less than 11 yuan. The steaming is good. The peanuts below are very attractive. How about steaming it? I will try a small one. It is not bad. It is worthy of the price. Is it better? I eat the best one. It must be good. The sauce is a little salty and a little oily, that's all. Nothing to be picky about , but if you consider the price, it's fine. But if my daughter likes it, leave it to her. Then this is what I'm served. This is the durian snow mountain bun, which is sweet. I ate the chicken feet first. It's not too bad. Many neighbors can sit down from 2 o'clock until now. The restaurant environment is very big. The two uncles in the back pay 30 yuan for two people. They can sit in a cage for one person and they can't even eat. There are a lot of things and I can’t eat a lot of them. In this weather, the wonton noodles and tea are almost 6 yuan. After the wonton noodles are discounted, I went to a wonton noodle shop. It’s more delicious but not as comfortable. It costs 30 yuan for two people to try a cup of tea. Is this pre-made? Is it made after ordering ? I want to save one for my daughter. I eat one pill for each person. One pill is enough. Bai Xuexue’s grains are very big and feel very full inside. The durian cream and durian filling are not included in the outer skin. It's very thick but not very frozen. It tastes very rich in durian flavor. I don't have durian in my case. I have very strong durian flavor . So what about mine? She doesn't have durian . Is the meat minced and mixed with cream? I eat a lot of durian and it's durian. It tastes good and I want to eat durian. I also want to go to Malaysia. When should we go to Malaysia? In July? Here I would like to take this opportunity to ask the audience in Malaysia whether it will be very hot in July? Is it hotter than Guangzhou? It's hard to say it's hot, but we should go to Kuala Lumpur from Guangzhou . At this time, the shrimp dumplings were also delivered. It turned out that they had four pieces. The original price was 26. After discount, it was more than 12 yuan and 13 yuan less than that. It was very good and cheap enough. One of them had its skin falling apart. It's also sticky and juicy ? Try this. Three big prawns, a little popping. Normally, four pieces for more than ten yuan. I heard the manager, I think it was the manager, and got a 30% discount on the stir-fried dishes. That's 30% off the original price of the stir-fried dishes. It's a good 30% off. Very good value for money. I will continue to eat shrimp dumplings. Shrimp dumplings are very delicious. They are thick- skinned and contain shrimps that are juicy and juicy. The fillings are well-done and tasty. The shrimps are chewy and juicy. The soup does not contain celery and is very good. Many retired workers and aunties came here to do something. The people across from me were discussing traveling. I heard the words Leshan Giant Buddha. This generation is happy to retire and has enough salary to spend. Besides, we can also eat, drink and have fun. Retirement is not possible in this life. There is another very important thing. Whether the salary is high or not is secondary. The most important thing is that they retire at a young age of fifty, right? I would retire at fifty... If it were up to me, how many more years would I have ? Retire at the age of 18. If they are like them, their generation has never been unemployed . And they are not unemployed. They are less likely to be laid off. After being laid off, they will have more opportunities . If something bad happens and they are laid off, they are willing to work hard. I have elders around me who are like this and are willing to work hard and do something. Maybe if the small business is successful, it will be better than working. I still have a few years to get my pension and I won’t fight. Then I can take good care of my health at home and wait until I get my pension to start a small business. I’ll go to the wife in Dachuandi and tell me to sell some jeans. At that time, the salary was more than 1,000 yuan. She said that there was an elder she knew who was laid off from her job and went to sell jeans in a large area, earning more than 10,000 yuan a month. Others like us were probably in the early years when we first started working. More than one thousand yuan, more than one thousand yuan, is already very good among classmates. He has more than 10,000 yuan . Those people who made money and bought a house are the happiest. Now they are laid off, and they still have a sum of money to give. Then they retired not long after. It would be great if we were still young and could continue our business and continue to receive pensions. Our generation... The worst thing is that we don’t know when we will retire. As for the salary, we don’t know yet , but it seems that the retirement salary will not be high. I still have the energy to go around and have fun. I usually come here to drink tea. Like the recruitment we just saw , the salary is relatively high and the working hours are also very long. Also, the translation we saw just now is supposed to cost 4,000 to 5,400 yuan for foreign trade. How much does the English translation read? You have to be able to communicate with a foreigner by reading books. It’s not so accurate when it comes to Shakespeare. It’s so accurate when it comes to speaking with a British London accent. At least it has to be reasonable . The minimum is CET-6. Yes, CET-6 requires a lot of effort . Yes, I stay up a lot of nights. Thousands of troops came out with 4,000 to 5,000 people. I took two days off every month and had to wait for a year before buying social security . Then they brought beef brisket and pork rice rolls . At least I didn't see a puddle of oil with a lot of sauce underneath. The pot must be hot . Its rice rolls should be the high-quality rice noodles we often see, and they also have a lot of beef brisket. How much does this cost? The original price is 23 yuan, which is cheaper than shrimp dumplings. I said the original price is more than 10 yuan after discount. What else do you want to do without asking so much about whether it is well made ? I can also find a lot of faults , but consider the price. Although the air conditioner is made of premium powder , it hasn’t been stored for a long time , right? It’s okay . The beef brisket powder is also good. I’m right. The powder requirements are very high, but considering the price, it is not a stick of oil. The first thing I am most afraid of is a stick of grease. The second thing is that the powder is not fresh. Some high-quality powders have a strange smell after use. I can't eat them anymore. The beef brisket can also be lean enough. If you use it that is too fat , it will produce a lot of oil and make you unappetizing. Also, this pot is still hot. Now I don’t dare to touch it. We are full. The final bill is 57.6 yuan , which is less than 50% off. The tea seats are not discounted. It’s so fun for me , pretty boys and girls, to come here and sit and chat with old friends. After we’re full, we’ll go nearby. It’s 6:30 in the morning and we haven’t arrived yet. The weather is hot. The most important thing is to find a place to sit and cool down. The air-conditioning is still very bright. Half an hour later it was still so bright and not that hot. It was very hot just now and now it is cool and windy. By the end of August and the beginning of September , it is the most uncomfortable time to stand on the roadside and wait to cross the zebra crossing. There is no shade and it is very uncomfortable. There are many foods nearby. Now I will point it out to everyone immediately. I'm just talking about tea. There's a tea shop here a little further on. There's Dim Sum Prince diagonally across from the hospital, where you can listen to music . There 's tea and rice here. A little further on, you can't see a hotel or a teahouse here. There 's also a college student. I am unemployed as soon as I graduate. I am unemployed as soon as I graduate. The employment rate is not even 50%, only 40%. Just now we saw that hiring people to be translators is really... ...mostly because the salary is cheap. Guangzhou is like this in the Greater Bay Area or speaking Among the so-called four major cities in China, if I include those in Chengdu, they will soon surpass Guangzhou and even Hangzhou. If I include those in Guangzhou, the wages are very low and the cost of living is very low and cheap. It costs 500 yuan a month to live in a village in the city. There are also some that cost 300 yuan. I'm not talking about Guangzhou. Food is also cheap in Dongguan . Even the uncle who was sitting there just now can eat for 15 yuan. Parking is very expensive. If it weren't for the children who want to study. Degree housing is actually very cheap. Other degree housing, of course, you have a large supermarket, China Resources Vanguard, which has been in business for many years. This building is also one of the better properties nearby , but it sells for more than 60,000 yuan per square meter. It seems to be second-hand. There are a lot of things to eat here. The most pleasant thing about Café de Coral is that retired workers have a place to live . The restaurant is full of retired people. It smells very good here . The shops and restaurants in front were opened during the epidemic. I like to take a look at Guangdong. I know that people who eat Cantonese food rarely go to shopping malls now. I said that in Guangzhou city, it is okay to go to shopping malls now. What is this ? TV sets are cheap now. Isn’t this Samsung 7999 cheap? You have never seen hundreds of thousands in the past . At that time, the real estate price was 3,000 yuan , but the TVs , such as some Sony brands and Planar, seemed to be called "Planar " . I had to buy a lot of mobile phones at the beginning. When I was in college, I needed a whole year’s salary. Now I can buy it for 4,000 yuan a week. A mobile phone with a salary of 999 and 699 was not as good as now. There is also this one... many things are cheaper. Eggs are much cheaper, 40% cheaper. Bones are 12 yuan, and cucumbers are only 2 yuan. Some viewers asked me in the comment area below the channel why we often buy cucumbers. Is there many ways to cook them? In fact, there is only one way, which is to eat them raw . When we usually eat out, it will be better to eat more vegetables. Cucumber reduces uric acid. This supermarket is big. In fact, it is one of the best in the old town of Guangzhou. There is also China Plaza, but I don’t think the supermarket in China Plaza is as big. Let me ask again. Where else can I find such a big supermarket? I thought about it for a long time before I realized that the supermarkets in newly opened shopping malls are all very small. It seems that they are so big. When I got married, my daughter was not born yet. Sometimes I had to buy some oil to go back to my mother-in-law because Zhongshanba used to be very close, and sometimes I tried to buy it here once or twice. I could take the bus downstairs and go back. At that time, there were no license plates, let alone cars. So many things have changed. Many things are cheaper , and many things are more expensive, such as TVs. It used to be very expensive, now it's very cheap. Houses that used to be very cheap are now so expensive. In the past, you could save a little. A family can buy one square meter with one month's salary. Now, unless the salary is very high or two couples can buy one square meter with one month's salary. It used to be impossible now in the city center. No, mobile phones used to be very expensive now they are cheap. Cars used to be very expensive and you couldn’t find them even if they cost more than 100,000 yuan. Now if you look at second-hand cars, I just looked at them. Do n’t talk about new ones. I just looked at a few used cars that are three or four years old and cost 100,000 yuan. Before driving to Polo, the Volkswagen car is more than 40,000 yuan, only 2,000. Don’t talk about it. I have crashed it. Don’t talk about it. Don’t care. If it can be driven , it can be driven to 2,000. Even if it is a new car, there are many of them, such as those with the prefix B. The brand only costs more than 80,000 yuan. If you live far away, buying a car can reduce the cost of housing. If you buy it in the city center , why are trams so popular? One factor is that in many places in the country, including Guangzhou, the most obvious one is the restriction of pure electric cars or gasoline-electric cars. Hybrid cars have energy-saving licenses. As long as you apply for them, they are basically approved. I have never heard of them not being approved. And one person can own many of them. But if it is a fuel car, it is troublesome. You have to wait for the indicator or buy a lot of license plates. So why are cars so cheap now? There are so many policies provided by the state . Secondly, the technical content is not that much. To be honest , for example, if you go to the top speed, the brakes are incomparable with those of fuel vehicles , but the cost of use is really cheap. On average, if it is a fuel vehicle, it will cost about one yuan at the current gas price . It's amazing. 8 millimeter is already the limit of one kilometer. But if we use pure electric power, our small car can drive up to one millimeter and one kilometer . It depends on where to charge. Even if it's not one millimeter and a half kilometer , why are we willing to buy an electric car? This is it. reason Buy these? Okay, these are great. They have pancakes, sesame pancakes , and vegetable wraps. In the past, these supermarkets were very busy on Friday afternoons. Now, because of online shopping, many things are cheaper. But in other words, instead of this , supermarkets cannot sustain this. Persistence is very rare. As mentioned before, there is a China Resources Vanguard at the west gate. Is it China Resources Vanguard? I don’t remember , but the ones with red brands are very big. I forgot where there is such a big supermarket. Those in Huizhou are not counted. Those that are not in the urban area and those that have to drive there are considered crowded here , but compared with the heyday, of course, it is far behind. Everyone buys online, and it should not be those with poor quality meat that are only 35 after discount. The original price is 60 yuan. It’s only 35 yuan. This is a whole chicken. This is a clay-baked chicken. It has these crayfish, snails, and pig knuckles. What is this? There are pig ears, chickens, and many things for sale. They are all packaged for 9 yuan. 9. I’ve seen the big chicken gizzards and intestines. The news said that buying pork at self-service machines has become very trendy. Now you can also get express delivery when buying vegetables. Here is the express pick-up point in front. Many people go online and click on their mobile phones to have it delivered. Because the big brands are trustworthy, they are not afraid that they will get some of poor quality and click like this. He doesn't care about people . It's not like aunties who want to come and buy on the spot. Aunties come over and see if it's better . All milks are milk. Many brands are available. If we drive, we should all buy some. But now we buy a lot less because we all buy online. Go to Sams Club and ask him to transport it. There is kefir near home . There are many buy one get one free. This is fermented milk. I used to drink it. Buy one get one free for 12 yuan . There are also many foreigners doing business near Zhongshan Ba ​​here. Pork rice dumplings. The ones from other provinces are now all discounted for 14.9 yuan. All are on sale. Let’s take a look. Boxes of watermelons are sold like this for 40 yuan each. These or honeydew melons are already available , but they’re cheaper next to me. Can you get them for 20 yuan? Honeydew melons are less than 30 yuan, and one is half-opened. No. 25 honeydew melons, Hainan honeydew melons, must be bought from Xinjiang . I bought Thai durian here for 20 yuan a pound. It’s a thrill of opening a blind box. I’m very happy if I win . If I don’t win , I’m happy. This supermarket is so big that I can’t go out. They sell bags of rice here. I’ve never driven a car before. I had to buy rice for my mother-in-law. I took it downstairs from here and then boarded the bus. The bus I remember most about the daughter I remember most seems to have been once before my daughter was born, and it was so crowded that it was so crowded. Things are different now . Now everyone drives. As for electric bicycles, I haven’t tried them in a long time. It would be crowded on the subway. Times have changed. We plan to buy toothpaste at a 7.5% discount. It’s not cheap at 18.9 yuan a tube. What brand is that? I haven’t heard of it. We need to choose some cheap small ones. The soda is as good as... Lion's is also a good Japanese brand. Buy one and try it. We have to see how many grams it is... Of course, buying three of these is too much. How many grams is the one above? I can’t see how many grams. 140 grams are all 140 grams. This brand is very good. I’m not going to buy this. I’m looking at this brand’s power bank. If you want to see if the physical version is big in an offline store, you can do it here. It is very convenient to see that JD.com Computers and China Resources Vanguard Liwan store is just downstairs. These large supermarkets must cooperate with e-commerce companies . For example, JD.com can provide a place to display these appliances for people to see and buy. Maybe they buy online and have them delivered. This is also an era. Things have changed a lot. Many people in Guangzhou are very insistent on food. But there is one thing they can't insist on. It's hot summer. They usually say that those fast food restaurants are not good. Look at the aunt who usually rushes her and won't come. When the weather is hot, come here and eat quickly. It should be here. It’s considered the old town of Guangzhou. You can reach Longjin Road by walking straight past the camera . Do you see any restaurants on the opposite side? There are a lot of wines there. I just looked around. A new one opened in a few days, and another one disappeared in a few days. But why can it be like this ? Because if the passenger flow is not enough , it is difficult to find a job. I would rather be a boss and walk slowly. Go to the Chen Clan Temple and take the subway home. The train I just talked about is not about new models every day. I dare to say that there are new ones every week. Which of the new domestically produced fuel vehicles are these ? They are considered antiques among us young people. However, there is a problem. It is difficult to get a license for fuel vehicles. And Qiu Dahao Restaurant can eat here. We couldn't eat or drink there just now, and we couldn't drink tea. You can come here and exaggerate more. The top is Qiu Tai Hao Zai and the bottom is Bao Han. What is Qiu Tai Hao Zai? It is the Da San Yuan Restaurant, so Da San Yuan... Then it cannot be called Da San Yuan because of the different food sentiments. San Yuan seems to be called Qiu's Da San Yuan. I forgot how competitive the restaurant industry is around here. Also, the price is not as high as three yuan. Who said it is as big as Sanyuanqiu Dahaozi? It ’s 29 yuan for an electric pot squab. I’ll try it next time . There will be guinea fowl for tea in the morning on Tuesday. You can also come here next morning to buy vegetables and drink tea. Qiu Dahaozi is Da Sanyuan. Next time, don’t go to Da Sanyuan. Come here. No. 258, Changdi Avenue. Its full name is Qiu Da Sanyuan. Did I make a mistake? You can check it next time. You can go straight in front of the camera and walk all the way to Longdi Avenue. We often go to the Jinlu Market in the direction of Zhongshan 7th Road, and further on is the Chen's Academy, or Chen Family Ancestral Hall. The correct pronunciation should be called Chen's Academy. Why do we say it like this? Speaking of those in the Qing Dynasty in the past People in Guangdong Province have to go to Guangzhou to take the examination in the provincial capital. But there were many bullies in many places in Guangdong Province during the Qing Dynasty who robbed money . So it was very difficult to get along on the road. What should I do if I come to Guangzhou and have to find a place to stay? In the Qing Dynasty, a prominent Chen family built a Chen Academy here specifically for those scholars who went to the provincial capital instead of going to Beijing to take the exams to gain fame. The Chen Family Ancestral Hall was built at that time. It took more than 20,000 silver dollars to complete. It is said that it is now equal to almost one billion. It is almost this billion . It is normal . The exhibits inside are very unique. Most of them are from Guangdong Province. We once went in and saw them. The price seemed to be ten. yuan or twenty yuan I forgot that most of these ancestral halls and ancestral halls along Metro Line 1 in Guangzhou are free , but there are two that require payment. The first one is Shawan Ancient Town , which is the ancestral hall of the He family. The other one is here . It’s too expensive . It’s a lot more expensive there. It’s a lot cheaper here . This is a joint ticket. It ’s also the administrative center right next to the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall. There are many audience members talking about why I want to talk about the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall , not the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall. The ancestral hall should be an ancestral hall, but in Cantonese In Cantonese, the final sound usually sounds upward . I am used to saying it this way . In fact, the most correct pronunciation should be Chen Clan Ancestral Hall. However, it is based on the principle of Cantonese and I was born and raised in Guangzhou and have spoken Cantonese for more than 40 years. There are friends around me who say this , and it is for this reason that we call it Chen Clan Ancestral Hall. Who is right? It’s not Huang Sha, right? Huang Sha is not right either. Because Sha is like this, Huang has to lower his voice. It’s that simple. These are Xiguan accents . The Chen Clan Ancestral Hall that I just talked about is here. It is very convenient. There is a subway station in front of it. Many place names in Guangzhou are like this . If Datang is not called Datang Lao Chen, is it not called Lao Chen Lao Chen? Also, of course the surname is He, Lao He, Lao He is okay. Especially the river named He talks about pho, right ? Shahe is the most famous. Have you ever heard of Shahe and the subway? Shahe pho is there because it’s not the last one. Very few people have heard of Shahe Noodles, but if it is used as a place name with the word "he" in the end, it will be called Shahe Shang. So why do I pronounce it as Chen Clan Ancestral Hall? That's why Chen Clan Ancestral Hall is also called Chen Clan Ancestral Hall by everyone. Conventions are like Beijingers' favorite speech. If it is literally wrong, there are no examples of this. I won't give examples, but this is a convention. The language is so that everyone can understand it. I don't know how to talk about Chen Clan Ancestral Hall. I think it is in Tianhe only talks about the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall, and everyone knows it is here. I will take the trouble to tell you one more time. If you want to visit the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall, you can make a reservation as soon as you come out of Exit D of the subway station. You can make a reservation right here at that place. No problem , even overseas passports and overseas travel documents. There are people over there who will help you. It is best not to come to this subway station too late. There are two subway lines, Line 1 and Line 8. You can go to Line 8 to go to Shayuan. I won’t go into detail about taking Line 1 to Tongdewei. You can go to the Guangzhou East Railway Station Agricultural Training Center, which is on Dezheng Road , or in front of the park, which is on Beijing Road. Okay, we’ll stop here in this episode of the video, and we’ll take you there again. Now the weather has finally cooled down a bit. We are going home at 7:10. See you in the next episode. Help share my video with your friends and give us a like. Bye. We are back home. This building nearby is usually called the World Trade Center . The power outage is exaggerated. The whole building is also without power. Only a light is turned on in the upper right corner. It may be for emergency . There is a Guangzhou Restaurant here. How to open a Guangzhou Restaurant? There is no convenience store. There is no convenience store. I don’t know if there was a circuit fault last time. We saw a fire once and its operator is the state -owned enterprise Zhujiang Industrial in Guangzhou. The property company in Guangzhou is right. Why is it so dark here? What should you do if you make an appointment to eat at a Guangzhou restaurant? This place is friendly but this building The building is called World Trade Center , but the actual manager is Zhujiang Industrial. It 's very complex , but it feels like there's still air conditioning. Several foreigners don't know what's going on. Even the convenience store is closed during consultation. I want to buy a bottle of foreign wine, but I can't. The ice cream has melted. It’s really pitiful. No business can be done. Have you ever seen those funny elevators in the 7-11 office with the lights turned off? Some offices get off work very late, but the Friendship Mall is still brightly lit. You can go through this corridor in the middle. Are there many Hong Kong people staying in this hotel ? For those Hong Kong buses that often stop here, there is a bus stop here , but it is not surprising to live here. Hong Kong people are smart and may not live here.
Channel: Hunting Archer
Views: 26,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 广州美食 粤语, food tour, city walk, Chinese food, walking tour, street walk, town market, china tour, walking downtown in china, busy street, dim sum, 粤语, cantonese, Guangzhou, Cantonese cuisine, 点心, Chinese Food, Canton Food Tour, Walk in GuangZhou, vlog, guangzhou, street food, eating, chinese food, chinese food recipes, 廣州, 物價, 月薪, 超市, 本地人最愛, 點心, 美食推薦, 旅遊攻略, 中山八路, 陈家祠, food tour china, food tour vlog, food tour in china
Id: C1axKgkbR68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 22sec (2782 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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