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It is rumored on the Internet that the bed bugs have been killed What are the public responses? Some experts say it seems like a special way to deal with it? I don't know how to deal with it I have small animals in my house So I mop the floor on weekdays We will also not use chemical products Bed bugs? Clean yourself more Mop and vacuum Former people had bed bugs During the Dragon Boat Festival, take the wooden plank out to get drenched in the rain Then it's fine I don't know, most of them are taken care of by my wife I myself will buy something to kill them Insecticidal water bar If you have a problem with your trachea It's not so good with insecticidal water Do you want to be sterilized at high temperature? Pray that there will be no one at home Bed bugs can go more than 9 months without sucking blood will not starve to death The vitality is very strong Some people ask if you can use ultrasound What kind of UV lamp to put on You're really rich Some people do not use diatomaceous earth properly Our nose hair can't be filtered disguised if inhaled for a long time In the long run, there is silicosis Heat: Soapy water Hair dryer iron Bed bugs can be treated This episode of Chat Doctor D There is a doctor of chemistry KKwong and Chan Wai-keung of the Pest Control Practitioners Association Talk about how to get rid of bed bugs in the safest way You'll also be taught to check which locations are most likely to have bugs I have one in my hand that says Flea Elixide There is no problem with fleas in general But it's not the same as bed bugs Bed bugs have evolved too fast Basically not afraid of these ingredients I've seen the ingredients Actually, it's some pyrethroid The problem is that there are some insects after they are touched It doesn't die Maybe a part of the group died Probably it only touches very little If you encounter very little, it will be troublesome if it does not die Those who do not die will develop a kind of resistance That is, it is that the next generation is not afraid of this ingredient So there will be another new one A never-ending "war" Most of them are of this kind now Pyrethroids are toxic substances But here's the thing, you can understand it too If there is a toxic substance, humans will be poisoned In fact, it will remain on the furniture Because when you squirt Its particles are oil-soluble Pyrethroids are all oil-soluble For example, plastics Or decorate surfaces such as wallpaper It will stick But fortunately, when generally using aerosols We don't stand and smell It depends on individual needs Once in a while, it should be fine First, it is resistant to drugs Second, it hides in the cracks of the mattress or wood Without blood it won't come out You can't blow it up, it's hidden very deeply Probably in a drawer The toxic components of the smoke can't get in Personally, I think It will give you peace of mind I wouldn't use this type of insecticide Because you can't actually kill much Some friends will also ask Does this drive the bugs to other locations? I think there's a chance, too But most of the smoke doesn't touch it at all I don't think that's going to work This spray In fact, they are all pyrethroids There is a peculiarity to this It's that you can face that creature Ants those go to spray It will die instantly Then you're excited It's dead and feels very effective Actually, seriously, you can kill it when you see it I personally rarely use it If you spray outdoors I don't feel very poisonous It will decompose after a while in the sun But this is not the case indoors It may remain for a while I have a dog at home So I feel like it's a little bit more dangerous It is more noted that it is durable There is persistence Persistence is more toxic Therefore, "there is no two ends of the needle" You can feel it kill the creature very quickly But you have to weigh the risks But if there are no children at home Only adults They don't hold food with their hands It shouldn't be a big problem I'm personally inclined though Where is this spray useful? to the corner of the wall or the position of the cover of the ditch It's more useful to have the kind of people who climb out When it is sprayed with air fresheners I don't think it's necessary Didn't you say that if you smell it, you will die? It's not that you smell those smells But it won't run out Can stinky pills prevent bugs? I'm still the same Actually, you give the bugs a sniff Bugs will be afraid But the bugs did not die If it's hungry, it will come out and bite you Meaning: You obviously don't like other people's farts But the guy on the other side farted If I'm hungry, I don't care He farts, and I eat the same I spooked it by accident You think it's gone In fact, it has sucked blood It may take 7 to 8 months before the second suck Then you seem to think that Huh is effective I put some spices There are many spices such as lemongrass Or sand ginger But you remember one thing It didn't go away It will also bite you when it is hungry Recently there has been a new class of them That type is called diatomaceous earth It is an ancient algae (algae) Then it siliconized It became a fossil, and it slowly became a stone again There are a lot of sharp positions after combining the stones It grinds diatomaceous earth It will have the effect of shattering glass When those insects pass by It will definitely pierce its outer skin It loses its wax in the epidermis There may also be some insects Try to bite off the diatomaceous earth after sticking to it Thus ate a part of it into the stomach It will also prick its intestines and rot its stomach It's also possible when it's not dead yet Brought diatomaceous earth to its lair Bugs in the nest can also be implicated So it's very effective in the short term It can no longer reproduce Resistance has nothing to do with it Diatomaceous earth is to physically pierce it Personally, I can only analyze it from a scientific point of view If you put diatomaceous earth in your stomach Actually, it's fine Your stomach won't be pierced by it You use an electron microscope You will see that the particles are sharp and angular in size There's a problem here The original particles consist of 0.1 microns up to 300 microns Although most of them are 10 to 200 microns It turns out that we have nose hair It cannot filter particles below 100 microns For example, some people do not use diatomaceous earth properly My mattress has diatomaceous earth The bed bugs will go Sprinkled over the entire mattress is diatomaceous earth And then pat the bed and pat it evenly To put it mildly, you're really depraved Our nose hair can't be filtered I can't cough it up Finally into the lungs disguised if inhaled for a long time In the long run, there is silicosis The area of the lungs that can breathe is getting smaller and smaller So if you use it when It's still best to wear a mask It's not as safe as it seems So I won't use it myself Actually, I've tried bugs at home Our method of cleaning it up is simple A little diligence is fine Let's say you have bugs on your mattress First things first, I figured out how to vacuum it You put the dust filter in soapy water It can soak those bugs You remember the surface of the bug The outer epidermis is oily As long as it's wet Those oiliness are gone It loses its protective properties That would be dead Some people say that soapy water can also kill it? Soapy water kills a lot of living things Soak it once, maybe the eggs are still there Then soak it twice That is, you work hard to clean a little The problem is not very big Do not attempt to illuminate it with a UV lamp It doesn't die It will only fear but will not die The iron with steam is better Then work hard to burn it Steam every night (bedding) I don't have anything to do on weekdays and do it as exercise Blanch with a iron If the steam iron is broken Hair dryers are also available Because it is afraid of heat It's going to die, it's really going to die There's no way to kill them all in 1 day It may take more than 1 month to repeat the cleaning Use a hair dryer for the gaps in the planks Or with a steam gun You don't think about it too often It doesn't take hard work to destroy it Because the creature fights with you Bleach is fine Bleach is alkaline as long as it is alkaline The skin of the insect is destroyed As long as the outer skin of the insect melts That layer of wax is destroyed Not so hard to deal with Because having pets is a hassle You can't Flea eggs are scattered everywhere Or something other quirky stuff Catch it, comb it away If you are constantly diligent and diligent After combing, drip the mite That's not very serious If bitten Just add some peppermint cream Usually it's fine in 2 to 3 days But it's not 2 to 3 days since you scratched Recovery from a scratch can be extended to several weeks Because it is a bacterial infection There are always scars We see bed bugs It's a very old Shui-bian The size is about 1 to 2 sesame seeds It is characterized mainly by its brown color If you suck blood, it will swell Generally we see its flat body Can hide in a wooden gap and hide very deeply First, the timber usually has a junction and a mortise and tenon joint There are gaps As I said, it likes to hide in the connector to protect yourself Second, timber is the case There is a warm environment They do not tolerate low temperatures The wood environment can maintain the living temperature And it's not too wet or dry Especially against the feet of the ground under the bed Stretch along the foot of the ground So if you can lay bricks at home, lay bricks Not to mention that bed bugs have a lot less chance of termites The part from the head of the bed to the wall It's the favorite place for bed bugs So if two couples sleep together Those who stick to the wall are the most at risk Hong Kong families Most of the beds are against the wardrobe in the back of the wardrobe and in the closet If the bed bugs get into the closet, it's miserable Clothes are steamed piece by piece Of course, if you notice a bed bug bite It's best to find a professional pesticide company Check to see if there's a problem You can also check it yourself We recommend using a small flashlight Pull out the mattress Look for gaps in the headboard What signs are there in the cracks? It's just a little bit black Because bed bugs are hiding inside You can't just shine on it But it's active there It's excrement Those fecal urine It's easy to spot The mattress has folded edges Look at the side of the wall as well Even if you don't, look at the bottom It is sometimes between mattresses and slats Attracted by the concentration of carbon dioxide you exhale The human body is then sensed to expose the skin heat and smell Or the chemicals that are produced For example, lactate acetone If you don't want to be bitten by a bug There is a way to sleep Insect repellent ingredient DEET It is a worm that causes mosquitoes or insects to suck blood It does not sense carbon dioxide Doesn't feel the heat of the skin And that smell In general, for adults, we recommend using 30% There is a mosquito repellent in that bottle General purpose 25% to 30% It has 8 hours of protection If it's a child Thinner skin may not be able to withstand it 10% are indicated for children Of course, it doesn't have to be for children Adults are also available But only two hours of protection But DEET is a chemical agent So keep an eye out If a person is sensitive to chemical agents It is best to spray on a paper towel first Let him apply it to the skin See if there are any allergic reactions If there is no reaction, apply again For example, lcaridin (icaridin) or others Similar insect repellents But the effect is not as good as DEET When you sleep, there are some bugs that you can't handle Squirt at least so it won't bite you Reactions to mosquito bites It's a piece of mosquito The reaction produced by the psyllid It's red and swollen Mosquito bites are usually incarred for 1 to 2 days Whereas bed bugs usually take about 3 days Just buy some skin ointments Stop the mark Do not wash with soap Because soap has a stimulating effect Use some neutral and mild dots Psyllids are all individuals But because it doesn't have a lot of activity So they will live together But there is no social sex You have you suck blood, I have I suck Every year when everyone gets together Will only mate once The life cycle is usually about 1 year It takes about 1 week to hatch from eggs after breeding After the oocysts have grown There are usually more than 10 or 20 of them After two weeks, you can suck blood Usually 1 pump per week is sufficient 1 week Why isn't it sucked every day? Because it has to be digested It can go more than 9 months without sucking blood will not starve to death The vitality is very strong In Hong Kong, 9 out of 10 are tropical bed bugs Unless you sleep with the air conditioner on at night Otherwise, the temperature is usually above 20 degrees It is very suitable for tropical bed bugs In fact, Hong Kong was more than 10 or 20 years ago There have been bed bugs introduced Don't panic so much It is free of pathogens of its own It causes you to develop skin diseases Of course we don't want to There is such a spread of bed bugs in the Hong Kong community So when everyone travels Luggage should be wrapped Before check-in It's best to wrap it before sending it Upon arrival at the hotel Do not leave your luggage on floors and carpets The luggage rack has a small flashlight Take a clear picture of the vicinity of the luggage rack Are there any bed bugs to hide? There's no black a little bit\ Put the luggage up and unpack it first Take a look at the headboard Remove the sheets The organ bits on both sides straighten it See clearly No problem to stay in peace Back home Do not put luggage on the bed in the room Find a piece of white tape to lay on the ground Why white is that it is easy to see if there are bed bugs Take out the clothes The most important thing is the collar Those places that can't be seen underneath clothes Make sure that there are no bed bugs in the laundry bag Together Soak in hot water above 60 degrees Soak for more than 10 minutes Dry cleaning is also acceptable Thou shalt throw away a mattress with mites on it To deal with it first You don't spread the word about the bed bug We've seen a lot of people who see that the mattress is very new The mother-in-law saw it Don't waste it and take it home Dispose of it when you lose it We sprayed the potion Wrap it before you can throw it away It may be reversed that Hong Kong is imported to foreign countries It may be that there are more bed bugs in Hong Kong than in South Korea I think the most important thing is not to mess around And find some ways to treat the symptoms and the root cause Is it healthy to open a membership system Are you joined? 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Channel: 健康嗎 Health Code
Views: 311,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 健康, 養生, 保健, 醫藥, health, healthcode, health tips, mental health, healthy, 健康嗎, chinesemedicine
Id: MYqp0GcXc3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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