平玩電動車!BYD Dolphin vs MG 4 Standard Range 邊個先係最抵玩入門電動車?| Flat Out Review #FlatOut試車 #地板電
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Channel: Flat Out 地板油
Views: 112,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flat Out, 地板油, 雙Toby, Toby Leung, Toby Chan, 果籽, Apple Daily, CarMan, Flat Out 地板油, BYD, Build Your Dream, BYD Dolphin, Dolphin, 比亞迪, 比亞迪電動車, 比亞迪海豚, 海豚, 海豚電動車, 電動車, BYD cars, BYD Hong Kong, Upcar, Rev Channel, 最平, 最平電動車, 國產車, 國產電動車, MG, MG4, MG Mulan, 名爵, 上汽名爵, MG4 X-Power, MG4 XPower RS4, MG 4 Performance, MG EV, MG Cars, Audi RS4, RS4, High Performance EV, High Performance Cars, Electric Vehicles, Electric Cars, Dual Motor, Tesla, Volvo, XC40 Recharge
Id: M__RgZjdg-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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