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Hello hello hello Dajin here I am Dajin Today I want to share with you 5 tips that you can still use after the update So there are a few tricks you might already know about. So there are some new tricks that I learned after the update. Then I think it's quite practical So without further ado, let's hurry up and take a look. So first of all, the first trick is to copy the object. This little trick, in fact, when I updated 0.1.4, I provided this little trick I found it to be very useful in the middle and late stages Especially when you only need one or two materials. However, it can save the process of collecting materials or making them. after 0.1.5 update Some players are reporting that this little trick of copying has become easier and easier I do feel that the probability of successful replication is higher than before. So, in order to replicate these objects, the first thing you need to do is find a spot on the edge of your stronghold. And then, over here, a wooden box. Call up the object we want to copy. So, like what I need right now, is a circuit board. So I wanted to get my electrical pharmacy workbench built today, and I found out. Not enough circuit boards So what about items that use circuit boards? Like here I have an old TV that requires a circuit board I can make this. So I'm going to use this old television to make a replica. So the trick is to draw the edge of our boundary at the same time Build our ancient TV. So, if it happens at the same time, you have a chance of getting a copy of the material. Then after putting it down, come back and press the cancel button to check all our materials. So now my circuit board has gone from 6 pieces to 7 pieces Well, I only need three now, and I can be my drug station. Then it was copied successfully this time, so I only need two tablets. So I got 10 pieces So now I can make the electrical workbench I want. What's next is a player after 0.1.5? Discovered a way to use the wood stove defense wall to challenge the boss on the map So let's take the example of Lepada. Build a defensive wall with a wood stove near Mossanda Lux What if you attack Mossanda Lux at this time? He will stop attacking when he reaches the defensive wall What about at this point you can take out your pal and just aggressively attack So when they hit this defensive wall, they will temporarily stop attacking you. Like this, so they're going to try to chase your position. they hit the defensive wall,temporarily stop attacking So at this time, you can use your pal and come back to make an active attack. So what's next is a little trick of the 24-hour convenience store So usually, if we're going to buy or sell something we will directly transmit to the location of the travelling merchant we are going to. Or capture a few merchants directly Then put it on our console when needed or join our team Wu Li to use What if we could have all the merchants? Standing at the door for 24 hours Talk to them anytime you need to buy or sell Isn't that better? This little trick is the ultimate handy little trick that allows you to do business with merchants anytime The first thing is to choose the location where you want to put down your viewing cage. Then I choose to draw at the door as soon as I leave the door, which will be very convenient. What about your cage It needs to be located in a place without a foundation. Because after we set up the special cage for viewing we need to be very close to him to set up a foundation this foundation needs to be as close to the ornamental cage as possible. And one corner, even closer, like this. And then after setting the foundation, at the close corner Make a wooden wall Like this. In this case, we can enter this special cage for viewing. If you climb up Then walk gently to the left Then he'll let you jump into this cage And after you come in, you can do business with any travelling merchant if you had a black marketeer? You can also open this viewing cage, and then put it into the console and then release it. You can reset the pal he sold find a passive skill you like or a pal you don't have yet It's very easy to leave Just go back to the original wall and jump on it Then, climb to the top, and then you will come out, so it is very convenient. Super useful I did a little bit of landscaping, and there's a crane machine, and there's vending machine And then there's a place to rest So this is my convenience store Then the next is a more bizarre little trick that also uses a special cage for viewing. this is a way to challenge the boss by using a special cage use the same principle Before challenging the boss First of all, you need to prepare the materials for the special cage for viewing. And the materials for making the palbox So this little trick is for you to have a free palbox You need to prepare, or it's Lily's Spear. Or a sword weapon that can attack at close range After the materials are ready, we can go to the boss's place where we are going let's go to Anubis Then we set the palbox closest to where Anubis is set cage near Adubis Then set down my foundation and walls So I can climb in. And then when I'm ready, I'm going to challenge this Anubis. Climb in quickly So what if Anubis can't hurt me? And if Anubis gets close enough, you can shoot him. If you can't reach it, use your spear or your sword Then if you come out, you can just climb the wall next to you and come out. So the next step is to pass through the cave The caves on the higher-level maps are larger and more cumbersome So what if your goal is to go to the final Treasure box to see if there are any good designs? Or if you're just looking for tech points then this little trick is very helpful. Ah, first of all, before doing this little trick, you need a flying mount, which is the most convenient. And then what happens when you find the cave you want to explore? Into the cave And what about the wall near the entrance? You summon your flying mount Then do the pet action And after that Your mount should be stuck on this wall at this point if you ride on it Then you'll be on the other side of the wall And then sometimes, if you're stuck in the front, you might have to do it twice. Then you can go to the other side of the wall Then you can see the whole shape of this cave. Then what we're looking for is the boss's Room What about the boss's Room? It's usually a circle with a dome. right behind the boss room there's a little tower build with stones usually all look like this and the back side of the little tower there's a little window like this and at the ledge of this little window you can do another pet action on the pal that way when your pal is half way inside the room you ride it and then you'll be inside at this point you can open the boxes this time I got a tech book gave me 3 tech points Very cool! and that's it! if you like this episode please like and subscribe. Thank you so much for watching see you next time have a good one bye bye
Channel: 大金Dajin
Views: 9,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 放鬆, 遊戲, 熱門遊戲, topgames, palworld, 幻獸帕魯, 超好玩, 帕魯, pokemon, 小技巧, 攻略
Id: bZv9Stw1GQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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