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Who is this person? His name is Zhengying. What he just used is Shaolin's unique skill, the powerful Vajra Palm. After mastering this skill both internally and externally, he can break mountains and rubble and fight with his bare hands. His power is incomparable. Indeed, he is well-deserved. All of these 16 Shaolin Bronze Masters are So if you are a master against a hundred, imagine if you gather all the Shaolin monks to form an army, wouldn't it be a sin to kill the whole world ? Shaolin monks have always been compassionate , how can they go to the battlefield to kill? Who can believe it ? Shaolin, Shaolin actually Under the eyes of the imperial court, you have raised so many monks. I would like to ask Shaolin what your intentions are. Who are you here? Donor Ming , what are you doing to catch traitors ? Protector Lin, Donor , you have misunderstood. Shaolin martial arts is only for physical strength and there is no hint of rebellion. Stop talking nonsense and get it for me. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, Master Abbot, this is the Shaolin bronze man you saw with your own eyes. How dare you confront the imperial court? The consequences will be disastrous. The archer stopped. The abbot put down the monk 's stick . Why didn't he let it go? 18 The Bronze Man joins forces with you and I, Shaolin monks. Why are we afraid of those officers and soldiers ? Why don’t I think about it? Brother Abbot , then you give the order. Our Shaolin Bronze Man is not afraid of these thieves. Haha, please give the Abbot the order . Master Guanhai said that there is no Buddha in his heart. Shaolin beat him to death. Amitabha's benefactor has been such a poor monk so far . Today, I will let you see the real Shaolin Kung Fu Vajra Palm master . Master , you are great. You are like an Arhat alive. It's great. My great hatred can finally be solved. Let's go back to Shaolin after killing and injuring so many people. The poor monks just took back the skills they secretly learned from Shaolin and did not kill. Now they have killed Amitabha. All their lives, they only wanted to save people , so they asked the benefactor to make it easier. You have to live on your own first. I have to go down to save people , but I underestimate you . Do you still want to save people? I heard that there are monks like you who are rushing to die. You all want to go to the Western Paradise, right ? I’ll send you a question. Don’t you want to use your strength to sink into the Dantian? It’s impartial. Flicker and appear , how can you be so good at hitting? The left is heavy, the left is empty, the right is heavy, and the right is tilted. As long as I am here, I will not let you get hurt. The Shaolin eunuch heard that not everyone can be a hero. Thank you, Master Abbot Amitabha. Shaolin monk is here. Are you really not afraid? Leverage your strength with your arms. Good kung fu . Master of righteous thoughts. Wu wants to see what is going on. Hear the way. Hear the way. Hear the way. The old monk advises you not to move. Master, it’s okay. Master, the abbot is here. Master, are you okay? I miss your wisdom. If you don't break the shackles of your body , you will accomplish nothing. Say goodbye, master. It's good luck to stop the bleeding. The master is useless and is about to die. I miss you and I are destined to say goodbye . When we say goodbye , my uncle gives you a gift. From now on, Shaolin will be handed over to you. Master, please come out after hearing this. The ears are so good that you can't get down this mountain. Master Shaolin's 72 stunts are indeed well-deserved. The donor has not seen why he said this . Taoist friend is a loyal person. He must have remembered it in his heart. Ming, the donor should not get entangled with the poor monk. Master, those are Who are they ? Japanese pirates . Japanese pirates use smoke bombs as cover. Attacking in the east and west by sound. Raid is the specialty of Dongying Japanese pirates. Master. Why do Japanese pirates want to capture Brother Cheng ? Don’t retreat . Do n’t chase Amitabha. Be careful . Charge with archers. Kill and kill. Stop them. Come here quickly and call for Yunduo, you go away, you bastard, why don't you go? You , bastard , don't fight, hold on steady and drive down the mountain. Don't let these two monks get close to each other. Donors , why are you blocking our way ? No matter why you want to go over, just lock me up first. Why are you here? Mr. Xu, uh, uh, let's go , don't touch him, what are you going to do, be honest, don't touch him, Junjie, don't touch him , don't touch him, don't come, don't come , don't come , kill, kill, kill, here is someone, kill, kill, kill, kill, I'm leaving, master. Please lead the master and they go to the zodiac first. I 'm going to the donor. Go quickly. Donor Li, walk quickly over there. Stop quickly . That's them . Stop quickly . Don't let them run away. Don't let them run away. Wen Dao, do you think I won't come? Brother, in fact, these years We have always believed in the report. Thank you for the report. The ship owner brought explosives and blew up our war gate. Jianglong. Bring me Jianglong. It’s time to mount the artillery . Group master, it’s not good . Someone has attacked from the back mountain. General Yang Gongzi is in charge. If we can't get up, shut up . Quickly turn the guns and stop the captain . There are our own people up there. Fire, fire, fire, Gillian, you have to live . No matter your name is Cheng Wendao or your current name is Wu Xiang, my blood is flowing in your body, which cannot be changed. Ah, you betrayed me, I, Jiao Long , are harming others. Kill him.
Channel: 千年血戰
Views: 1,508,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 抗战, 悬疑, 谍战, 战争小剧场, 功夫, 美女英雄, 特种兵, 抗日, 狙击手, 枪战, 游击队, 热血, 二战, 战争, 激战, 土匪, 战争剧, 短片, 中国剧集, 大陆剧, 电视剧, 八路军, 抗戰, 懸疑, 諜戰, 戰爭小劇場, 特種兵, 狙擊手, 槍戰, 遊擊隊, 熱血, 二戰, 戰爭, 激戰, 戰爭劇, 中國劇集, 大陸劇, 電視劇, 八路軍, movie, drama, suspense, espionage, Kungfu, hero, chinese drama, short play, warfare, war drama, beauty hero, special forces, 短劇, 大陸戰爭劇, 大陸熱門劇, 中國電視劇, 中國戰爭劇, 熱播劇, 短剧, 大陆战争剧, 大陆热门剧, 中国电视剧, 中国战争剧, 热播剧
Id: n-fALj6fyhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 39sec (4059 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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