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Hello, I'm Qiu Ping. We were in the imperial mausoleum in Shaanxi before. I saw a lot left over from the Tang Dynasty. Stone horse, stone man, stone bird and so on. And in those grottoes. Stone Buddha statues left over from the Tang Dynasty can be seen. A typical example is the Lushena Buddha. There are other grottoes. So these are all stone carvings from the Tang Dynasty. Are there any wooden buildings of the Tang Dynasty preserved? There really is. According to the present textual research A complete wooden structure left over from the Tang Dynasty There are three in the country They are all in Shanxi Today we will come to Wutai Mountain in Shanxi. Look at a wooden building preserved from the Tang Dynasty. Relatively complete It is called the first national treasure of China. The first national treasure of China Now we are going to have a look inside the Foguang Temple. The entrance fee here is 40 yuan. This place is quite remote. Major National Historical and Cultural Sites, 1961 It should be our country's. The first batch of key cultural relics protection units Great Buddha Light Temple Stand here Do you think it's quiet here? Because this place is far from Wutai Mountain Scenic Area is a little far away. So there may not be so many people here. Mainly people who are interested in ancient architecture. That's why he's here. This temple is called Foguang Temple. Maybe many people are very familiar with it. In this temple. There is a wooden structure left over from the Tang Dynasty. Very well preserved. Almost 1,200 years now. It was last century. Mr. Liang Sicheng and his wife Mr. Lin Huiyin Found it together Before they found this Tang Dynasty building. Our country is described by the Japanese as There are no wooden structures preserved from the Tang Dynasty. Many scholars at that time Including Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin They don't believe in this evil. After years of effort It was finally found in Wutai Mountain, Shanxi Province. There is a wooden structure preserved from the Tang Dynasty. It breaks the Japanese saying. In this temple. Not only the architecture of the Tang Dynasty There are Jin Dynasty, Ming Dynasty and so on. There are too many ancient buildings on the land of Shanxi. As we now find The wooden structures preserved in the Tang Dynasty are all in Shanxi. Then after the Tang Dynasty Buildings of all Dynasties Even more have been preserved in Shanxi. Now let's talk about a set of data. We often talk about the architecture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It's more common Before the Ming and Qing Dynasties It has been preserved for a long time. It is relatively rare. So from the Tang Dynasty to the yuan Dynasty. Let's talk about the proportion of wooden structure in Shanxi. In the Tang Dynasty, there were three. All in Shanxi. In the Five Dynasties, there were five in the country. Four are in Shanxi. In the Song Dynasty, there were 47 in the country. 34 in Shanxi That's 72.34 percent There are 8 buildings of the Liao Dynasty in China. Shanxi accounts for five. Then there were 138 seats in the whole country in the Jin Dynasty. Shanxi accounts for 120 Reaching 86.95 percent 427 buildings of the yuan Dynasty in the whole country Shanxi is 354. Then from the Tang Dynasty to the yuan Dynasty. In total, these remaining wooden structures The whole country is 628 Shanxi accounts for 518. 82.48% overall Of course, this data will be updated in real time. If there is a mistake. You can point it out. Thank you. It can also be seen from these data. There are too many cultural relics in Shanxi. We often say that cultural relics on the ground look at Shanxi. This sentence lives up to its reputation. Let's get down to business Let's continue to take a look at this Foguang Temple. We're already in. Now look here The whole is not too big I just had a look. There are no monks and nuns in this temple now. So there may be no incense. We're all here to visit. There aren't too many tourists here. Why Because this place, it It is a little far from the Wutai Mountain scenic spot we mentioned. Another point is that it doesn't burn incense here. Maybe there are fewer people who come here to make wishes. Most of them are probably right in here. Only when you are interested in ancient buildings will you come to have a look. We walk into this. You can find a lot of big trees in it. It basically blocks all these palaces and houses. Don't underestimate this tree. These have played a very big role. Let's talk about it in detail later. Which means this tree Blocking the back hall. According to the records Foguang Temple was built in the Northern Wei Dynasty. It has a history of almost 1400 years. It's not just this temple. There are many famous ancient temples in the country. It was basically built in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Because in that era, Buddhism is relatively prosperous Not just emperors, princes and ministers. To the people below. They all believe in Buddhism. At that time, Buddhism was relatively prosperous. As a result, there are temples all over the country. Spring in the South of the Yangtze River written by Du Mu, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty It describes 480 temples in the Southern Dynasties. How many terraces in the misty rain The Southern Dynasty is the southern regime of the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties. It refers to the Southern Dynasty regime at that time. Better Buddha is in the capital. Build a Buddhist temple Buddhism should be said to have reached its peak at that time. But there was an emperor. He destroyed the Buddha, that is, Emperor Wu of the Zhou Dynasty destroyed the Buddha. At times like this As a result, Buddhism declined for some time. Later, through the Sui Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty. Buddhism began to flourish again. This is mainly due to The emperor also began to believe in Buddhism, like you. Tang Gaozong Li Zhi Wu Zetian believed in Buddhism. Especially Wu Zetian She likened herself to the reincarnation of Maitreya Buddha. This is necessary to secure her rule. You look like the underground palace of Famen Temple. There are many Buddhist relics in it. The skirt that Wu Zetian wore is also in it. In this environment. Foguang Temple has become a famous temple in Wutai Mountain. Cave 61, Mogao Grottoes, Dunhuang In the murals of Mount Wutai painted during the Five Dynasties There is already Foguang Temple. At that time, three floors and nine rooms were built in the temple. The Great Hall is nine feet and five Zhangs high. Foguang Temple once flourished in Wutai. To the middle and late Tang Dynasty. This Buddhism should be at its peak. Then another thing happened at this time. The emperor destroyed the Buddha Because at that time, the emperor felt that the development of Buddhism Has affected his rule. So as to destroy Buddhism on a large scale throughout the country. As a result, many temples were destroyed. This Foguang Temple is no exception. At that time, the emperor was called Tang Wuzong. He is also a young and promising emperor. But he also died young. I think he's in his 30s. This emperor includes the emperor who destroyed the Buddha before. All died young I don't know if it's a coincidence. Or something else So after the death of Tang Wuzong, Emperor Xuanzong was succeeded by Li Chen. He is known as Xiao Taizong. At this time He cancelled the policy of destroying Buddhism. That Buddhism is developing again. This Foguang Temple It's being built again. So the Tang Dynasty building we see today. It was probably built around that time. It was probably built in 857 AD. It has a history of more than 1,100 years. Nearly 1,200 years. So this temple is actually quite old. Now we don't look so big. This is mainly due to changes over time. The temple has declined. What we just said. It can be called The Past and Present Life of this Foguang Temple Let's continue to walk inside. Now we're looking at this temple. It was the Chongzhen period of the late Ming Dynasty. As well as the early Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. We don't need to introduce the architecture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Go to see the Jin Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty. I see a sutra building in the middle of this. This one was built in 877 AD. There are many written records of the age and name on it. Who built it It has a very long history. This sutra building left a classic photo at that time. It is Mr. Lin Huiyin who climbed the ladder. Watch and study on this sutra building. Including the back hall. She also left a precious photo. That's what her ladder was leaning against. People are squatting on the ladder. In the 1920s and 1930s, Japanese That is to say, after so many years of war in China, The wooden structure of the Tang Dynasty is gone. It's impossible. They said they wanted to see the wooden buildings of the Tang Dynasty. You have to go to Tokyo, Japan. Look at these places in Nara. At that time, many scholars in our country It's more sad They don't believe So they went forward one after another to research. To explore whether there are Tang Dynasty buildings or not. Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin were two people at that time. They are all doing the preservation of cultural relics. A kind of work in ancient architecture Went to the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang I saw a mural in one of the caves. It depicts Foguang Temple. Because that mural is probably from the Five Dynasties period. You can prove it The Foguang Temple on this mural. It must have been built in the Tang Dynasty or even earlier. So the couple decided. Come to Shanxi Wutai Mountain to explore here. They may go to Taiyuan, Shanxi by train first. Take the car in the back By horse and cart, by oxcart, on foot. Finally came to this place. At first they came here. I was dumbfounded because at that time this piece It's already run down. They don't feel like it's Foguang Temple is written in the information. But when they walk into this place, I found it an eye-opener. To their surprise Because he saw this sutra building first. There are words on it You can see it at a glance. Read it carefully and you will know what period it is. It's from the Tang Dynasty Let's make sure first. This temple should be in the Tang Dynasty. It's already here. Besides, they saw There are some other buildings here. As you can see in front of us, this building is very big. At a glance, they know. This must also have a very long history. It's estimated to be thousands of years old. They began to research what period it was. This building is called Manjusri Hall. Rebuilt in 1137. Sit north to south. Seven rooms wide and four rooms deep It is a side hall. It is also the highest-ranking temple in the country. Why is it called the highest level of the temple? The main reason is that its architectural technique is quite special. This temple. Its beam frame uses thick and long wood. The two frames are supported by slanting wood. Form a similar herringbone camel frame The width is increased Columns are reduced Enlarged the space inside the hall. This method is called column reduction. It is also ancient China. A special way of building In the midst of the temple. There is a statue of Manjusri Bodhisattva. It is the earliest seven statues of Manjusri in China. There are five hundred arhats in it. The building and the statues and murals in it. It must be a national treasure. Finished seeing Manjusri Hall. Let's take a look at the final destination today. Wooden Architecture of the Tang Dynasty It's going up this way. At the very top It's also on a pedestal. You can't see the feeling here. Because it's all blocked by trees. The building itself. It's on that table. We have to take a very steep step to go up. Below is the layout of the cave structure. Of course, it has undergone some repairs. So I guess a long time ago Is this the place where the monks rest? The cave dwelling is on the Loess Plateau. It's very common. Don't you feel it when you come here? Kind of like the vertical stair step. It's estimated to be 70 or 80 degrees. I have seen this magnificent hall. Let's see if it is very big. This is also China. The highest form of architecture, the roof of the temple. Seven rooms wide The scale is very large. At first glance, it was really spectacular. At the beginning, we talked about this hall. It's all we have left. One of the Three Wooden Structures of the Tang Dynasty I just read the information that it is one of the four seats. That is, four of them are in Shanxi now. This one is the most complete. It is also the largest. It is also the highest-ranking wooden building of the Tang Dynasty. It is called China's first national treasure by Mr. Liang Sicheng. Take a look at the hall from a distance. Isn't it very grand? We looked at it at a glance. I feel that this hall is very low-key. Because it's monochrome and not painted. This is different from the architecture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. We may see some buildings of the Ming and Qing Dynasties at ordinary times. It will be garish. Or the outside is very gorgeous. And this hall. Its overall color is rather monotonous. Just like we said the color of the log. It is painted with earthy red. So it looks more primitive. Of course, those things must be for antisepsis. The total area of the hall is about 677 square meters. The mode of construction of the main hall We will not introduce too much about architectural techniques. Because I don't know much about it. Let's talk about this Dougong briefly. For coming here to this great hall. This bracket is very exquisite. Dougong is a unique structure of Chinese architecture. On the top of a pillar, between a forehead or a framework. Layer upon layer from the square Arched load bearing structures It's called an arch The square wooden block between arches is called a bucket. Collectively called Dougong Dougong has a very long history of production and development. The earliest example was unearthed in Zhongshan State during the Warring States Period. It should be in Hebei. I got a rough idea. Dougong may play the role of load-bearing. For example, a house is built. If its eaves protrude 30 centimeters, Then the weight might just hold up. If you want to protrude one meter to two meters, Then there must be support. Otherwise, the eaves will collapse directly. Then this bracket is equivalent to It's bearing weight Make the weight of the eaves Transformed directly to the pillar. This may be a popular saying. Now I'm standing under the eaves. From this pillar to the outside. The distance is about 2.5 meters. So the brackets above It's the equivalent of putting the eaves It extends out by more than 2.5 meters. Without that bracket to bear the weight, Then the eaves. At most, it might stand out a little bit. That's what the brackets are for. I'm not familiar with these architectural methods and techniques. Can only be said to be based on some information to understand their own. If there is any mistake. You can talk about it. When I looked up the information, I saw something like this. If you are an architectural scholar He knew at a glance that it was the style of Tang Dynasty. Because of the Tang, Song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties Including Jin Liao It is built in a different way in each era. Especially the brackets There are obvious differences between the Northern Song Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty. This piece of Buddha Light Zhenrong Zen Temple above It's not from the Tang Dynasty, but from the Ming Dynasty. At that time, Mr. Liang Sicheng and Mr. Lin Huiyin They came here See this style of architecture. Basically, it is determined to be the Tang Dynasty. But you must have it at this time. Words to prove You can't just say that I think it is. There has to be a solid record. At this time, Mr. Lin Huiyin Playing the role of her farsightedness. She saw a beam. There are a few words written on it. The Lord of the Buddha Hall presented the female disciple Ning Gongyu. These words are just in front of the temple. Engraving on the sutra building It is consistent and corroborated. The age of its construction is defined. This is where the piece is marked. Female disciple Fo Dian Ning Gong Yu It's clearly written on it. Tang Dazhong eleven years It was built in 857 AD. In this way, we can determine the hall. It was built in the Tang Dynasty. Buildings reconstructed in the Tang Dynasty Now let's go to the main hall and see what's there. Walking inside, you can see many Buddha statues. It should be Sakyamuni and Maitreya. It has obvious style of Tang Dynasty. These statues preserved from the Tang Dynasty are very rare. This is different from stone carving. It feels like it hasn't been built long. The protection is really good. There are 500 arhats on both sides. Built in the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty Now there are only 261 left. Mr. Liang Sicheng and Mr. Lin Huiyin It was determined to be a wooden structure of the Tang Dynasty. One is based on the sutra building outside just now. See the text And the words on the beam. They all climbed up to the beam to see it. It was finally decided. So where did it go up? They're not from the inside. Because that piece doesn't go up. But from the back of the whole hall. Let's take a look here. It's right here. Did you see that? There is a hole here. That's where they climbed up. Use that staircase The whole top is about five or six meters away from the bottom. It's actually quite thrilling. You can't climb up without stairs. It's because it climbed onto this beam. I just found that text. The age was finally determined. There are two old trees in front of the hall. It has a history of 1,000 for many years. Come here, everyone The feeling of seeing these two big trees It completely blocked the majesty of the hall. That was actually in the last century. It is because of these two trees. Can be said to make Mr. and Mrs. Liang Sicheng and Mr. Lin Huiyin Finally, I found this magnificent hall of the Tang Dynasty. We all know that this hall is in 1937. Discovered by Mr. Liang Sicheng and Mr. Lin Huiyin In fact, in the 1920s, The Japanese have already been here. And took pictures. But it was taken of the statue inside. In the early part of the last century The Japanese say that our country is gone. Wooden Architecture of the Tang Dynasty At that time, many scholars did not believe it. Been looking for it. There is a Japanese monk. He visited many temples in our country. One day He came to this Foguang Temple. As soon as he comes It's very beautiful to see these statues. It feels very old. So he took some pictures of the statue. He didn't take the whole picture of the hall. Because he doesn't have much interest in this building. When I get back His picture was discovered by two Japanese scholars. Because they saw this statue. It's a bit like the Tang Dynasty style. So they didn't know the hall at that time. Is it in the style of Tang Dynasty? Because the Japanese monk didn't take pictures. Because Japan is far away from Mount Wutai. The two Japanese scholars did not come. Entrusted a photo studio in Taiyuan. I hope he can take a picture of Foguang Temple. The photo studio sent a photographer. I don't know if the photographer is lazy. Or for some other reason? He stood far away and took a picture of Foguang Temple. We just said that. The whole Foguang Temple is shrouded in trees. It was blocked by several big trees. Especially in front of this hall. There are two very large trees. The photographer took this picture. After arriving in Japan, The two scholars looked. I feel this temple is very shabby. There should be no buildings of the Tang Dynasty. So the matter was not settled. Then came 1937. Liang Sicheng and his wife Including two others, came to Foguang Temple. Finally, the wooden structure of the Tang Dynasty was discovered. After its publication, it shocked the world. The Japanese probably regretted it. We are now coming to Mount Wutai to see the Foguang Temple. Look at this building from the Tang Dynasty. It feels simpler Just drive here. At that time, Liang Sicheng and his wife It's not easy for them to get here. Especially Mr. Lin Huiyin. She was born as a daughter. He received a good education from childhood. At that time in the last century She and Mr. Liang Sicheng Basically, it can be said that they have traveled all over the country. There was no good transportation at that time. Often in a horse-drawn carriage or an ox cart Riding a horse, walking and so on So there are many cultural relics and historic sites in the country. The ancient buildings were discovered by them. Often go to a place to stay for a long time. I guess they were at Foguang Temple. Maybe for ten days and a half months. Hail to him Salute to these predecessors. And protect these to all. Salute to the people of ancient buildings. Come to this place today. It's really an eye-opener. Let us see the architectural features of the Tang Dynasty. The elegance of architecture The Foguang Temple and this Tang Dynasty building. This is where we see it. Thank you very much I'll see you in the next video.
Channel: 行迹旅途中
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Keywords: 行迹旅途中, 大山, 悬崖村, 无人村, 四合院, 古城, 中国古迹, 旅游, 乡村, 行跡旅途中, 石山, 大山奇观, 深山, 懸崖村, 無人村, 中國古蹟, 旅遊, 鄉村, 大山奇觀, 長江, 奇觀, On the journey, mountains, cliff villages, uninhabited villages, courtyards, ancient cities, Chinese historical sites, tourism, rural areas, stone mountains, mountain wonders, mountain cracks, deep mountains, Yangtze River, wonders, Dalam perjalanan, gunung, kampung tebing, halaman, monumen Cina, pelancongan, kawasan luar bandar, keajaiban gunung, retak gunung, gunung dalam, keajaiban, 旅行, 山西, 国宝, 唐代, 梁思成
Id: zDvnAY0zH7U
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Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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