宮崎駿 水晶音樂 放鬆身心 輕音樂~ 適合放鬆 療癒 舒眠 減壓 看書 給寶寶聆聽 CRYSTAL MUSIC RELAX MUSIC
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Kylan Buch
Views: 4,025,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sleep, sleeping, sleep music, relaxing, insomnia, sleeping music, calming music, calm music, soothing music, music for sleeping, sleep meditation, relaxing music, relax, meditation music, relaxation, soft music, stress relief, relaxing sleep music, peaceful music, deep sleep music, delta waves, sleep relaxation, soothing relaxation, relax music for stress, relax music, 負能量, 冥想, 靜心, 治療音樂, Meditation Music, 冥想 負能量, 治療音樂 睡眠, 冥想音乐 睡眠, 靜心 冥想和治療音樂, 靜心音樂 youtube, stress relief video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 57sec (13377 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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