宮崎駿《蒼鷺與少年》原作X劇情終極解析,你的不懂,是因為沒看到這三個人生啟示!|宮崎駿到底想說什麼|地球儀歌詞解析|石頭對話涵義|真人心態變化 #蒼鷺與少年 #宮崎駿 #電影學電影

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I made the movie with such a mood. Miyazaki Hayao said with a smile. At the same time, he was holding a cigarette in his mouth, scratching his head, shaking his feet, and muttering that it was troublesome to proofread the manuscript one stroke at a time . These came from others. Seeing very contradictory behavior is the daily epitome of Hayao Miyazaki's more than 60 years of animation career. Although the picture he worked on for a week can only be displayed for 5 seconds. The process had to be revised again and again, and his mind was on the verge of collapse. But after complaining, However, Hayao Miyazaki murmured meaningfully that it is precisely under such entangled and high-pressure principles without forgetting the essence that his films can transcend the scope of entertainment and art and accompany countless audiences through important moments in life with the purest touch . However, Such Hayao Miyazaki chose to go in the opposite direction in "The Heron and the Boy". As he himself said, in the past, he has always kept a lid on his creations. This time, he wants to open the lid to tell a life experience that even he may not be able to describe. It's also like Kenshi Yonezu's reflections when he recalled the creation of the theme song "Globe". This movie seems to have put in all the parts of Hayao Miyazaki that have been hidden so far. Things are flowing like the raw material of his life , and Hayao Miyazaki's So he chose to do this, which is hidden in "What Kind of Life Do You Want to Live" that he has been reading since he was 10 years old. It is also the key to the transformation of the protagonist in the movie. Today we will continue the in-depth analysis of the first half through the novel . "What kind of life do you want to live" combines the plot of "The Heron and the Boy" to answer the deep meaning behind the dialogue between a real person and his great uncle, why two people in similar situations make different decisions , and the most important thing Hayao Miyazaki wants to do through What message does this movie tell the audience? I would like to reiterate that the following content is not an official setting but a personal interpretation, so everyone is welcome to provide different opinions and rational exchanges. If you have not seen the in-depth analysis of the first half, please be sure to read it after watching it. Continue to watch the next content , otherwise you will be as confused as watching "The Heron and the Boy". If this is your first time here, this channel is dedicated to promoting more possibilities behind film and television works , and there will be more possibilities from time to time. Super cute cat easter eggs to keep you company. If you like movies as much as we do , please subscribe, like and turn on the little bell. Your support is the best motivation for us to work hard to update! The most distinctive thing between "The Heron and the Boy" and other Hayao Miyazaki works is that in the past, audiences often followed the protagonists who were like a blank sheet of paper on their journey to experience an eye-opening fantasy world, witness their difficulties and growth, and understand Miyazaki. Jun wants to convey the thoughts to the audience , but the mentality of the real person in "The Heron and the Boy" has actually changed when he read "What Kind of Life Do You Want to Live"? It is not so much the turning point of the real person's change in traveling to the lower world, but rather what he encountered in the lower world. People and things in turn echo the inspiration he got from the book. Therefore, the so-called incomprehension may not mean that he really does not understand what the story says , but that he does not understand the meaning of each plot comparison. So next we will use Several dialogues between the protagonist Junichi Honda and his uncle dissect the plot and lines in "The Heron and the Boy" to understand the attitude towards life that Hayao Miyazaki wants to convey to the audience. One afternoon, Junichi and his uncle came to a department store. On the top floor, looking at the bustling crowds on the street, Runyi suddenly had a strange feeling. He suddenly felt that people were like water molecules, existing independently and also being part of the larger environment. His uncle who heard what he said said that After thinking about it, I went back and wrote a letter to Junichi. The letter said that people are always accustomed to looking at and thinking about things with themselves as the center. Just as scientists during the Copernicus period believed that the sun would rise in the east and set in the west because all stars revolve around The earth rotates with the earth, but Copernicus proved through a large number of observations and research that the earth is actually one of the planets that rotates around the sun. This seismic theory, which is considered common sense in modern times, was dismissed when Copernicus proposed it. It is regarded as heresy, and even considered as blaspheming God. Therefore, one day if you can realize that the world is not necessarily what you think, and realize that you are also part of the vast world, this feeling itself is the same as Copernicus’ discovery. , has an indelible significance. From then on, his uncle began to call Junichi Little Copernicus. When he returned to "The Heron and the Boy", when the real person followed Natsuko to the mansion, in his eyes, the mansion seemed to be a terrifying haunted house. The strange old woman and the strange environment made him feel alienated. The whispers of his deceased mother and the constantly harassing heron were enemies that he had to fight against. He had to be tough and not be defeated by grief. But when he saw the old pelican in real life, he thought he was a symbol of evil. After the words that the Lilican said to himself before dying, he realized that everyone has a side that they cannot see. Just as he and the Heron were bickering, the answer is not actually important , but how you choose to treat the other person. Only then did he realize that in fact Heron has never deceived himself. If he labeled the other party as a liar just because of the appearance, he would not be able to truly understand the whole world. Therefore, the scene where the real person can see through the evil stone at a glance in the dream shows that he already has the ability. The cognition of breaking away from one's own framework and seeing through the essence of things also symbolizes the "rationality" represented by Dante's first guide Virgil. Although little Copernicus's understanding is very important , in reality he is still a teenager who has just entered the first grade of junior high school . Relationships are still the focus of his life. His classmate Urakawa was nicknamed "Fried Tofu Skin" by a group of classmates because his family opened a tofu skin shop . They openly laughed at Urakawa at a morning meeting. His classmate Kitami couldn't stand it and stepped in to stop him. This matter was told to his uncle by the younger brother Bai Ni happily. In the letter, the uncle was pleased that the younger brother Bai Ni chose to side with Kitami and took the opportunity to tell him the last words of his deceased father . The uncle went on to say that no one can simply I will explain it to you with the sentence "This society is like this, and people living in society have this meaning . " Even if someone can explain this kind of thing, if you just listen to other people's explanation and think you understand it, you won't be able to truly absorb it. What is great, what is its value and significance, you must discover by yourself. Only by relying on everything you feel can you understand the true meaning of the words of those great people. Therefore, the most important thing is to think about the meaning based on your true feelings and true emotions . When you feel something in your heart or have any thoughts emerge from deep within your heart, you must not be perfunctory in the slightest. You must think clearly about what situation you are in, what you are feeling, and how you feel. In this way, you will gradually understand that you were moved at a certain time and place. This unique experience that cannot be repeated actually has a meaning that is not limited to that moment. You have to cherish your feelings and the things that move you deeply. Do not forget these things, and think carefully about their meaning. These words seemed too far away for little Copernicus, but for the real person in the lower world, this journey was the moment for him to face his feelings honestly. When he insisted on going to the lower world to find Natsuko, his servant Wuzi was worried about the danger. He wanted to stop him and told Masato that in fact, he should really want Natsuko to disappear. Masato replied that it was because he was the only one who could do it. When he saw young Kiriko again, when he described Natsuko, he only said that because she was the object of his father's affection . The reason seems reasonable and logical, but there are some contradictions . After all, it is the father who has feelings for Natsuko, and the responsibility of finding an adult should not be borne by a child. Of course, we can simply explain it by saying that this is a plot arrangement, or that Uncle Zeng is obstructing it, but As my uncle said, we shouldn't look for excuses perfunctorily to tell ourselves that this is the case , but we must honestly and seriously feel Zhen Zhen's heart. The person who makes Zhen Zhen truly honest is Huo Mei. When they come to Huo Mei's hut, maybe they will Already knowing the true identity of the other party , Huomi did not take Zhenmao directly to Natsuko but took him to her door. Showing the way to return to the original world, this was not entirely out of fear of the taboo of the birth house , but because Huomi saw through the real person and didn't really face his own feelings. He couldn't let him go to Natsuko and inherit the lower world in this situation . When Masato really had the opportunity to put down his burden and return his responsibility to his father, he realized that the reason why he was looking for Natsuko was not because of verbal responsibility or for his father, but because he had already accepted her in his heart, so despite being severely reprimanded by Natsuko, he still remained He said his feelings without hesitation. Only in this way can he accept his true self. The number "132" on Zhenren's door here is also the Japanese pronunciation of "secret", as the lyrics of "Globe" say , the moment the door is opened, Zhenzhen Revealing the inner secret, the figure in the fire also hints at another symbol of Huomei, the legendary Phoenix. Even if his own life stops, his faith will still continue in his children. However, being honest with yourself does not mean that life will be peaceful . During a conflict between the seniors of the judo club, the younger brother Perini wanted to step forward to help Kitami, Urakawa and Mizutani , but he froze in place because of fear. He could only watch the three partners being bullied to bruises. Afterwards, although he was not hurt at all, his heart felt Already overwhelmed by the shame of betraying his friend, little brother Bai Ni was seriously ill for nearly half a month. But what was even more uncomfortable was that he didn't know how to face his former friend. He even hoped that he could come to visit him as sick as possible. The sick uncle discovered his abnormality and tried to understand what was going on. Looking at the little brother who wanted to avoid facing the pain, Uncle Beni sternly asked him to write a letter to apologize honestly to the other party even if he could not get forgiveness and hand it to him later. Little Copernicus wrote this in a letter: When we live in this world, whether children or adults, they will encounter many things that make them sad, tormented, and painful at that age. Of course no one wants that. However, it is precisely because of the pain in our hearts that we can clearly understand in our hearts what people should be like. People become great by admitting their own misery, yes. It feels painful when you admit that you have made a mistake. Therefore, most people will make excuses and pretend not to admit it. However, admitting one's faults and feeling pain for them is something only humans in heaven and earth can do. As long as we are human, we will make mistakes. As long as our conscience is not paralyzed, the consciousness of making mistakes will definitely make us taste pain. However, we should all learn new confidence from pain because we have the ability to move forward on the right path before we taste the pain of making mistakes. Just as little Copernicus, who realized the importance of pain from this incident, finally saw his great-uncle in person, he also admitted to him the mistakes he had committed when his great-uncle took out the pure stone. This passage is literally The interpretation is that Zhenzhen was disqualified from inheriting because he had evil thoughts in his heart. But as far as Uncle Zeng, the lord of the lower world, he would choose Zhenzhen instead of the child in Xiazi's belly precisely because Zhenzhen has suffered the pain of losing his beloved like himself. Only understanding is possible. What are evil thoughts to create a pure world ? Unfortunately, my great-uncle, who believed in this and devoted his life to it, could not create the ideal world as he thought. When he asked the real person why he wanted to return to the evil world above, he The parrots and pelicans brought into the lower world are constantly giving rise to all kinds of evil thoughts because of hunger and greed. Although great-uncle Zeng believed that pain makes people grow , he never really digested the pain and instead escaped to the lower world through the power of stones day after day . The stacking and balancing of the building blocks turns a deaf ear to the real world, so the real person's inconsistent attitude towards the stones is actually to convey to Uncle Zeng that no matter how good a person is, he or she may encounter sudden accidents, and no matter how bad a person is, he or she will have the opportunity to do good deeds if they are eliminated unilaterally. With the pain of evil thoughts , it will be difficult for a person to recognize his true appearance, just like little Copernicus's sentiments at the end of the novel . Unlike Urakawa, I cannot produce anything even if I want to. But I can become a good person. As long as I become a good person, I can create a good person for the world . The reason why Zhenren made different decisions from his great uncle was precisely because he understood that no matter what the world was like, he could rebound and change. For Hayao Miyazaki, who was deeply influenced by "How Do You Want to Live", this movie is more like a dialogue between two selves. The real person is the young uncle Zeng who was confused because of his mother's illness. It seems that he tirelessly proofreads the drawings but ignores other things. He insists on his ideals but also forgets to express himself sincerely. The door of the tomb owner may be from the late Qing Dynasty painter Wu Changshuo's "If you learn from me, you will die". Huo Mei wants to send the real person back to the tomb. The world did not stop him and told Huomei that the real person should be allowed to return to his original world. These details can be observed that Uncle Zeng was not unaware of his own problems. Therefore, although he hoped that the real person could inherit his position, he also gave up the final decision-making power. Leave it to real people , and this can also be regarded as Hayao Miyazaki's instructions to his son Goro Miyazaki and his younger generations not to imitate their predecessors blindly but to have the courage to go their own way. Perhaps Hayao Miyazaki once regretted his decision , but just as The reason why this road described in the lyrics of "Globe" can continue is because I so hope that everything starts from the right wish made by my young self. It echoes Hayao Miyazaki's original intention of letting children experience the beauty of birth. At the same time, he does not forget The connection with history reminds the audience that not all suffering in the world is caused by individuals. It may also come from the relationship between Gongye Zeng and King Parrot, just like the Emperor of Japan and the militaristic general during World War II. The pelican symbolizes the soldiers who have no choice but to obey orders. The destruction of the lower world also symbolizes that Japan, which lost the war and lost its faith, needs to reconstruct the values ​​of society. No matter in the past or now, in such a turbulent era, we need to return to our hearts. That's why "The Heron and the Boy" uses real people as outsiders. Further tell the audience how important it is to broaden their horizons, face oneself honestly , and accept pain in our lives. Finally, I would like to ask all the schoolmates who are watching this to tell the truth . "The Heron and the Boy" is really our favorite this year. I have analyzed the most difficult movie. The difficulty is not only to tell the metaphors and connotations, but also to connect the already weak plot in an orderly manner. I always struggle with whether it will be over-interpreted and how to make the audience understand better, but it is strange. What's interesting is that watching Hayao Miyazaki, who was so anxious in the documentary, we can't help but think of the original intention of establishing the channel in the hope of letting the audience see more possibilities in movies. Creation itself is a painful and happy thing. Perhaps these pains represent what we are doing. Live and get better. We actually have a lot to say about Hayao Miyazaki's movies. Welcome to share which Miyazaki Hayao movie you like best and which one you want us to analyze in depth. The next movie will be coming soon . Let us know. See you there. If you think I did a good job, please like, subscribe, and turn on the little bell so that you don’t miss the next updates. Movies are not only entertainment, but also the epitome of all kinds of life . There will be a picture that will make you stop . Welcome friends who love movies and life to come and learn this ordinary and great art of film studies with us. See you next time when you study movies~
Channel: 電影學電影 movie x learn
Views: 10,083
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Keywords: 蒼鷺與少年, 宮崎駿, 蒼鷺與少年 电影解读, 蒼鷺與少年解析, 蒼鷺與少年 电影解说, 蒼鷺與少年 解析, 蒼鷺與少年 解說, 蒼鷺與少年 電影介紹, 蒼鷺與少年 電影解說, 蒼鷺與少年 影评, 蒼鷺與少年 影評, 蒼鷺與少年 點評, 宮崎駿蒼鷺與少年 分析, 宮崎駿蒼鷺與少年 电影解读, 米津玄師, 山時聰真, 菅田將暉, 木村拓哉, 柴崎幸, 電影, 蒼鷺與少年 宮崎駿, 君たちはどう生きるか, 你想活出怎样的人生, 你想活出怎樣的人生, 吉卜力, 風起, 神隱少女, hayao miyazaki, the boy and the heron
Id: CXulYU_zVnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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