如何在水泥上打洞?钻头、工具和使用方法|drill holes in concrete wall|DIY君
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Channel: DIY君
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Keywords: 水泥打洞, 水泥 钻孔, 如何在水泥上打洞, 钻头, drill, drill bit, drill holes in concrete wall, 電鑽 鑽牆, 電鑽, hammer drill, 電鑽使用教學, 水泥 钻头, 砖石钻头, 水泥钻眼, 水泥 电锤, 电锤如何选择, 水泥電鑽, 鑽牆電鑽, 電鑽怎麼用, SDS plus drill bit, SDS max drill bit, rotary drill, concrete drill bit, 多功能电锤, how to drill holes in concrete wall, rotary hammer drill, cordless drill, 電鑽 鑽頭 安裝, 钻头 工具 使用方法, 電鑽 鑽頭, 居家修繕, 鑽尾, 鑽牆技巧, 室内装修, 装修工具教学, concrete drilling, 鑽牆壁教學, 装潢, 装修, 装修卫生间, 装修教程, 衛生間裝修, home improvement, tool, masonry, 鑽牆壁的鑽頭, sds, 鑽牆
Id: UDy1enKPMRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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