地震倒塌?建商這樣綁鋼筋?為什麼混凝土需要鋼筋?買房最容易忽略的細節『鋼筋』怎麼看才能避免地震倒塌 【超認真少年】Reinforcement

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If there is a way to build a house in this world It can be used less about its materials And its strength can increase several times You can work in a very comfortable environment Do you want to do it? Be sure to do But we don't do that Why Because our current regulations can't keep up Will I have the defendant after I finish talking Welcome to the channel of the imserious In this episode, we have to talk about the house What do you think is a good house? The more expensive, the more expensive the better Then you have fallen into the vulgar set of this society Look at your house How much is a reinforced concrete added up? I'm going to sell so expensive now How much is the cost of a pair of shoes? After adding a hook, you will sell so expensive Of course we have to deduct Is the land in every place The value of the recovery is not the same But what about the house It is just that after the foundation is dug At most, give you a septic tank at most after the cover Then give you the above water tower After the structure of the inside is done The rest is your interior decoration Your toilet, your bathroom your kitchen In fact, it can be calculated decoration But the house is hard to count Deduct these indoor decoration things In fact, it is reinforced cement pouring Then this reinforcement plus cement Why is it so expensive? Ware expensive If all now in Taiwan 10個人裡面 9個人都工人 Then everyone will build a house That house is absolutely cheap My house was covered by my grandfather Oh, my dad covers, and then this is my son covered Is there a craftsman's family? Presumably, look at our channel to you now You should have experienced the 921 earthquake from an early age, right? Or at that time you were studying Whether you are a high school and a university, you Now I should start preparing to buy a house Actually, in the past 921 Collapsed house 85%它都是一個低樓層的房子 Basically not poured It is a house above the fourth floor Because in the previous traditional concept We will all talk about strong beams and weak pillars When people built a house in ancient times They all think that beams are more important Because Liang wants to carry 921大地震之後呢 Give everyone a shock of architecture Only found out that it should be strong pillars and weak beams More costs should Or more and better work on the pillars And the work of this pillar Of course, it is also improved from generation to generation So until now we will have a state -regulated column That is to say Under the state regulations What kind of situation does your pillars use? Then there will be no day In case the 921 earthquake is here again Then all of us are sorrowful again What are the houses? The first is RC is Reinforced Concrete It is actually an enhanced cement Enhanced concrete So have you ever heard people scolding before, that is to say Your brain installed concrete What about the house Of course, there are also divided into iron house Someone also uses a container house There is also a red brick before It should be made less now, right? Taiwan is actually less produced like this big wooden So in fact, the woodplay in Taiwan is actually followed European and American countries or Western countries are actually compared Actually less less Then you know why in the construction site? You often see what reinforced steel strips Do you know what the steel bar is used? Did you have a hand broken when you were young? Actually, it is not all plaster to use gypsum Does the doctor make that gauze Layer by layer Then apply it to your hand Then he added the gypsum again Gypsum add water and harden Will you become very strong after hardening? Broken hand bone upside down Everyone should have seen the cement, right? Cement is a pack of powder Add water, just stir like this Then apply it when you apply it with full If you do not add gauze You just need to knock all the cement and all of the cement Why is there no structure Whether you are making plaster It must have gauze If you are doing a resin to make glass fiber FRP today Whether it is a boat or a sculpture Still do some shapes Then we will add glass fiber blankets So build a house What is it to fix these cement? That is the steel bar It's like its structure is like your bones If I have no bones on my body You see it is a layer of soft meat So you can use this concept to imagine it The structure of the house is that the steel bars are added with cement Just bone and meat So talk about here You can imagine How did your pillars make? Pour out It's like you eat ice at home You will put the water in the basin of the ice cubes When knocking out, it is the shape of the ice cubes So the ice cubes are a mold Like the meat dumplings in the central part That big meat dumplings actually have a meat dumplings mold He poured the cement down Then add people in Then I throw it to the sea when I pour it in This structure is made by employment It also has a mold to build a house What about this mold That is, you often hear people say that nail molds We were shooting that Bitan before? Just talking about the Bitan of that toilet Is there half a cover next to it? Just nails Why do you nail that wooden board and then nail next to it In fact, it is irrigation cement It looks like a mold when it is poured in So if you play a triangle today If you pour your room, your room will become a triangle If you irrigate a square Then you get out of the thing and become a square Or if your house is in this house I want to cover like the octopus brother's home You can make the statue of Moai Stone But if you want to use it as an octopus brother In fact, your internal and external models are full of important Let's take a picture of this next episode to show you again In fact, when we cover each house It actually has weight The relationship between the house itself and the land is also heavy So usually we see the work method It's our ground Pillars and our ceiling In fact, it will be done separately Although we are standardized in Taiwan What kind of materials do you have to use? What kind of specifications do you have to use Go to make your pillars But have you ever thought about an application question I give you the same material Different person Will the intensity be the same? Definitely different The pillars I covered with the pillars covered by you Who do you think will be more strong Hard to say Are you going to challenge and try it According to normal logic People like us who have been in industry for a long time Our structural mechanics may be better Even if I look at the manual The corner I made Or the work I did It's more detailed than you Don't think you are very confident Maybe you can't even stand up Spend money to invite people There are only horn in our material package without money So the same material But what is the difference is what is people But Taiwan is strange These are obviously important things But none of us will choose some people to do it Maybe the roadside said, hey, will you lock? Will you tie Will you do it well? Like we buried under the ground In fact, there are some important gas tubes Or the oil pipe When it is very frequent, I just find someone to lock But a lot of accidents happen When the Big Bang In fact, they will from that interface place Explode like this You think when you are in the earthquake Why does the house fall The structure is not good There will always be a reason for the structure, right? Who is the most important key in the structure people No, it's X Pillar You go to observe all the houses down It is all because of from the pillars Suddenly so soft and then turn it off Pillar weak and soft foot shrimp Then go down Obviously, it is very good to cover the three, four, five, and sixth floor Just by the soft -footed shrimp that on the second floor, I couldn't hold it up Then all fell down So sometimes the damage is damaged No need to be so serious But talk about here It is the pain of all construction sites. Are we tied the steel bars? But isn't someone who can't find anyone? You are complaining in front of the channel You are complaining about what the workers are like We will be tied up in chaos So we hope that this society is friendly The worse you are, the less he will do it, he will do it randomly This worker Has he tied your steel bars well Pillar of your house It is a very important thing for your home security So go to the case to see the workers in the future Remember to drink drinks Speaking of which, everyone should have a concept, right? Different work Different techniques made pillars Structured structure Its strength will actually be several times stronger What is the most important thing in ghosts 12鬼月 The strongest is the column What are the most important thing in the election? Is the column Pillar Like us as a pillar in industry The top of the industry I will teach you this time How should your house be built Okay, let's buy a house series the second episode I took the National Earthquake Center last time Today, come to the second episode today, we want to talk about its structure And as we mentioned in the shed Pillar bearing capacity In fact, the tie of each pillar As long as the structure is different Then your bearing capacity will be completely different There are three pillars behind me Yanzhu water pillar love pillar You should see There are differences in the destructiveness of these three These three are we sent to that The National Earthquake Center has done testing and experiments If you want to test which house is covered by the house It is not easy to earthquakes. Is it difficult to test? When the first episode of the National Earthquake Center We will tell you We can use a data to press it What about the three pillars behind It actually uses the power of 260,000 kg Press it The worst on the far right looks worst It is actually the method of regulatory column today It's because from the 921 earthquake Many pillars' specifications They just modify Everyone can't tie up So how many cm intervals How thick the steel bars are you need to You have to tie a few centimeters away But you know the key to death After the reinforcement is exposed Have you fell down? Of course you don't need to watch this This has been reversed as a whole Then you add the above time when the pressure of the pressure above is biased In fact, it is easy to be like the Weiguan building before Or like those collapsed houses in the early days Pour directly Then these two One is a hoop method One is the practice of Yilizhu we talk about Tilled spring support So you see it under pressure The same cement is the same coefficient of the same force Its completeness is better And basically the twist and deformation of the entire pillar Nothing at all Is there a lot of cement in it? Otherwise, why do you feel hollow on the right? The middle is more solid Let's take a sampling One for a long time to be exposed to the outside This is because Shock to the center of the inside Just squeeze it out Because it has no structure at all But you look at its current national norms column It may not be said that each pillar encountered 260,000 kg of squeezing You can't evaluate and say The future earthquake will become larger and larger Still smaller and smaller If so, everyone should use this Why use that This question is good Because this is more troublesome Look at our construction site now There are few children who are willing to be reinforced concrete Who wants to be under this big sun Like we filming under the big sun today Hard work Hard Should I raise a salary increase Yes, want But you see every day under the scorching sun Those filmmakers who build a house Is it more hard? How do we tie the steel bars every day now? Just under the big sun The scorching strong wind and rainstorm If I call you now, cut the film under the big sun Will you cut more and more irritable Can't you do your job well? If there is a method of work today It can let you do it well under the interior eaves Are you more mood and easier if you are Do you feel more relaxed too What about the pre -group method It is actually allowing you to watch in the field So how did the reinforcement there come? Hearing the sound of ping pong ping -pong Let's come to the field together Let’s go. friends Photography is strictly prohibited in the factory Please wear a helmet in the factory what's next We have to show everyone to see It's the steel bar you are seeing How did it do What do you see now? In fact, it is made like all your metal making It is made of melting furnace And it is not a round bar that is pulled out It's a section of steel bars with pattern And these patterns It can help you when the cement is combined Cause more friction Usually the shape is like ribs -like But there are also this kind of cross -type It is their unique logo The meaning of a TW on it means Taiwan means Taiwan Then FH is Fengxing And the 420W behind it is its metal material If today It is a steel bar made of normal standard programs There must be such a symbol of such a symbol above When this reinforcement comes In fact, there will be a brand For example, where did this bunch of steel bars come from? Is Fengxing Steel Then CNS is national specification Then this SD420W This is your material What kind of materials do you use to make this steel bar Then the next step is the furnace number Because different furnaces It was made after the furnace What is the number of melting furnaces Then what is the weight of this bundle? Then you can see D13 here It is the quarter -point steel bars we are talking about Usually the steel bars in the processing plant It actually has a few different lengths in length 12 meters of 16 meters and 18 meters And it will also be because of your customer's needs Or is the length required for your house? Go to their respective cuts Usually most people want to say Cut the sand turbine or cut off Is it very troublesome And in this mass -produced factory They actually use a jitter Then flatten our reinforced bars one by one In the end, a baffle will be added before and after Make this moment of inertia Then they all collided on the baffle body Everyone will be long And after that According to the needs of the construction field or customer To cut off its fixed length In this way, you can cut off several times at a time What about the cutting reinforcement Use the method of lever again Get it up again After that, you can bundle the delivery After the straight line is cut Usually we are in the construction site Or in many construction industries You will see curved steel bars Then use a linear way Enter it into our processing machine At this time, use oil pressure at the same time Then bend it Finally, it is also cut off by oil pressure After that, you can cut a paragraph The small hooks that we often use when we tie the reinforcement If you want to be folded for 12 meters at this time Or it is time to fold for 16 meters long? Then you can use such a two -axis machine At the same time, fold it into a font This will not be because of the impact of metal tension You can make your tolerance smaller After the longer folding You can also fold it shorter Just now What we see is made by bundling steel Of course we use the steel bars for a period of time I can also bend Sometimes the two -axis machine will be used Sometimes a five -axis machine is also used So you can bend two or three times a long time At this time, if you need 10 at a time When you want to bend at the same time We can also go back to the way of jittering Then like the machine in front After using inertia, it has been long. Oil pressure once, upward pressure Is it very simple like this? Even the younger sister is better than you What we see before we are cutting the steel bars short What should I do if the reinforcement will be extended today? Sometimes our building From the first floor to the second floor The second floor runs to the third floor At this time you can use friction welding Have you ever heard friction welding Originally friction welding, we have to take another episode But at this time We can mention it a little How about rubbing welding Just use the technique of the lathe Let it rotate quickly At this time Generate a lot of energy and heat on the contact surface Then let it stop instantly At this time, you can put your adapter header Sticky on your steel bars Everyone must remember when building a house There are many types of connection header levels Please pay attention at this time Buy a better After watching it just now Do you know now How is your reinforced rejuvenation? When the reinforcement is recessed It will be divided into two roads Along the way, it is the case that is sent to the outside construction site That's what everyone is tieded in the reinforcement Then the other place is to put it here Have you seen a comfortable shed? You want to work outside Still working inside Let's go in Today is full of hot today, about 37 degrees If you add the reinforcement to the heat there, it is hotter when it is hot Yilizhu has a way Just finish the reinforcement in the shed After making the pillar You go to the scene to insert Then it has several benefits Your construction period can be shortened Because you know one by one One by one, tie it slowly Twenty to do it with you at a time Then insert it in the past So everyone can imagine that it can work on both sides At the same time, it is a different approach We just saw three pillars outside the outside Then one is The spring of the spring we are talking about today This is this new method Then where does this new work come from? Please see the latter machine TOYO Because Japan is actually one The earthquake is more frequent than us Do you know the legend of Japan Just insert it on the sea with a samurai knife The waves of waves of waves create a country in Japan I saw it when I was electric But the Japanese earthquake is actually more serious than us They have been in the previous construction method The experience of the earthquake is actually far more than Taiwan In fact, there is a story of the rivers and lakes At that time, when the boss bought this machine, he returned I also feel that it is a pity to put it there But he didn't know what he wanted to do when he bought it Then I heard that at the University of Elino, USA They build this spring You can imagine it imaging Shock Absorbers Spring constructor It is carried or elastic It is far from our general traditional technique Then I thought of this, hey, you can do this Then take the national seismic center to send a test Wow, why is so much worse Then this kind of new work was issued There is also doing so in Japan's leading ways But the difference between their approach is different from Japan's leading work method The patents on both sides are actually different Do you know what this story tells us Tool first, then talk about it Do you want to buy this? purchase One day you will think that it can be used for it We talked for a long time What is the spiral hoop? Let's look at a hoop first You know where the difference is That is, you can also imagine the concept of the pillar in the pillar Then it looks like It's like a square biscuit like a square Is there a square small grid So how is it made? like this After we finished the hoop, I returned to the spiral hoop now Have you ever seen It is done as a spring as a spring Very like a shock absorber Then it has a shrinking space What about strength It is not to resist it completely But power is going to remove it So like playing Taijiquan Find a place to remove it evenly Instead of resisting it When you resist it You will have a weakness When the damage is destroyed, the point is destroyed Your entire structure will disintegrate After the spiral hoop is finished How can we combine it on the main tendon? Just like this First let everyone see a detail It is difficult for you to see the tendon and the main tendon You can stick to it with such closer together Don't believe you go back to see the pillars of your home Do you think the fine tendon and the main tendon are posted together Is there any difference in strength Almost What you said is not what I said I have something to find him The above remarks only represent my position When we tie the reinforced bars, we will grow like this In terms of regulations, (D10 reinforcement) is 10 cm So usually everyone is tied to good Just cut it a little more than 7 cm The way is that I grab one end first After the end of one end, then I buckle it down After deducting it, tie it to the tail of the mouse After the tie is tied Cover Then simmer it After finishing You can't see it anyway in it Like what we did at the construction site, this was like this 135度跟90度這兩個 But you go back and see it It is two 180 degrees of mutual pull You will see that it will have a lot of unloading power Its structure is with a hoop we used to It's not the same as the traditional column So why do we think this episode is important If you use the same material material The number of the same material If it is because of different work methods You can make your house be safe and stable Let you live for a lifetime Do you want to choose this select But the price is more expensive Guess how much worse We don't want to talk about the building in general Do you think you need a few pillars 6根 8根 12根看多大啦 The most basically at least 6 Not like Little Dingdang Four squares like this Guess how to calculate the workers bundled with reinforced bars Counted no If you count the sky, I will tie the longer the better, the better Everyone is actually a weight How much does it cost to tie a meal Everyone counts like this The central and southern parts are about $ 6,000 ~ $ 6,500 I don't know above the north Previous price I don't know how the market is about now If we replace it today I just saw it outside The strongest pillars in the three roots How much do you guess I think most times Actually three times the difference But I ask you 2萬塊 6根柱子才12萬 You use ordinary practices We count 6,500 Three nineteenth I can calculate 40,000 yuan, right? 40,000 yuan will be worse than your house prices in 120,000 Less than 100,000 differences 80,000 Now the house is still one or two million 2,012萬跟2,004萬 A 260,000 kg is pressed down and it will fall down A 260,000 kg is pressed down and it will not fall off Which one do you want to choose Of course it is the one who keeps life So why do we want to shoot this episode There are many ways to do outside this method But if today because of the change in the work method You can work in this cool state You can welded there in a cool place here You don’t have to bask in the construction site and the sun is tied there over there It's good to the project The person who really bought the house for you It's really good I guess everyone used to build a house before You should never go to the construction site for acceptance, right? When you buy a pre -sale house Have you ever went to the house and accepted? Did you go after you finished it? Will you go at the construction site? Actually I don't know how to go So take this as an example Look at it with a spiral stirrup before this way There is a gap here Then here is a hoop Excuse me Give it a gap Not a gap Because we are the pre -group After finishing the scene, be sure to insert it in We can use this way up and down in this way You can only take your beam Turn your other structure Then insert it into this They are the longest at present it can achieve 16 meters Probably if your house is on the first floor If we are about 3 meters 4 You can also go directly on the first floor to the third floor We have talked about the collapse of the first floor in the shed The whole soft foot and softfoot shrimp go down If you really want to save money Spiral stirrup on the first and second floors Just do it in a way of Yilizhu You use a hoop above Or pick it up in other ways It's okay too Because the main force is still below During this period of our shooting In fact, there is a very large public project I also used this way to do it We have been filming for this movie for a long time You can check it now Did you not press the subscription? Subscribe to our channel Okay, then I won't say much about going to the case directly. Hey, we have said in the room for so long We finally came to the actual construction site today Presumably look at us behind this Majestic pillars We will straighten it above It is a 250 -ton crane that hangs it behind Auxiliary it is 45 tons You can see What kind of venue is this? Please see behind me Taichung Railway Station Our Taichung is now changing Hope of this Taichung people We are going to pull that pillar down now You see this pillar is hard now Like our men get up every morning Straight and hard -like This method was taken by us in the past few months The practice of a hoop and a spiral hoop Test after the state It uses SD550W spiral stirrup Its toughness is higher than 28% higher than traditional stirrup 9% higher than a hoop And the amount of stirring it uses In fact, 9% less than the traditional approach 11% less than a hoop In the room, the first group is a good Yili pillar Put it down The tolerance of strength and it It is far more than our national standards now Because after all, it will be the future Daguzhong transfer station Can't always come to a earthquake casually Just collapse it And the hope of many citizens So there is a better way now Everyone wants to say that buildings can be stronger But can the cost of architecture be reduced? No Because no one wants to do So young people Welcome to join our construction industry enthusiastically Please take a look at our side This group of fighting men Just in this recording section There is no NG state in the middle It has stood up by its pillars Fast enough Photographer at this time Should you know what you want to do? We are an industrial channel Your insurance should be kept high We should be able to go now just right The above is also very spectacular How can we bring everyone? See this real construction site site You see, all colleagues are smart now Gao Zhao Like this Female colleagues are all sick leave So there are only two men But they don't know if there are girls coming Our treatment will be better Actually, is the Tourism Bureau We can use a relatively safe site Then take pictures of everyone in this way Netme Don't you think it looks good to shoot like this You see we are in this episode How to bend from the reinforced band Then how does it use a new method Then go to make a new way So in fact in Europe and Spain Then or the side of Barcelona Their century -old building Their structure is never destroyed All of their renovations are renovated appearance So except for making a video See some new things for everyone We are also very strong hope that everyone can learn Or study some new methods Because many people may only buy one house in a lifetime But if the earthquake you live in the house is earthquake Then I dumped Then you are not more finished It's nothing in the whole home Maybe we take this kind of channel a bit backwind When buying a house or watching this building You are not just looking at the location Then don't see what construction company this is He gave you something What kind of bathroom equipment did he give you home appliances? In fact, the structure is a rarely pay attention to everyone And it's easy to be ignored In addition to building a house, it is important Of course, the entire energy saving and carbon reduction of the environment is also important Then what about this kind of work It actually has the certification of LCBA This may be long to talk about this So let's show you in a simple explanation Do you want to drink a drink Hey, drink drinks when the class leads Director of the section manager The church has worked hard It will end today Wow, you look follow in the room There is almost no difference in outdoor So is this praise or derogation It's praise Just some people are outside Very disappointed You see it's still easy We are all very hard without us Because the workmanship is really Working in the sun is really tired He is also rare to see The speech is very gentle Then work a super professional brother Thanks Ah, where is our drink here? We are very polite Accompany us for a long time I think if I am a teenage young man People who can follow him should be like him It feels very good The old man roared Everyone will think People who workmanship seem to be rude It's so grounded Betel nut, you see that he has no at all He just speaks very polite and academic conservation What structure and carrier What weight He can tell you very clearly I think I followed this kind of person for 5 years You are definitely amazing This way their boss will be unhappy But because he has a good boss, he follows the good boss That's why I can do so well now Let's talk about taking the second part The upper pillar came down again So you see If you can do all these pillars in the room You can easily be much easier Then make money Is this everyone happy? You can also have a chance to have less heat stroke I won't come every time we come out of the outsourcing girl. Just ask for leave Take leave, please leave you leave for leave Good episode is the second episode of the super -true boy's house Is the structure After this episode is finished What should we say in the next episode? Want to irrigate the cement? I don't dare to talk about irrigation cement Irriged water is deep I'm afraid I will finish the irrigation cement I was really irrigated Okay, this is the super -true boy this week If you like a channel like us Or want to support us to make such industrial films You can add our members to the membership Then you can save a cup of drink money per month You can support us to make better industrial videos If you want to join this handsome site Or if you want to do Yili pillars with them too Just welcome to call and ask them Join the work class and join the creation of growing up and making a lot of money Then see you next worship 噗 拜 拜 拜 拜 The old house where my dad lives now Do you know if you run away from half of the workers? Just cover it, and then cover it halfway My grandfather still fights with him Then he rolled away after the fight I found a new work class to take over again and again Very pitiful, miserable This time is close to noon You see the warriors above We use a 250th crane Hang down the very important combat supplies Wow, drink 饮 Drinks are as important as pillars If this drink is not hung down This pillar is not good 6根柱子x6000元=$60000(?) Ah $ 36000 tired I just took too long You see, we have been dried outside for so long The master who tied the steel bars also fainted How could he tie it well?
Channel: 超認真少年Imserious
Views: 1,737,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 超認真少年, 超認真, 阿仔師, 超任真少年, 毅力著, 毅力龍, 柱子, 易力隆鋼鐵, 易利柱, 地震, 鋼筋, 921, 超認真少年 地震, 台中轉運站 工程, 未來柱
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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