台灣是國家?實測街訪外國人 陸男尷尬秒答「不是」背後原因曝|TVBS新聞|擠看看

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is Taiwan a country yes or no yes yes it is hey there guys and welcome to the channel and today I'm on the busiest Street in London that's Oxford Street and we're here today to ask passers-by the important question is Taiwan a country let's see what the people here have to say look you have one quick second to answer a yes or no answer question very easy very easy the question is is Taiwan a country yes or no yes it is okay thank you for that hi do you have one second just to answer a quick yes or no question on the camera very easy just answer yes or no okay so question is Taiwan a country yes or no it is a country okay great thank you that's all I want to know thanks hi there guys do you have a quick second just a quick yes or no answer question just yes or no is Taiwan a country yes or no yes it is all right great thanks a lot yeah hey guys you have a quick minute to answer a yes or no question very easy you just have to say yes or no okay so the question is is Taiwan a country yes or no yes yes it is okay great thanks for the answer have a good day thanks uh foreign yeah it's just interesting to see what people's opinion is on the streets for you to help it's like a little short video just asking people this one question was being in the news recently quite a lot you know a lot of people are talking about it so I just wanted to see what people thought on the streets are you guys from China yeah so I think it like probably depends on which part we're from because if you interview someone from Hong Kong yeah they will definitely give you yes it could be an independent country sure yeah but like we're from England so we definitely yeah yeah I understand um hey mate have you just got one second to answer a very simple yes or no question okay good so is Taiwan a country yes or no yes it is it is right okay that's all I wanted to ask you can you can go further if you want oh that's all all right yeah excellent thanks a lot bye hey guys if you literally got one second it's a yes or no question okay thank you so much so uh the question is is Taiwan a country yes or no yes it is it is great do you want to elaborate on that or no not really yeah it is a country yes all right then excellent thanks a lot sir have a good day yeah hey there sir have you got a second to answer a quick yes or no answer question very easy to do that it will literally be yes or no okay so is Taiwan a country yes or no oh oh big question well just yes or no just straight off the bat what do you think um uh yeah because he wants to be ruled by a autocratic that's a great answer yeah I totally agree with you yeah so thank you very much yeah all right sounds like you're doing a good thing yeah have a good day mate thanks we have like one second to answer a yes or no answer question it'll literally take one second yes or no thank you very much so is Taiwan a country yes or no yes it is okay thank you very much have a good day come on guys it's just like uh yes or no answer question really simple stuff is Taiwan a country yes or no yes yeah okay what do you think yeah yeah what do you think yes yeah no it's not oh hey there mate if you just got one second to answer a yes or no answer question very simple straightforward thank you mate so is Taiwan a country yes or no especially I would not be able to answer them really yeah okay so you don't know right hey there guys if you've got a quick second to answer a question yes or no answer very easy question is Taiwan a country yes or no yes yes it is all right excellent thanks a lot hey there guys you guys one second to answer a yes or no answer question will literally take you one second come on come on okay uh question for you is Taiwan a country yes or no yes it is okay and what do you think sir yes it is yeah it is okay excellent thanks a lot all right have a good day thanks hey there guys have you got a quick second to answer a question it's a yes or no answer it's a very easy question uh here's the question is Taiwan a country yes or no no it isn't okay what do you think yes yes it is okay that's two against one then okay that's right what's that who's right isn't it uh well you know like China claims that Taiwan is part of China but Taiwan would say that they're their own country so yeah all right and yeah thanks a lot hey there guys do you have a quick second to answer a yes or no question very easy um are you from where are you from China so do you the question is foreign okay okay great that's the question thank you okay okay bye and the general consensus on the street today from the people is that Taiwan is a country
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Id: XcPj5dOZ6rA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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