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Channel: 奇積Kjack
Views: 118,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home tour, apartment tour, house tour, new home tour, hong kong apartment, seaview apartment, emi wong apartment tour, minimalist apartment tour, cozy apartment, family vlog, our home in hong kong, 700呎, 新居, 香港買樓, 新居入伙, 睇樓, 2房單位, 二手樓, 上車盤, 室內設計, 淘寶傢俬, 佈置新家, room tour, 蝸居, 北歐風, simple apartment, simple interior design, hong kong property, new puppy, japan, 日系, 簡約風格, 智能家居, zenox, philips Hue, 智能電燈, 吸塵機機械人, atmoph window 2, asus, p3b, projector, 投影機, 海景, cafe, 智能馬桶, 智能廁所, 智能, river, rs001, rs 001, 香港, 香港製造, 本地製造
Id: AG4lG78IEiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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