北海岸半日遊!野柳、金山、法鼓山搭車坐透透,欣賞女王頭,到法鼓山一同享受靜謐的世界|《搭公車旅行趣》1815A 【台北車站-法鼓山】|交通大小事

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Hello, dear audience friends I am Ahan this channel Mainly introduces the bus tour route guide and an introduction to general routes Videos will be uploaded on time every Friday night It is recommended that you click like and subscribe first. Mention Yehliu I will definitely think of the queen’s head summer is coming Albert and I will take you for a walk on the North Coast today except to the north coast I also want to go to the back garden of Jinshan Mountain That is Dharma Drum Mountain View of Jinshan City from Fagu Mountain The scenery is quite beautiful You can also enjoy vegetarian food at noon We will use line 1815A to guide you Let's leave immediately Hi! I am Ahan Hi! I'm Albert Today we are here to take you on a ride again The route I’m going to take with you today is Guoguang Passenger Transport 1815, Taipei to Jinshan Youth Activity Center We are now at Guoguang Passenger Transport Taipei Station. What about 1815? Most flights only operate to Jinshan Youth Activity Center What's different today is What we want to introduce to you is Line 1815A Driving to Dharma Drum Mountain this route The kilometers are relatively long Not much nonsense Let's take everyone to the car GO! Let's go 1815 is operated by Guoguang Passenger Transport From Taipei Main Station to Jinshan We took this one today It is the A line that extends Fagu Mountain Friends taking the train at Taipei Main Station Remember to take the Kuo-Kuang Bus at Taipei Station There are not many flights on Line A via Dharma Drum Mountain in 1815. If you want to know the timetable It will be directly annotated in the description column. In addition, we received everyone’s opinions this time Many netizens reported before I wish there were route map signs along the way. For the convenience of everyone’s reading Decide on important positions Auxiliary map is displayed for everyone to see as the road map shows 1815 Line A via Fagushan without traffic jams during the whole journey It takes about two hours Pass by Taipei Zhongxiao East Road, City Government Transfer Station, Keelung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Dawulun also has places like Wanli, Jinshan, etc. It doesn't matter if you can't remember We will mark these places later. Lunch is available in the Dharma Drum Mountain Park Weekday hours are from 12:00 to 12:40 Holiday hours are from 11:30 to 12:40 If you are a friend who comes by car to enjoy lunch Please remember to register with the volunteers first after getting off the bus Guided upstairs by volunteers Go to the fasting hall and then start fasting You must refrain from talking during the fast and take care of the food No meat is allowed in the park In addition, you can also enjoy coffee and refreshments in the park. After eating, everyone is free to enjoy as much as you like. So what? We have now arrived at Dharma Drum Mountain Let’s take you on a guided tour of the scenery of Dharma Drum Mountain I will take everyone to Yehliu later. OK, Yeliu Let's go~ In the past, Ahan, when I was still a Buddhist I have been practicing together at Dharma Drum Mountain for several years There is no religion anymore This is my first time to Dharma Drum Mountain Headquarters But it feels quite familiar Just like going home Now We will take everyone to the park of Fagu Mountain for a walk Enjoy a quiet moment Okay, after coming down from Dharma Drum Mountain I promised to take everyone to see the Queen’s Head in Yehliu Yehliu Geopark The full ticket for one person is now 120 yuan No time limit after entering the venue You can move around freely inside It takes about 30 minutes to walk around If you want to take a photo with the Queen Please be sure to line up In addition, you can also check out the Ocean World next door. Friends who like dolphin shows must not miss it It is recommended that if you have time You can go to the back and see the scenery You can clearly see the Concorde Thermal Power Plant And the scenery of Keelung Island alright Today’s episode is recorded here for you I am Ahan I'm Albert Like our content Welcome to like, subscribe and turn on the little bell Bye bye
Channel: 交通大小事
Views: 67,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 交通, 公車, 台北市, 新北市, 客運, 法鼓山, 金山, 野柳, 萬里
Id: QkhTuI7XiDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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