加速代謝9技巧, 修復胰島素阻抗.燃燒腹部脂肪.柏格醫生dr berg (新陳代謝緩慢)

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hey guys it's me in this video we're going to talk about how to fix a broken metabolism this is the most important thing you need to know so if you're doing anything right now that's distracting you put it away get a piece of paper take notes okay the first thing I need to do is give you a little foundation so you understand what I'm gonna talk about next okay so I'm gonna kind of build on this so so as we go just take notes number one there's some the facts about the metabolism is that when you go on a diet you will slow your metabolism so dieting slows your metabolism if you've dyed it for many many years and then your metabolism is very very slow if you've never dyed it then your metabolism is probably a lot faster okay so dieting also increases hunger and cravings if you ever look at the show The Biggest Loser they always make it look so you know like dramatic like how can they lose all that weight but what happens when these guys start losing they start slowing down and slowing down where it's really really tough until they have to exercise so hard to get off that last bit of weight it's crazy and then they don't show they have to sign a waiver many of these people gain the weight right back okay and I'll tell you why in a second so also age slows your metabolism surprise you're probably already finding it out so exercise will increase hunger and cravings to some people but mainly hunger because you're you're burning stuff up you're going to want more and the last thing is it's very unnatural to lose weight very unnatural losing weight is anti survival because fat is a survival mechanism so when you try to lose it it goes against a survival so really we need to dive in like the understanding of what that is so we can undo it but we're talking really about your set point and the set point is the point at which your body very uh likes to be weight wives it's just settles into the certain point it doesn't like to go below that it might not even go higher than that but it likes to settle down at a certain point so my goal is to help you in this video show you how to lower that set point so for example let's say your set point is 182 and you want to get to 142 so we need to drop the set point and that's really the metabolism point where your body kind of settles into it likes to the body just likes to be the same it doesn't like to go down too much because that's starvation right so what we want to do is give you the next part of this a foundation of how how we're going to fix the setpoint but first we have to talk about what destroys the setpoint beyond just dieting okay so let me show you that okay so here's what you need to know number one you have this thing called the pancreas it's located underneath your left ribcage and the pancreas has about a million islands of cells okay and there's this little little tiny it looks like little ions islands in a bunch of tissue and they call it islands of Langerhans after the guy's name who discovered it but there's different cells and they're called alpha beta Delta cells the beta cells are the ones that were going to talk about first and 60% of those cells are beta cells okay and the other 40% are other cells know what is beta cells the beta cells make insulin okay so that's what they do so insulin is most known for regulating sugar right in carbohydrates so what insulin does is it lowers the sugar in the blood okay so that's what I'm gonna kind of build on this but you need to understand that so insulin lowers the sugar and but the other thing is that insulin also has other functions that a lot of people don't realize number one it affects fat metabolism it affects protein metabolism okay so it makes it converts sugar into cholesterol it converts sugar into triglycerides those are blood fats it basically increases the tension on the arteries increasing blood pressure it retains sodium okay it drives protein or amino acids into the cells and so there's a and we'll get more into that in a bit but I wanted just to have you understand that protein insulin is a lot more to do just just in carbohydrate metabolism but for your viewpoint what you need to know right now is that it's a thing that makes you makes fat it's the primary regulator that makes you fat and it actually blocks any chance of burning fat in the presence of a little bit of insulin you're not going to burn fat period okay and this is out of guidance physiology and this is a known fact so it'll make you fat and blocks the release of that okay so we have insulin that is triggered by a high carbohydrate meal you probably know that you need some bread you increase sugar and what happens your body will store that into a stored sugar called glycogen so glycogen is a series of glucose molecules stuck together okay it needs potassium to be stored so we got stored sugar and then anything excess it turns into fat okay so we have a combination of stored sugar and fat okay that's what insulin does and so what happens though with a lot of people is they start getting a fatty liver so it's really the insulin that makes the fatty liver especially if the person is not consuming alcohol all right and then insulin if gone on too far will destroy proteins yeah muscle wasting all the problem you think about what part of your body is protein you got intracellular proteins you have like so many different proteins your body is gonna waste those and it's going to convert those into sugar and it's going to leave carbon skeletons so it's basically going to leave the waste and it's going to convert everything else to sugar and basically that's what destroys the diabetic is that they get clogged arteries a stroke they have their kidneys fail and then they had a protein destruction that's why they usually have protein coming out of the kidneys and they destroy that and so you have everything that kind of spills off into the rest of the tissue so it's a very ugly destructive disorder and then what happens normally it's supposed to happen is before a meal you should have a blood sugar between let's say 75 and 90 like it's say 80 and 90 okay but normal also it can go up to 100 so let's say between 80 and 100 that's normal before you eat okay what happens though when you eat the blood sugar should normally spike up to like 120 it can even go up up to like 140 after a meal okay but the closer you get to 140 the more you're becoming a problem so if it's above 140 then you become more diabetic because of diabetes you have this spike in sugar because the insulin is not there to keep it in check so it's out of control so what happens normally is you eat it kind of spikes to 120 and then it comes back down to normal after 2 to 3 hours that's normal because the insulin controls that blood sugar but in a diabetic situation it raises too high out of control you get tired brain fog and then it takes a long time to come back and reset okay so so now let's go on to the next part high insulin over time or plus time equals insulin resistance now a good analogy would be let's say you live in Ernie's a train track and there's a train that goes over your house and you live like there's like a metro or something and at first you can't sleep because it's so noisy but over time you you become desensitized you don't hear it anymore because you get used to it so same thing being exposed to an antibiotic you become antibiotic resistant okay so when you have too much of a hormone especially insulin the receptor that's supposed to receive that hormone gets altered it compensates it downgrades so it doesn't absorb it so basically your body is trying to reject insulin because hi okay so what causes instant resistance is too much insulin okay so you have a situation where you have too much insulin but you also have not enough insulin in certain places of your body like in the self and in the blood which we have too much insulin other places so you could have symptoms of both hyper and hypoglycemia interesting so let's go through the symptoms fatty liver okay if you have a fatty liver you have insulin resistance if you have insulin resistance you have founded liver because one thing will also cause another because some of the fat in the liver actually releases certain inflammatory responses that make you insulin resistance so it's really a nasty double-edged sword brain fog okay high fasting insulin so even when you're not eating sugar the insulin is still high in certain places of your body remember insulin blocks fat burning okay belly fat blow team digestive issues sleep sleepy after meal let's say you eat lunch and you have to take a nap that's classic insulin resistance high blood blood pressure why because insulin causes tension within the arteries cravings and hunger well wait a second that's a low insulin situation but it's an insulin resistance symptom but it's really certain parts of your body have a low insulin because the cell won't let it kind of connect so you're basically craving and hungry all the time dark pigment in your folds up in different folds of your body like your groin your armpits your neck you have a little a darker pigmentation that can happen in advanced stages and hunger between meals so you can't go a long period of time without getting hungry or having a blood sugar issue that's insulin resistance so in sun resistance is the single biggest problem for that controls your setpoint it destroys your setpoint okay why because insulin is is the hormone that tells your body whether to burn fat or not okay it's going to it's going to become more clear as we go through the next part - so insulin increases fat prevents the burning of fat and controls and destroys your setpoint other than that is perfectly fine let me show you the next part okay so now the big question is what causes insulin resistance okay high insulin but what causes insulin to spike right you already know it's sugar but there's some other things that will increase insulin as well and that would be protein some types of protein more than others okay and what I'm talking about is I'm talking about the protein doesn't trigger glucose so you've probably heard of the glycemic index right well that's the level of the foods that trigger the sugars but have you ever heard of the insulin index completely different okay I'm going to talk about the next section but the point is there are other factors that will increase insulin that don't increase glucose it's this is this explains why you probably are eating healthy no sugars and you're still not losing weight now before you get freaked out and say hey I have to now have to give up protein hear me out okay because there's some other solutions but the point is that especially for eating a large amount of proteins but protein does trigger insulin to some degree if we look at the different types of proteins well let me just say that - the next one but gastrointestinal hormones what does that mean it means that there are hormones in your your GI tract that also increase in fund so really every time you eat you increase insulin okay so there's a couple of foods that don't increase insulin I'll I'll get into that next section but the point I'm trying to make is that there's other things that are messing you up other than just the sugar estrogen increases insulin as well yeah that explains why women when they get pregnant they go through the menstrual cycle they get fatter okay especially if the estrogen is too high so so we're going to talk about the insulin index in the next section all right now check this out this is the insulin index okay very different than the glycemic index for the most part but look at butter it's 2% it's very very low does barely triggers in fluent at all just slightly okay olive oil 3% coconut oil 3% so really all the fats are there's no stimulation and this is why you can get away with eating the fat more than going low-fat because watch what happens as we go up the scale we have low fat yogurt 76% so when you go low fat cheese we get rid of the buffer for the insulin and the protein is higher and you get more insulin so all these low fat things at the store are creating insulin problems because they're not using the fat as a buffer for insulin that's why even ice cream recipe that I have is that the heavy cream look at heavy cream is 4% okay that's low it doesn't stimulate insulin so it's not going to it's not going to destroy the setpoint it's not going to create a problem now you can eat too much of it but the point is that it's not going to be the importance of getting rid of it is very very minimal okay so it's it's much more important to avoid the higher insulin things but check this out egg yolk 15% that's pretty low but look at the egg the whole egg and I'm sorry leg whites is 55% how many people do you know that just do egg white thinking they're doing themselves some good and they're not doing the egg yolk the egg yolk is much better for weight loss if we combined the egg yolk with the egg whites we get the whole egg it brings it down to 21% so by adding fat with a meal you're actually helping the situation now it is true when you go through ketosis you can you could be burning your own your dietary fat and not your own fat but don't be afraid to consume whole things don't go lean at all okay don't be afraid to use some butter don't be afraid to use some of these products so look at this we got pecans very very low bacon 9% see in your mind you probably like why needs some lean bacon no you don't you want the fattier bacon because the leaner the protein the more spikes insulin peanut butter 11% cheese 15% turkey 23% berries 47 look at beef 51% so these people that do the Atkins diet let's say they do it the first time that works the second time it doesn't really work as well the third time it doesn't work at all why because dieting slows the metabolism it destroys a set point and they're actually increasing their insulin not as bad as a sugar person but that's really what happens look an apple 75% low-fat yogurt 76 percent of banana 84% whole wheat bread 96 baked beans a hundred percent potatoes 121 percent I'm going to give you a download you can download this page in the download section so you have a whole list of this and I will also share in the extra section some food plans to show you what food you should be eating just to take it one one step further okay now so I'm just bringing your awareness up that there are foods that are messing you up they're not necessarily sugars okay and I want to show you next this one little point here which is very very very important and I know I kind of spent a lot of time getting to this point but this is the most important point of this whole presentation okay so if high levels of insulin over a period of time causing some resistance then what happens is we have breakfast lunch and dinner right so here's the problem when we eat even the hormones in our digestive tract spike insulin boom okay so we know we're going to get rid of this sugar and all that and that's great but if you snack in between the meals if you're snacking even with healthy things okay you're spiking the insulin so we never have a chance to correct insulin resistance so you must shoot for three meals a day or two not to lower calories because we're going to increase some fat but simply to correct the insulin resistance now how do you know if you have insulin resistance well all those symptoms if you have belly fat if you you know you're going to have a fatty liver if you have a fatty liver you're gonna have instant resistance if you have insulin resistance you're gonna have a fatty liver a fetid liver you're going to have visceral fat around here so it's all kind of connected so the point is that you want to shoot for only doing three meals a day okay that's number one but here's the thing some people when they get up in the morning are not hungry so don't eat even though the breakfast is the most important your breakfast might be delayed into lunch if you're not hungry in that morning don't consume any food only eat when you're hungry this this is a lie to state that you need six meals a day it's just going to screw things up so we don't eat until we're hungry and then we eat okay now if you want a little snack let's say circuit free chocolate or whatever you can eat that right at the end of the meal but not in the middle of the meals not between meals if you are so hungry and ravenously craving between meals then we have to increase a little bit more food during the meal itself specifically fat low glycemic fat okay and what that means is you have insulin resistance that's why you have almost like a blood sugar issue there and then the same thing at night don't consume past your dinner okay now some of my clients are doing they're basically they're not hungry in the morning they eat a big lunch and they eat a dinner and they're done two meals and that's incredible because you're doing an intermittent fasting for the next period of time so you're gonna you're going to heal the insulin resistance you're going to lower your setpoint me I have to eat a breakfast and then a lunch and I barely will have a dinner I might have a small little kale shake and I'm done so it's like two and a half meals a day so you can do that as well but the key is don't snack at night okay you can drink tea and things like that all right so and then the last section I'm going to give you a series of additional things you can do to improve insulin resistance okay so intermittent fasting is a very important thing to implement but you don't necessarily have to go the whole day without eating you can start with three meals and then go down to two if you want to alternate and do every other day you know skip a meal that's totally fine the key is as you do this you're gonna control your sugar it's better between meals and you won't have to eat as much because your think about it when you're fasting you're living off your own fat if you have reserve to burn then might as well burn that up when you hit your goal you don't necessarily have to do fast anymore it's not starving your body it's basically getting your body just more efficiently just switch over to fat-burning and not burn your sugar because if you actually can't make it to the next meal that means that you're just burning sugar so we have to improve this so there's several things we can do to lower insulin okay number one apple cider vinegar helps blood Sugar's tremendously so you can consume that with a meal if you don't like it you can consume it as a pill put in but if you're gonna do it in water a teaspoon per glass okay fermented foods are much better for insulin than anything else so fermented cabbage sauerkraut that's all really good because it has a vinegar in it as well high potassium food that would be all the vegetables now here's the problem when we do this when we lower insulin you're going to be living off your fat and you're gonna have a lot more fat being burned which means that your liver has to process a lot more fat burning if you do this without eating enough vegetables you're going to end up with a fatty or liver so there is no choice you have to consume larger amounts of greens you can blend them you can drink them but you need to consume that to keep the fat flesh from the liver that's the only way you're going to get rid of the photic liver okay so then we got high potassium foods that's vegetables high vitamin b1 is also will decrease the need for insulin that would be a nutritional yeast okay make sure you don't buy the synthetic version though fiber it's also in my adrenal de formula 2 would have b1 that's a natural one fiber like if you're going to do a a choice between a kale shake with the fiber like a blended versus a juice it's better to do the fiber because the fiber buffers the insulin okay so we want fiber rich foods celery is great fat consume more pure fats why it's not that we're telling you that fats gonna necessarily cause you to lose a lot of weight but it's very sustaining between the meals and it has no effect on insulin it's going to help correct it so what we're trying to do is we're trying to get you to eat enough fat so you can go longer without having to eat the reason why we're going longer is so we can reverse the flow and not have sustained persistent insulin but have like a low instance situation because if you have diabetes and you and you constantly have high sugar well if you don't eat you're not gonna have high sugar so guess what this is really good for a diabetic and this is how you reverse diabetes because what is insulin resistance it's a type 2 diabetes but you can have a version of it doesn't come like this you can have a small version of it that's not it's like a pre-diabetes situation okay so lowering cortisol that's with the stress reducing the stress doing my adrenal techniques all that removing body stress is important because cortisol releases glucose which increases insulin and reducing estrogen if you have too much of it so if your period is heavy we can do the technique on the ovaries if you're taking estrogen not a great idea because it's gonna cause you to gain weight sleepy more is going to lower insulin exercising is going to lower insulin we talked about vegetables okay so I gave you a lot of things that you can do go ahead and start with the intermittent fasting or leave three meals and no snacks and then try to go to overtime okay and watch what happens your setpoint is going to go down this how you fix a broken metabolism
Channel: 柏格醫生中文 健康知識
Views: 1,418,286
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Keywords: 新陳代謝緩慢, 新陳代謝, 體重減輕緩慢, 飲食, 脂肪燃燒, 胰島素, 胰島素阻抗, 糖尿病, 肥胖, 卡住, 穩定點, 減肥秘訣, 什麼原因導致新陳代謝緩慢, 如何減肥, 如何增快新陳代謝, 新陳代謝與年齡, 新陳代謝速度, 代謝和體重減輕, 新陳代謝體重, 體重增加, 修復慢代謝, 增加新陳代謝, 慢代謝症狀, 慢代謝, dr berg, 柏格醫生, 柏格醫生修復慢代謝, 柏格醫生處理代謝緩慢, eric berg, dr eric berg, 艾瑞克 柏格, 艾瑞克 柏格醫生, 減肥, 柏格醫生胰島素阻抗, 減肥燃燒脂肪, 加速新陳代謝減肥
Id: W-GzeFKsAxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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