加港移民雞精班-稅務知識: 抵埗加拿大前資產及稅務準備 Canada-HK LifeBoat - Taxation: Asset Management Pre- and Post-Arrival

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b [Music] foreign foreign john foreign foreign foreign michael um foreign um um okay um bye [Music]
Channel: CFSO
Views: 23,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CFSO, CommunityFamilyServicesofOntario, 家和, Canada, Community Family Services of Ontario, 加拿大, 安省, 心理治療, 家庭輔導, 新移民安居, 殘障特殊需要, 國語, 粵語, 越南語, 華語, 慈善, 社福, 多倫多, 精神健康, 家庭和諧, 救生艇, 加港救生艇, counselling, psychotherapy, newcomer settlement, disabilities, special needs, family services, mental health, couple therapy, individual counselling, @CFSO_TV, #CFSO, www.CFSO.care, Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Tagalog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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