剛買幾天就把筆電拆了 ?! DIY筆電加裝SSD&記憶體,拆解華碩 ASUS ROG G17 G713 新手必看 #rog #筆電
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Channel: 阿鴻 & 阿達 SolidCAM 走天下
Views: 26,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASUS, AMD, SolidCAM, RXT, 省時, 省錢, CNC, ROG, G713, AutoCAM, 賺錢, 效率, 測試, Asus G713, G17 G713, Strix, 繪圖筆電, 173, 173吋, 17吋, 大螢幕, 含數字鍵盤, 筆電, notebook, 電腦, laptop, 17'3, 17, 17'3吋, 世紀帝國, 3D, 4070 ti, 4070, SSD, PCIE, M.2, 拆ㄐㄧㄝ, 拆解, diy, DIY, 加裝記憶體, 升級, 加裝硬碟, 美光, 威剛, 雙通道, 16G, 32G, 1T, 2T, 筆電升級, 比電燈條, 筆電燈條, DDR5, 當機, 記憶體不足
Id: 4XuM14-TPOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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