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i'm 25 years old so today we will eat like a sushi but i'm also scared because i eat only someone soon maybe i cannot eat many stuff this place i came here a lot of times so unique i'm very bad at foreign all right let's enjoy experiment about oysters [Music] up [Music] yeah i like butter usually only with lemon oysters [Music] um potato [Music] oh yeah that's the one it's one of the things i i said i would not try it i would never try it yeah yeah yeah because of the texture today's my day when i tried japanese [Music] um oh [Music] [Music] why you decided to come to japan oh it's really my third time you know for first time so the first time i came as a tourist second time i came as a student i started to learn japanese like like translator oh yeah my language is spanish english and german and i thought it would be good to know some asian language i went to the language to ukraine and then and then i moved to germany and in germany i met my husband and he was japanese yeah i never thought my husband would be japanese because i went to japan before and i was like not interested in my relationship oh this is challenge yeah challenge let me try first oh yes don't think it's a dream because they already have like mindsets [Music] seafood taste you know and well maybe it looks like very good sushi place so maybe that's why the delicious so we moved here i didn't know it was many people love in ukraine but we eat this fish of course marinated yeah [Music] okay [Music] um my favorite [Music] oh i kind of miss european food so much that i don't eat very often you know japanese traditional food so as i said if i eat sushi [Music] i like you know [Music] oh how do you eat it like in ukraine oh that's very funny brain we eat so we take a breath we put butter on right now and we put incorrect so this combination of butter and salted like very yummy combination that some foreigners especially in japanese they find it like disgusting like water and ikura together like food [Music] [Music] yeah something like that oh you know [Music] oh [Music] i am surprised there was fish i liked i never tried but it was very yummy and i think i'm after this i'm gonna try again i'm gonna eat that fish so thank you daisy for introducing thank you thank you yeah i'm a part-time model so open for preparations just you can contact me in instagram in direct or the link in the description all right thank you
Channel: 日本食冒険記Tokyo Food Adventures
Views: 954,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 外国人, 日本食, 日本食冒険記, 外国人 日本食, 寿司, 高級鮨, グルメ, 和食, 外国人が感動, 海外の反応, 外国人の反応, 外国人が驚いた, 外国人美女, 日本が好き, 日本が好きな外国人
Id: IhDINHh5uLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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