免拆磚浴室改造2.0(上)|微水泥隱形地漏|Invisible Shower Drain
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Channel: Eden Hsieh
Views: 641,392
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Keywords: DIY, bathroom makeover, bathroom decor, bathroom makeover on a budget, diy bathroom, diy bathroom projects, small bathroom, small bathroom makeover, diy bathroom makeover, bathroom remodel, bathroom renovation, bathroom makeover ideas, room makeover, bathroom makeover diy, 浴室改造, 浴室, 換馬桶, 微水泥, 無縫塗料, 防水塗料, 牆地一體, 浴室翻新, 老屋翻新, 老屋改造, 廁所改造, 極簡風, 極簡浴室, 極簡改造, 極簡家, 北歐風, 侘寂風, 侘寂美學, 侘寂室內設計, 伊登, 室內設計, 裝修設計, 大改造, 居家設計, 極簡設計, 馬桶漏水, 衛浴設備, 花灑, 廁所防水, 磁磚破損, 磁磚膨共, 磁磚修補, 清水模, 免治馬桶, 智能馬桶, 地漏, 下水器, shower drain, invisible drain, 隱形地漏, 清水模浴室
Id: e_bWAlySqe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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