你的Type-C線材都買錯了?買USB-C線材前必看這些規格!Ft. iPhone 15 Pro
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Channel: 3cTim哥生活日常
Views: 345,538
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Keywords: 3ctim, 3ctim哥生活的日常, 3c達人, 3c達人tim哥, tim哥, tim哥3c, tim哥youtube, tim哥開箱, 开箱, tim哥科技午報, type c充電線, type c 充電線, apple, iphone, usb-c, type c, thunderbolt, 充電線, 傳輸線, usb c 充電線, usb c充電傳輸線, USB-C線材 怎麼選, USB-C線材怎麼選, Type-C線材 怎麼選, Type-C線材怎麼選, Type-C線材 推薦, Type-C線材推薦, USB-C線材推薦, USB-C線材 推薦, iPhone 15 Pro usb c, iPhone 15 Pro type c, USB-C 傳輸線材 推薦, USB-C線材, Type-C 傳輸線材 推薦, type c線材 規格, USB C 線材 規格, iphone15 pro usb c, iphone15 usb c, iphone pro usb c, iphone15 pro type c, iPhone 15 Pro, 伸縮線, 伸縮type c線
Id: CDu5zi7r8gM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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