为什么不要做能量疗愈?|Sadhguru 萨古鲁

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[Music] [Music] [Music] I just wanted to ask about alternative therapies and eventually about alternative therapies like acupuncture shiatsu Reiki and I wanted to cover for a healing just in case I ever got interested in it about how they affect you as a practitioner because what I read in mystic musing that if you if you give rape to somebody you're actually taking on their karmic karmic patterns it was a bit concerning why is it such a concern I think I've got enough kamar of my own don't really need it you don't want to take any of their stuff not particularly no oh that handling myself so alternative therapies I think we did not really talk about therapies like acupuncture or pressure or any of those things we were talking about healing systems energy healers so in that context we said this not in terms of raqqa pressure our acupuncture or massage or anything of this people who are trying to do meddle with the energy because you do not know all the nuts and bolts of how this system is made just meddling with one thing without knowing the other can cause various consequences not just about taking on karma it can cause various consequences which are not necessary which is very immature to do but alternative systems of treatment either in the form of Ayurveda or homeopathy your rakia pressure or whatever there are alternative methods of treatment they are different healing systems are different we were saying that only with the reference to healing systems not of alternative systems of treatment sorry can I just ask them in terms of Reiki which is about working with people's energy if you are a Reiki practitioner how do you protect yourself and taking on karmic by not doing it because these are all things that have come out of dropouts from the diss ministries you meddling with another person's life process without knowing the whole of it is irresponsible it is like you saw you know these days you can see videos of major surgeries happening so you saw a video like this you observed everything very carefully so tomorrow somebody has a problem you take a shaving razor and decide to do a says do the upon him I'm telling you some people may survive this people have survived such things isn't it many times in battle zones in nature when accidents happen people have performed absolutely cruel surgeries upon somebody and they have survived but that doesn't mean that's the way to do surgery isn't it that's not the way to do surgery isn't it so it's just that some people might have survived such surgeries in extraordinary conditions it was done so any kind of meddling with other people's energies is very juvenile it's coming out of a certain immaturity and a certain egoistic state of wanting to play God which is not necessary if it is coming out of compassion what's your problem let everybody's Karma come to you as long as he's relieved what is your problem that's not if you want to play God with gloves on it doesn't work like that God didn't play the games with you the conspiracy with you with gloves on he got himself into you to play this game it's only the priests who told you but he's sitting up there and watching everything but look at the way life is happening the source of creation got it got itself trapped in you isn't it yes isn't it so unless you have that kind of involvement you don't meddle with such things [Music]
Channel: Sadhguru Chinese
Views: 229,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 能量疗愈, 灵气, Sadhguru2018, 萨古鲁2018, isha, 瑜伽, 灵性, 智慧, 神秘主义, 探寻
Id: lz3OVkptlas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 24 2018
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