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Mid-range and low-end mobile phones have always been a topic that is easily overlooked by players. Manufacturers also spend most of their energy on flagship phones when announcing them . I understand , but the mid-range phones happen to be sold in larger volumes and more people buy them. So today I decided to build a dozen or twenty mid-range and low-end phones. Let’s take a good look at their performance and energy efficiency and take a look at these cheap machines. How big is the gap with the flagship phone and whether their performance is enough? We have a total of 24 mobile phones for this test, as shown in the figure, covering some common platforms of Qualcomm and MediaTek. Since the energy efficiency curve must be disassembled + rooted , Most of the ones I choose here are Xiaomi and some other models that are easy to toss. Some machines that are not easy to toss are really difficult to unlock. We only tested one point or can only test some items, or let’s take a look at everyone here. What are the parameters and specifications of the low-end chips? First, let’s take a look at the highest-end 7+Gen2 in the Qualcomm camp. Needless to say , it uses 8+ specifications. The CPU and GPU are all full, and TSMC’s 4nm process is unquestionable. The strongest mid-range platform , and some students of this 7Gen1 know that this is a relatively subtle generation of four A710 + four A510 coupled with Samsung 4nm technology. Its energy efficiency can be expected, but the GPU part of 7Gen1 is not bad. Its GPU uses 865 The scale of frequency reduction is still large enough. I can look forward to the earlier generation of 7-series chips. I feel that more people pay attention to them. That is 782G, 780G and 778G . 780G is Samsung + A78, which is not interesting. More people name it 778G Alas, this 778G has been blown into a god by many people. What is it? The flagship of the 8 series has come out. Naturally, it can be blown up like this because it is made of TSMC’s 6nm process and A78 architecture. It seems that the energy efficiency seems to be stable, but in reality. What is the level of this 778G compared with the flagship U? I believe everyone must be curious. As for the new 782G, this is actually the overclocked version of the 778G. The CPU, GPU, and process are just the same. After talking about the 7 series, we will talk about the mid-range 6 series. This time we tested 6Gen1, 695 and 662. At least there are currently commercially available models equipped with 6Gen1, which is Samsung 4nm with A78 GPU. It is a new architecture, but the scale is very limited. The good news is that it has four A78 cores instead of shrinking into two large cores like the previous mid-low end. However, the frequency is still lower than that of the 7 series. The chip starts from 695. The scale has plummeted. The CPU part has become a structure of 2+6. Fortunately, the A78 core is still used and TSMC’s 6nm process is used. It is okay to recognize the low-end positioning and set a reasonable price. It’s still ok. Then let’s take a look at the Snapdragon 4 series Snapdragon 4Gen1 U. Although it’s relatively new, it’s basically a reskinned and frequency-reduced version of the 695. The performance should be similar to the 695. The latest Snapdragon 4Gen2 This model is used on the newly released Redmi 12, which is more interesting than 4Gen1. He uses a 4Gen1 CPU but replaces the manufacturing process with Samsung , and his GPU is worse than 4Gen1. That is to say, this 4Gen2 is significantly inferior to 4Gen1 emmmm... This positioning is a bit confusing! Finally, the Snapdragon 662 on the Redmi Note9 is a 6 series, right? But we put it at the end because it is much weaker than the others, even if it is launched in 2020, it is already an obsolete product. Compared with the ancient Snapdragon 660, it’s actually not much stronger. It ’s a well-deserved low-end in our list. After talking about Qualcomm, let’s take a look at MediaTek. Fa Ge has done a very outrageous renaming of many chip models this year. It was easy to remember, but now it’s messed up and confused. It’s comparable to Intel and AMD on the PC side. Anyway, let’s list it here. It’s better to use familiar names. Fa Ge’s mid-range pillar is naturally Dimensity 8100. Compared with Dimensity 8200, Dimensity 8100 is definitely a heavyweight in the history of Fa Ge, but we have actually tested Dimensity 8200 before, right ? Let’s start with Dimensity 1200, an old friend that everyone is very familiar with. Although it also has four A78s and four A55s, the technology of Dimensity 1200 is a generation behind. But I’m curious about how much difference there is between the energy efficiency of the two A78s . Further down, you’ll find Fa Ge’s mid-range maze. These Fa Ge’s real mid-range force is really a mess of various models . The most high-end inside is the new Dimensity 1080. It is not new. This U is actually a reskinned overclocked version of the Dimensity 920. It has two A78+ six A55 CPUs and a Mali G68 MC4 GPU. It belongs to Snapdragon 695, The 4Gen1 benchmark product is Dimensity 820 , which is an old-generation mid-range chip with four cores and four small cores. The specifications are still very beautiful, but unfortunately the A76 architecture is a bit old. The GPU of the G57 MC5 is also a product with a certain scale but an old architecture . The next three Dimensity 700, Dimensity 800U and Dimensity 810 are very common. Now many entry-level 5G mobile phones will use Dimensity 700. To be honest , the two A76 + six are still quite broken today. A55 paired with G57 GPUs , especially Dimensity 700 and 810, and even MC2 dual-core GPUs are indeed quite low-end. However, Dimensity 700 is originally positioned as a low-end grade, as long as it sells at a low-end price, it is reasonable. But do you think this is over? Next, there are some 4G low-end platforms such as G85 and G99. The former is often seen on counterfeit phones, and the latter is equipped on Redmi Tablet and Duoqin mobile phones. In fact, G99 is still there. It is quite conscientious, it is a Dimensity 700 without 5G, GPU overclocking , or even TSMC ’s 6nm process . As for the chip, I will also join the old flagship machines like 845 and 855. All kinds of ghosts and snakes are mixed together. Let’s see who is strong and who is weak. Let’s take a look at the CPU part . Compared with other machines, Gen2 and Dimensity 8100, 8200 are really not at the same level . The gap is too big. Down below, the Dimensity 1200 is still relatively good, relying on the high-frequency A78. Afterwards, 7Gen1 was a bit stretched. It didn’t even beat the peak performance of 778G. Dimensity 920 and 1080 are hard to beat. 778G is slightly better than low-frequency Snapdragon 4Gen2, 695 and 4Gen1. As for the Dimensity 700, the mid-range bottom is properly placed... It is expected that the old 662 and G85 sit at the low end. This is only the peak performance. For mobile phones, the peak performance alone does not count for us. Old viewers must know that mobile phones depend on energy efficiency! Machines with good energy efficiency have stronger battery life and less heat generation to achieve stronger performance under the same power consumption . Then this is the mid-range CPU energy efficiency curve we drew. Let’s review it for everyone. We will disassemble every mobile phone. Use fake batteries to measure power consumption and we will not only measure the energy efficiency at the peak point, but also gradually reduce the frequency to measure the CPU energy efficiency at various points from high frequency to low frequency to fit a curve to fully understand the performance of a CPU . The upper abscissa is the power consumption of the motherboard, and the ordinate is the CPU performance The higher the position in the upper left corner, the better the energy efficiency. Sure enough, in terms of energy efficiency, 7+Gen2 and Dimensity 8100, 8200 are not at the same level as other mid-range CPUs. The gap is huge . Then the CPU energy efficiency in the "true mid-range" is huge. The best thing is that the 778G is called a god U, after all, it has some skills, right? Otherwise, why are there so many people blowing it up? But to be honest, this 778G is just like that. Its energy efficiency is still not as good as that of the Snapdragon 865 and Dimensity 8100. The 778G is actually only at the level of energy efficiency of the 888. The low frequency is better than the 888, that's all. 778G is already the strongest among them. It’s better to say that mid-range CPUs generally have mediocre energy efficiency. The thing I didn’t expect the most here is actually Dimensity 1200. I thought that four A78+ TSMC 6nm would be no problem to mix with 865 level. The energy efficiency is not as good as that of 888 and Dimensity 8100 of the same A78. This is completely unexpected to me. I feel that Dimensity 1200 may have some design mistakes at that time, and it did not exert the efficiency that this specification should have at all. Of course According to the standard of pure mid-range, it can still compete with Qualcomm’s Samsung’s 7Gen1 and 780G. As expected , it lost to TSMC’s 778G, but it’s actually not bad compared to Fa Ge. The energy efficiency of these two is slightly inferior to 855. But compared to Fa Ge The various 6+2 specifications here , even the U made by TSMC, are still stronger, such as the Dimensity 920 and 1080, which are well matched with the Snapdragon 695 and 4Gen1. The energy efficiency of the mid-low frequency is basically close to the high-frequency because Qualcomm’s relatively low frequency does not exist. Fa Ge’s side is to trade more power consumption for more performance. Anyway, compared to medium and high frequency energy efficiency, the four physical cores are still more powerful than these dual cores , and then there is the 4Gen2 Samsung. It’s no surprise that it’s a little worse than 4Gen1’s energy efficiency , and its architecture is even more backward. With two A76’s, the Dimensity 700’s energy efficiency is naturally even worse , but there’s nothing wrong with it . The energy efficiency of these low-end CPUs made with modern technology is even better than that of the old flagships like 845. It is definitely not the same dimension as outdated things like G85 and 662. Finally, for comparison, we also put in Huawei’s newly released Kirin 9000S. Look, although its energy efficiency is not much better than 888, but there is one thing to say, it is still quite capable of playing among this group of mid-range children. The entire real mid-range is only 778G can reach its level. It should be said that these low-end chips are positioned as CPUs . The energy efficiency is quite close. The few light flagships are compared with the supermodels. To be honest, the remaining ones are mixed . On the contrary, in terms of extreme performance, everyone is quite far behind. This affects the fluency of the instantaneous burst. This gap is widened in the GPU. You can see the peak performance of the GPU. The Dimensity 700 of the mid-range floor and the high-end Dimensity Ji 8200 GPU even has a difference of 5 times, but the selling price of the corresponding models is not even a few hundred yuan, so if you have game needs, the difference is such a small hundreds of dollars . The performance of Mali GPU here , especially the performance of previous generations of Vulkan is generally not as good as that of OpenGL, while Qualcomm GPU is just the opposite. The support for Vulkan is generally better. Let’s take a look at the energy efficiency curves of various GPUs. When it comes to GPUs, 7+Gen2 is The existence of a completely unique gear is significantly higher than the Dimensity 8100 and 8200. In fact, the GPU placed in the previous flagships can pull out a large portion of the mid-range , but now these quasi-flagships come out and win a few games. The flagship GPUs of years ago like 888, 865 and Adreno 600 old architecture are easy. As a reference, the Kirin 9000S is also in this position and is close to the 888. Let's take a look at the GPU of the "true mid-range" chip below . Come to think of it, the GPU with the best energy efficiency is actually 7Gen1! I expected this, because 7Gen1 uses an 865 GPU. If the size of the GPU is 778G, the GPU size is too small. Only relying on TSMC technology to support the energy efficiency will not be too bad. Dimensity 1200 energy efficiency is about the same level as 778G , but he The ultimate performance is much higher. For a machine with good heat dissipation, the theoretical game performance must be more powerful. The good news is that the GPU energy efficiency of these mid-range machines has already beaten the Snapdragon 855. The Dimensity 920 and 1080 GPU energy efficiency is close to the level of 855, followed by Dimensity 820 , and the lower-end Dimensity 700 and Snapdragon 4Gen1, 695 GPU energy efficiency is even worse. Basically it is at the level of 845. The most outrageous thing is that the new 4Gen2 has no extreme performance and the energy efficiency is far worse . The energy efficiency can be seen. The gap between outdated products like 662 and G85 is much larger than that of modern GPUs . I feel that their energy efficiency curve is almost flat. I have to say that our mobile phone GPU is still strong after so many years. After drawing a large part of the energy efficiency curve for everyone, I believe that you should have a clearer understanding of these mid-range and low-end chips, right? In fact, even the 778G with better energy efficiency is far behind the flagship and quasi-high-end platforms , but the limit of these mid-range chips is not high. Speaking of which, our criteria for judging the performance of mobile phones has been spoiled by all kinds of flagship phones. It seems that the original God can’t run at 60 frames and is electronic waste. But in fact, these low-end phones are the mainstream in the market, especially low-end phones. I am quite curious about the experience of playing games on these machines. First of all, I would like to remind everyone that our game testing can only catch the typical ones. It is impossible for us to test every machine with the same chip, so the results of the game test. It can only represent that the model we tested is for reference only. I hope you can understand it. Then let’s start with a simple one. Let’s take a look at the test of King of Glory HD 60 frames. It should be said that it is king for modern mobile phones. HD 60 fps is the most basic game appeal. The mid-range machines here perform well. The only ones that don’t reach 60 fps are 662 and G85. This is also expected. These two are indeed among today’s test players. The old ones exist, so why don’t we compare the power consumption of the whole machine for the remaining mid-range machines ? As expected, the strongest power consumption ratio is also the 7+Gen2 Note12Turbo King 60 frames. The whole machine is 2.4W, which is really quite energy-saving. Ah, Dimensity 8100’s K50 follows closely behind and is equally powerful. Among the models we tested, the ones with relatively low power consumption are basically some newly released platforms. The only exception is 4Gen2, the new U that just came out, which ranks against the sky. In 60 fps, the third-to-last two power consumption machines are Dimensity 700 and Dimensity 800U machines. This has something to do with scheduling. Redmi Note9 5G and Redmi Note11E are the kings of the game with very high frequencies. This seems to be fundamental. It's not difficult, let's put more intensity on it! Let’s take Yuanshen out and have a look. Although Yuanshen has updated Fontaine , we have measured that the pressure on Sumeru City is the greatest, so the running map route is still the same as the original running map of Xumi City Shuangfeng Yelan. Then we don’t need to turn on the full special effects for these mid-range machines. Just turn on the middle special effects and it’s more in line with their positioning. Let’s see who can run. Sure enough, there is no surprise. The group with the best results is more than The 50-frame model is only a few of our old friends, Dimensity 8100, Dimensity 8200 and 7+Gen2 models. Among them, the 7+Gen2 Redmi Note12Turbo performs the best, while the frame rate is higher and the power consumption of the whole machine is higher. Only 5.1W is a bit better than the energy efficiency of two Dimensity. After all, it is the reincarnation of the flagship chip, and it is still a bit capable. But this time, no player in the mid-range machine can achieve 60 frames in the whole process . Let’s take a look at the second gear. It is in the range of higher than 30 frames and lower than 50 frames. The so-called mid-range machines with normal performance, such as 7Gen1, 6Gen1, 782G, Dimensity 820, and Dimensity 1200 machines, regardless of their energy efficiency, they are at least in the game. Being able to run above 30 frames is a playable performance , and the old flagship machines we tested , such as 845, 855 , and 870, also ran in this range above 30 frames and below 50 frames . First, let’s talk about 7Gen1, 782G, The frame rates of 6Gen1 and Dimensity 820 are relatively close , but what I didn’t expect is that Honor’s 6Gen1 has a faster frame rate than Xiaomi’s CIVI2’s 7Gen1. Looking at the frequency, it can be seen that it is well tuned. Quite just. Of course , the price is that the power consumption of the whole machine at 5.1W is almost catching up with the quasi-flagship machine. In contrast, the 7Gen1 Xiaomi CIVI2 will drop 30 frames while running , right ? I feel that this has something to do with the adjustment, too conservative, but the new 782G machine from OPPO has a good energy efficiency and successfully overturned the 7Gen1 in the game . The Dimensity 820 Redmi 10X has this tune. Even if it’s shitty, the CPU frequency keeps fluctuating up and down, and the frame rate also fluctuates up and down. Obviously, the theoretical performance of the processor is okay, and the frame rate is not low, but the game experience is really not good. Dimensity is also suffering. The tuning of the 1200 Redmi K40G is also quite one-size-fits-all. It is directly set at a frequency that is not very high. Considering that this is a "gaming phone", I think the tuning is not qualified. Let's take a look at some old flagships Well, it seems that the Snapdragon 845 is really cheap and quite old. Our OnePlus 6T is barely capable of playing Yuanshen Sumi City at 30 frames, while the performance of the 855 Mi 9 is much better , even better than the 870 K40. Just a little bit, the power consumption of the whole machine has also soared to 5.8W. These two machines are the last gear that can run at 40 frames. We are going to talk about the unqualified machines. If you can’t run at 30 frames, don’t you It is said that half of the mid-range machines participating in this test are unqualified. Of course, there are also some that are not far from 30 frames , such as 778G, 780G, 695, 4Gen1, Dimensity 1080, 920, and 800U. More than 10000 frames is barely enough for daily life, as long as you can bear the lag, you can still use it for ten minutes or twenty minutes, while Snapdragon 4Gen2, 662, Dimensity 810, Dimensity 700, G99, G85 are 24 If the frame is not enough, just say goodbye to the game of Yuanshen. If you want to play, you should go to the cloud game obediently. In addition to Yuanshen, we also tested Honkai this time: Xingqiong Railway is also quite embarrassing . The biggest problem with mid-range machines is Since most of the models have not been optimized for this game just after it came out, let ’s test the picture quality of Xianzhou Luofu for everyone. This time, there is a machine that performs very well, that is, the 7+Gen2 Note12Turbo is almost The whole process is full of 60 frames, and the power consumption is also controlled at 4.7W, which is quite beautiful. You can see that the scheduling is very active and the adjustment is quite good. As a new machine, it is a machine from Redmi that specially optimizes the collapse of iron. It is also expected. It should be said that Bengtie has dropped to medium image quality. GPU requirements are much lower. The performance is actually better than Yuanshen. Among other machines, Dimensity 8100’s K50 performs well and is also close to 60 frames. On the contrary, Dimensity The 8200 K60E is very hip. This scheduling is obviously problematic. The power consumption of such a small frame rate has reached 5.6W, which is a bit confusing. It can maintain 60 frames for 10 minutes, and it will start to reduce the frequency when it can't hold on later. This is not surprising . After all, the average power consumption of the whole machine is 5.9W . 855 and Dimensity 1200, these two can run to about 50 frames, and they are still relatively smooth. If they are older, like 845, they will not be able to run so powerfully, but OnePlus 6T is still relatively good. After the frequency is fully used, the frequency will be reduced, but the average of the whole process is 36 frames, which is considered playable for turn-based games. Others who can run up to 30 frames include 7Gen1, 6Gen1, 782G, 780G, and 778G . Ji 1080, 920, 820, 800U, have you noticed that there seem to be many more qualified machines than Yuanshen ? After all, the GPU heavy load game reduces the quality pressure and the pressure is reduced. In essence, the optimization of the collapse iron is not too bad and Compared with Yuanshen, at least most of the mid-range machines can still play , but the adjustment of a few Fage machines here is a bit weird. Take Dimensity 920 Redmi Note11Pro as an example. If you look at its frequency, you will find wow what is this? The frequency reduction strategy against the sky is too big. The ups and downs, including the Dimensity 800U and Dimensity 820 models, will also encounter this kind of weird frequency modulation when they run down the iron. What exactly the engineer thinks is also quite confusing. The next ones are Snapdragon 695, G99, and Dimensity 810. They don’t sound like machines that can be played, but they can run 30 frames when the frequency is not reduced. Not bad, of course, it won’t last long after the frequency is lowered. These few players can’t run the medium quality. In the end, they can’t run the game at all. Like 4Gen2 662 Dimensity 700 G85, these are not likely to be expected. This game can't run at all, so don't think too much. In fact, after doing so many tests today, I can only help you judge the energy efficiency of these low-end platforms and run games so that you can avoid pitfalls. But you know what I most want to do is not actually games , but the battery life of various mid-to-low-end phones and the fluency of daily use. Although the energy efficiency curve is to a certain extent an allusion to battery life, heat and fluency , it is not the best after all. In a comprehensive way, you are like the attitudes of various manufacturers towards the adjustment of low-end and mid-end machines. I think it is worth talking about , but this is completely unrealistic in terms of time to measure. We are only doing these energy efficiency curves and games now. The test took more than three months , so I still have some regrets. Fortunately, from today's test, I can see a lot of clues in the adjustment. For example, some hardware in the game is not bad, but it can't be adjusted at all . Hey, I won’t go into details, and you have all seen it. We have updated all the energy efficiency curve data in the video to our socpk.com . Interested students can go to the website to see the update of the mid-range machine. After that, I feel that the entire energy efficiency curve has become a lot more substantial. Do you think so? I suggest that you can use the filter to choose the comparison you want to see. To be honest, making videos for low-end and mid-range mobile phone chips is really thankless for you. I saw that this market is actually quite boring and there is nothing to be excited about, but there are so many students who really have mid-to-low-end purchase needs. If we don’t do it at this time, we may really not have much data to refer to. So we It’s also based on the requirement that not many people will watch it, but the video must be made, so I published this issue. If you think our efforts have not been in vain, it’s not bad. Then you must like Sanlian to support us. This is our recognition . Then please pay attention to our channel . If you want, you can also visit the Taobao store "Geek Bay Store" to buy some of our peripherals . Then the above is this episode of the program That's all. See you next time. Bye.
Channel: 极客湾Geekerwan
Views: 131,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XgRP9zPbego
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Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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