不知道這個致命缺點,買完一定會後悔! feat. M3 Max Macbook 14英吋評測/開箱/優點缺點總結/對比M1 Max|大耳朵TV
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Channel: 大耳朵TV
Views: 113,025
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Keywords: 苹果, 蘋果, iphone, ipad, airpods, applewatch, Macbook, MacbookPro, M1, APP, 軟體, 軟件, vlog, 大耳朵TV, apple, m3max, macbookpro, M2芯片, M2, 晶片, MacbookAir, 购买, 方法, 选择, 如何, 推荐, 購買, 選擇, 推薦, 开箱, 评测, 開箱, 評測, 购买建议, 买前必看, 优点, 缺点, 購買建議, 買前必看, 優點, 缺點, m3芯片, m3max芯片, 购买指南, 14英寸, 16英寸, m3, m1, m1max, m2pro, m3pro, m1pro, 指南, 購買指南, 缺陷
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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