三星One UI 6.0更新!背景播放YouTube 還有9個超好用功能升級!One UI 5.1的差異?
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Channel: 3cTim哥生活日常
Views: 67,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3ctim, 3ctim哥生活的日常, 3c達人, 3c達人tim哥, tim哥, tim哥3c, tim哥youtube, tim哥开箱, tim哥開箱, 开箱, tim哥科技午報, 三星, samsung, 三星one ui, oneui, 三星小技巧, 三星 小技巧, samsung 小技巧, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, Galaxy S23, Galaxy S23+, galaxy s23 ultra, samsung galaxy s23 ultra, one ui 5.1, one ui 5.1 update, 三星one ui 5.1技巧, one ui 5.1更新, one ui 6.0更新, one ui 6.0升級, one ui 6.0小技巧, one ui 6.0技巧, One UI 5.1 vs One UI 6.0, One UI 6.0小技巧, 三星One UI 6.0更新, one ui 6.0更新 教學, 三星One UI 6.0教學, 三星 one ui 6.0教學, samsung one ui 6.0
Id: N_lTr4IXPh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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